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The App
Chapter 7


Eidolon’s death by Jack Slash and the latter’s death to Simurgh sunk morale like nothing else could. Even the most optimistic activists feared the streets. People scurried around. Didn’t take vacation. Shoulders hunched forward. Clothes covered a little more.

Just visually speaking, it felt like the world got colder.

Alexandria’s rampage across the Southwest had the opposite effect of assurance. People saw a dark side to her that they hadn’t associated with heroes. By the time the flying brick hero got control of her rage enough to stop, the public had already grown weary of heroes, not after a picture of Alexandria walking out of a broken villain’s base, drenched from head to toe in blood and walked away as if the blood meant nothing to her.

Legend tried his best to run damage control, and he remained perhaps the only powerful hero that the public looked up to.

Unfortunately, villains took this chance to act out. Murders, theft, rapes, and extortions tripled for a whole month. In a single month, there was half a million casualties. It was like the USA was waging a war against all villains, but the government’s ineffectual methods led to the people taking up arms on their own.

With armed civilians on one end, rise of oppotunistic and violent villains on the other, and ragged government agencies and heroes in the middle, the whole of the USA felt like it was being frayed at the seams…

The App, the creator of Ask Mel!, decided that this was the perfect time to announce its second app.

The Tournament of Titans.

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Today is June 21, 2009.

♦Topic: Mel’s Tavern and the Tournament of Titans!

In: Boards ► General Forums ► Tech Talk

The_App (Unverified Cape)(Ask Mel! Creator/Founder)
Posted on June 21, 2009:
Hello, world!
Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen, to Parahuman Online forum.
Today, I am here to announce two new functions to Ask Mel! in assisting with your daily lives!
The first of these two updates is the Mel’s Tavern!
Mel’s Tavern is a free-to-use online voice, text, and video chat function where you can create your own servers and invite your friends! I use my best encryption for this app, so no one can look at your messages if you don’t want them to!
The other update is the Tournament of Titans! This app is for everyone above the age of 16. What is it? It is what it sounds like!
The Tournament of Titans is an invitation from me and Mel for you to have harmless - and better yet, profitable - fun! This extension of our Ask Mel! app allows you to sign up for tournaments. These tournaments can range from a simple game of cards to massive multiplayer
And how would you participate in the tournaments?
Is this some kind of computer game?
Our answer is a resounding No!
With the Tournament of Titans, you enter each of these tournaments as yourself! The Tournament of Titans can teleport you and give you a fake body to play with everyone! If you wish to join in a high-speed dodgeball, then you can! If you want to go for a shooter, then you can! Do you want to become a knight? Tell us what kind of battlefield you want to go on~!
But this is not all.
Oh no no!
If you decide to participate in one of our sponsored tournaments and competitions, then you can earn yourself a prize from us! The harder the competition or the challenge, the better the prize~.
Did you want to get a Secretive Subscription? Well, we have a “Fight against the Dragon God” Challenge! Did you want to save your dying mother? Then climb Mount Gold with nothing but your hands and feet and earn the Flask of Life at its peak!
And if you think yourself worthy of a power…?
We have it, too.
Please read the contract before making an account with Ask Mel!
I hope you enjoy both the Tavern and the Tournaments!

Tin_Mother (Moderator)
Posted on June 21, 2009:
Thread is currently locked pending investigation.
Edit: thread is reopened. FYI I will also be gone for a few weeks.

Posted on June 21, 2009:
Yeah, this shit is dope. Like, the Tavern thing is a little bit meh, but it’s free, you can ask Mel questions in it, and it’s the only place you can access the Tournament from.
I made a tournament for dodgeball, just because that’s what the App up there threw out. Didn’t need to input anything aside from a few win conditions and lose conditions. Once there were two people, minimum for a dodgeball game, I … just teleported?
Like, fucking hell, I was in, like, a high school gym, and my friend, the other guy, was also there.
I pegged him in the face.
Tournament’s dope. Has to be tinkertech, but what kind of tinkertech can my friend from New Zealand and me from, like, Missouri, make us be able to throw shit, feel a small bit of pain from being pegged, and make us think that, like, yeah, this is fake, but it feels so real?
I don’t know, man. I like it, but it’s like… funky.

Posted on June 21, 2009:
I got to walk again after nine years.
Mel, The_App thank you.

Posted on June 21, 2009:
Wow, this is actually legit.
I got to fight a dragon.
Check that. I got to experience what getting eaten by a dragon feels like.

Bagrat (Veteran Member)(The Guy in the Know)
Posted on June 21, 2009:
I don’t have a lot of words? I mean, the PRT does. The Elite does. The Gesellschaft does. The CUI does.
But I don’t.
I tried that “Mount Gold.” Do you know what I saw?
I saw a mountain that pierced through the clouds at near-vertical climb, monsters of all kinds at the ground and air, and I was naked.
I saw a werewolf, shat myself in the game, and forfeited.
The game congratulated me on surviving but gave me a 10-day suspension for that challenge for forfeiting.
I haven’t pissed my real-life pants, but fuck, I am still scared.

Well, the PRT already tried a lot of experiments, and it sucks for them that they can’t break the Tavern’s encryption. A software tinker working for the PRT called the Tavern’s system “locked down harder than a politician’s Swiss bank account.” They could not get in at all.

The_App (Unverified Cape)(Ask Mel! Creator/Founder)
Posted on June 21, 2009:
We have our first winner of the streamed sponsored Challenges!
Challenge: Roman Gladiator, Win 5 fights!
Winner: Bastard Son of the Elite
Congratulations! Your reward has been dropped off to location you requested. Enjoy your 5 charges of the 10 second invulnerability potion!
Personally, we think you can try something harder.

Reave (Verified PRT Agent)
Posted on June 21, 2009:
PRT advises against untrained individuals from trying any of the harder or hard contact challenges offered by Mel. Even if you cannot be harmed thanks to the fake body, you can still get traumatized!

Posted on June 21, 2009:
I won a challenge!

The_App (Unverified Cape)(Ask Mel! Creator/Founder)
Posted on June 21, 2009:
No, you didn’t. You went buck naked against a boar and got gored.

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Richard Whereat

Looks like he needs The Mithril Pebble of Pig Smiting!


Maybe he was speed running for fastest death? You can never tell with Greg. His mind is a bag of cats.