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A/N: Yay, chapter 40.

An Arcanist in Karakura Town

Chapter 40


Aizen had not felt a rage of this level in a very long time.

He couldn’t remember the last time he felt like this, actually.

‘Here I am, building my tiddy little sand castle,’ he thought broodingly. ‘And the new boy in the sandbox came and kicked it down effortlessly.’

His plan to create the King’s Key and gain access to the Soul King’s Palace was thwarted in the most asinine and flamboyant fashion possible. How was it even possible to disperse concentrated spiritual particles in a location? That went against the very nature of spiritual essence. Spiritual essence always sought to coalesce into denser concentrations. It was the antithesis to material laws of physics, which spoke of the heat death of the universe. Where the material world saw movement of particles from high to low concentration as right and normal, in the spiritual world, movement of particles from low to high concentration, especially for spiritual essence, as normal.

Yet, Magician Marris did the unlikely and dispersed a condensed spiritual essence in an area by detonating a spiritual bomb over it.

In Sosuke’s eyes, Marris rose up from being “irritant and annoyance” to “highly dangerous with unknown means.”

This, of course, necessitated removal, but the magician was known for his impenetrable fortress and even more infamous “anti-spirit” measures. From what his spies have told him, Kuchiki Rukia nearly suffered Final End at the hands of the magician.

Aizen thought about that. Could he possibly use that incident as an excuse to turn Soul Society fully against the magician? Aizen would just stay quiet for the duration of their spat, and when they least expected him, he would strike and fell them both.

The plan needed some more finer detailing, consideration, and on-spot adjustments, but it could work.

In the mean time, he would have to contact his human contacts.

They would appreciate learning about an illegal western magician setting up a fortress in their backyard.



It was an island nation with a long history that would find most western nations coming up short. With an unbroken lineage of rulers and the longest, continuous independence, there was no other nation and people who could challenge Japan for the title of the Oldest Nation.

Any Chinese proclaiming that China was the oldest nation was not only stupid but factually wrong; China not only got conquered by the Mongols and became part of the Yuan Dynasty, who weren’t Chinese, but they suffered continuous political changes, never mind the dynastic changes.

“Grandpa, you’re complaining about the Chinese again.”

He immediately smiled and patted his granddaughter on the head.

“I’m sorry, Hina. You know how we old people get,” he chortled. She didn’t know that he was there to fight the Qing (another non-Chinese people who came down and conquered the whole of China) as a stupid, young lad who believed the “superiority of Yamato.”

What bollocks. What a young man he had been, passionate about the propaganda and lies politicians and then then old timers spread to boost their own ego.

… What was he thinking about?

There was a shuffle, and then the door to his living room opened. Kneeling on the floor with his head bowed down was a messenger from the Association. He could tell that it was an Association messenger from the traditional, white cotton gi he wore and the messenger box painted in persimmon ink the man carried on his back.


His granddaughter sighed. “I’ll be in my room, grandpa.”

“You can also start on your homework, sweetie.”


He chuckled as Hina left the room and walked upstairs before turning to the messenger. “What is it, messenger?”

The said man quickly pulled out a letter.

He took it and briefly glanced at the sender.

Not a lot of people wrote “dear old friend” in old kanji these days. He could tell that this was the old Modern Japanese kanji from the inflections and the usage of kyujitai and classical era kana-zukai.

He broke the simple red seal and pulled out the letter within.

He read through it and frowned.

“I see. An old acquaintance of main has come through once again in providing us with valuable information.”


A pesky western mage settling in Japan, within Tokyo, without permission from the Association?

This was a breach of rules as agreed upon between the western Confederation and Japan’s Imperial Spirit Association.

“Assemble the 4th District Onmyouji. I will personally go to expel this gaijin from our lands,” he growled.

“Hai!” the messenger bowed before quickly leaving his manor.

It was only a single magician, hardly worth the attention of the 4th District’s entire onmyouji retainers. Perhaps just a handful would do? Regardless, he would do his job as the Imperial Executioner, because if there was one thing he learned in his long life, it was that gaijins were troublesome bastards that caused no end to troubles for Japan.


A/N: so we now have a semi-racist who’s been part of world wars and is the local magician in charge of Japanese magical-military affairs… and he is gunning for Alan. Who are you going to bet on?



Those poor Onmyouji have no fucking clue what they are about to walk into.