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Dangerously Damaged
Chapter 9 (NSFW)


December 28th, 2009

The loss of so many capes at my hands fueled the Empire Eighty-Eight’s hatred for all those who weren’t them. It was tribalism at its worst.

Though the upper echelons of the criminal organization knew better than to attack their rivals at the worst point of their organization’s existence, the same could not be said about the lesser members and the grunts. This was the exact situation that they feared, and the fact that the capes who promised to protect them, to fight in their stead against the “unfair” heroes and “ruinous” villains, made people change their minds.

Overnight, hundreds of unthinking grunts struck out in some kind of revenge aimed at everyone else in the city. As expected, infiltrators disseminating the deaths of three Empire capes and the grunts’ aggressive attacks led to retaliation from the rest of the city’s powers.

They no longer possessed my immediate


Taylor moaned deliriously underneath me as I plowed into her.

Her wet sex squished every time I clapped her ass and hilted myself completely in her.

In the aftermath of my revenge on Emma, Anne, and Taylor's behalves, we have been fucking and loving nonstop.

All of my girls sported lovely early pregnancy bumps now, and I got my libido roaring looking at the trio of them when they greeted me with nearly nothing on them after I came back home.

Laying on her front, hands clutching the sheets, and legs spread before me, Taylor was currently on her fifth turn. Anne had already satisfied herself with seven and Emma was currently sleeping after she sucked me off to three climaxes and let me abuse her vagina for another four.

Taylor had all of my attention now, and she took me in like a champ.

She mumbled incoherently as she shuddered again and her vagina coiled.

I pulled her wait up a little higher as I pumped in and out of her. I heard her hissing, whimpering, and mewling, which made my dick harder and throb more often, as I "used" her through her own climax.

It wasn't long before I felt my ecstasy start climbing.

If it wasn't for my inhuman body, then I would have tapped out hours ago.

"More…!" she moaned and I took her up on her offer. I slammed into her faster and harder, and she squealed, clawing at the bed, even as her vagina milked me.


I hilted myself completely as I came and groaned as I felt her vagina get warmer with my cum filling her up.

I pulled out of her after that and watched as her already filled pussy released a brief stream of sticky cum.

She shakily flipped herself over and let out a gasp.

I pondered her for a moment.

Unlike Anne and Emma, she hadn't done much with her mouth tonight…

I crawled over to where her head was and lightly slapped my dick on top of her lips.

She glared up at me and I grinned back at her.

After a moment of deliberation, she acted her wet lips and opened her mouth before taking the tip of my magecraft-reinforced hard dick.

She sucked on my dick as she bobbed her head tiredly, using her tongue to clean my dick as thoroughly.

I let her pop off on my dick and she waved me away as she swallowed.


I laid down next to her, which was also next to soundless sleeping Emma. I'd really done a number on her to leave her so exhausted as to sleep through Taylor's screams and squeals.

"Okay," I replied equally shortly and allowed myself to sleep.


Anne finished the last of her homework that she should have finished hours ago. Research was already tiring enough as it was. Unfortunately, being her shared boyfriend's victory cum-dump for three hours hadn't given her more time or energy to deal with her work. Oh, she volunteered for it, mostly because she did feel grateful, horny, and happy as did Taylor and Emma.

The vindictiveness she'd felt when she heard the Empire capes and their goons' deaths at Brandon's hands had been both shameful and justified. She felt bad about feeling good about someone else's death. She also felt good because her parents and uncle had been avenged.

It also put some things into perspective

Yes, her parents died. No, she wasn't going to quit studying. She didn't because she knew that mom and dad wouldn't want her to just stop studying but also because she didn't want to be a high school dropout.

Sure, Brandon will definitely take care of her, Emma, and Taylor. She's seen the wealth he had on other worlds. She's seen his powers from afar and up close. Yeah, she wasn't going to college after she graduated high school. She would probably be too busy breastfeeding babies and getting her pregnant on his dick again.

Did she want to do more?

… she didn't know. She hadn't expected to become some cape's fuck toy and broodmare, but she also didn't expect to fall in love with him and get his help avenging her family.

So what if she and Emma became happy sluts for him?

It might not be what dad and mom had envisioned for them but Anne didn't see a better future. Oh, she might take up college later but it wouldn't be here in Brockton Bay. No, if anything, she was only staying to keep in contact with relatives and friends. Once she graduated, she was gone. She'll also probably ask Brandon to get them away from Brockton Bay. Emma and Taylor certainly deserved to enjoy their high school years without Brockton Bay's problems looming over them more than it's already done.

That was the best she could do right now as a big sister.


February 10th, 2010

Emma sighed as she turned away from her now former home.

Brandon helped get all of the important things from their houses.

Momentos, clothes, cash, documents, and et cetera.

Anne also became an adult just last week, which let her get custody over her and Taylor.

The judge had been less than enthusiastic about giving their custody to Anne because she didn't have a job even though she had an inheritance from dad, but Brandon went in and had a talk with the judge or something to solve the problem.

Her pregnancy was coming along. It's been… almost six months since she met him. It’s also been three months since dad and mom died, which was why all of them were moving out of the bay. Anne already had picked out a house in Albany, New York.

Taylor was the most reluctant but she agreed mostly because Brandon reassured her that she could visit Brockton Bay any time she liked with his portals. He also connected alleys between Brockton Bay's 5th Street and Albany's 5th Street along with Philadelphia or something. He laughed to himself about that, muttering about "my own Three Portlands except it's Three Fifth Streets."

He was doing weird cape stuff, basically, and less baby preparation stuff.

Thankfully, she could go out to buy them because Brandon used his powers to make them all protected and illusioned, so no one saw their baby bumps (or rather, it was ignored because Emma knew for a fact that she wasn't ready to become scrutinized by people talking about teenage moms).


In Brockton Bay, the balance of power had been upturned.

The death of so many gangsters and capes and then the subsequent lashing out from the lower ranks of the Empire Eighty-Eight gang started a four-way gang war with the Protectorate, PRT, and New Wave trying to manage the situation so that it didn’t break out into a city-wide destructive orgy.

During January, the Empire Eighty-Eight began a steady retreat from all but their core territory in the suburbia. It was a messy war that saw a hundred dead in the first two weeks, an unprecedented number of casualties even for a city like Brockton Bay. The last time such a record had been set, the Slaughterhouse Nine had visited the city.

Then in the following weeks, capes died.

The Merchants pushed too deep and too far. They ignored everyone’s warnings, including that of the E88, and struck at one of the bars known to be E88 sympathizer. A half-day-long fight broke out. At the end of it, Mush from the Merchants and Cricket from the Empire were dead.

Now, how did this connect to my continued appearance in Brockton Bay?

While we did move our civilian home to Albany, I created a connection between the new home and Brockton Bay through the 5th Street alleys. What I had done was to connect these alleys via space “shortening” and then expanded that “shortened” space into a pocket dimension.

It was a combined version of Harry Potter’s Diagon Alley and the Three Portlands from the SCP universe. I intended to use my new pocket dimension as sort of a highway between Brockton Bay, Albany, and Philadelphia… and also worlds outside those occupied by the Shards Network.

Shards do not work in space. Whether this was because of their inability to extend their power range, innate restrictions, or implemented restrictions made to keep shard hosts on Earth where they could be more easily managed, the fact was that shards and their hosts remained stationary on a solar system scale.

By making a pocket dimension spatially connected to Earth Bet and then extending that range to other worlds, I made a safe haven where I could “wield” parahumans while keeping myself separated from the mess of Earth Bet and its sister Earths.

In essence?

I would be building a kingdom of my own.


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