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Family Business
Chapter 41


The Battle of the Stairs to Glory (that’s what the actual stairs leading up to the palace was called) became stuff of legends.

For others.

For me, it had been all a blur as I swung and swung and stabbed and swung and screamed and watched -.

I also didn’t get out of the battle as whole as I would have liked. Between having to fight as my own men and women died around me and having to up the ante every time someone died and left a hole in the defense, I overextended my inexperienced ass on more than one occasion and had to use my potions to keep myself moving.

I took a particularly nasty stab to my stomach just as my last regeneration potion lost its effect. I got it fixed as soon as it was possible, but if the battle had continued….

If Lux hadn’t arrive and blasted when she did, then I might have died.

Unfortunately for me, the wound had festered long enough for something to get at me. Something not normal. Something … festering and malevolent. Worse, the regeneration potion covered it up, and sealed the source of whatever soon began to ail me within me.

I really thought that I was just tired! At least, I wasn’t bleeding out or dying, so maybe that eurkea moment of how great life was might have distracted me a little!

As it was, I just had to settle with cussing out Viego for making his minions use magic poison.


“FUCKKKK!!!” I hissed as the healers around me tied me down to the bed.

I hadn’t even noticed it with how tired and pained I’d been in, but it became rather noticeable when I collapsed in a meeting with an equally tired and worn out king and crown prince.

Oh, yes, collapsing while screaming and bleeding from my orifices tended to be very noticeable.


One of the healers shoved a towel-wrapped stick into my mouth, and I clenched my teeth into it.


My body felt too hot. Too cold. Too fluid! Too stiff! I wanted out! LET ME OUT! LETMEOUT!

And then…


She never saw Marris hurt.

He was always too smart, too strong, or just too powerful to get hurt. The few times he did get cuts, he just healed himself with his ointments or potions!

She never saw him…

Like that.

One of the healers walked out of the room, and Lux could see how tired she looked but she had to know.

“How is he?” she demanded, but even to her ears, she sounded more desperate than demanding and authoritative. “Is he going to be okay?”


She winced at the scream echoing out from that room.

The healer looked troubled and apologetic. “I’m sorry,” he spoke up when the scream died down to muffled grunts and screams. “His condition… we’re not even sure what is attacking him. It’s not poison nor is it some kind of allergic reaction. What we could tell is that his magic is burning, and the only person who might be able to make some sort of counter to that -”

“Is my brother.”

“At least in Demacia, yes.”

Sona, who was next to her, frowned before nodding resolutely. “{Then allow me to try something,}” the bluenette “spoke” using music of her magic.

Lux looke at her fellow haremette. “What do you have in mind?” she asked.

“{I can try to sooth his pain at the very least. His screams are … heart-rendering.}”

Lux felt herself tear as the very scream Sona pointed out rang out again.

“Please. Try anything.”

Sona nodded resolutely before the three of them walked into the room, and they saw Marr straining against the magically reinforced leather straps currently keeping him down. There were even two initiate healers who’d thrown themselves on top of Marr, and their entire bodies bucked every time her brother bucked. She sat down at the corner and began playing her famous instrument.

The hue of the air turned green, and Lux felt a bit calmer. A bit safer.

And then … Marr finally relaxed. He was still sweating profusely, but he wasn’t screaming anymore at the very least.

“Thank you, Lady Buvelle,” the head healer bowed. “We will also do our part in healing our lord.”

But it was unspoken that they had no idea what to do beyond keeping him from hurting himself and feeding him.

Lux wanted to cry at her helplessness. She didn’t want to see him like this. She’d rather be the one in pain and be the one bleeding!

But then she remembered Vayne. That woman who had once come to hurt them all was out there right now, seeking to strike down the source of the evil plaguing all of the lands.

‘Please hurry, Vayne!’


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