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Greedy Cataloger
Chapter 2


"No way," Milly Ashford scrutinized her husband (she felt a little weird calling Alan that but also rather delighted).

"I'm not kidding," Alan grinned back at her.

She sat kneeling and nude on the bedroom floor while facing Alan who stood in front of her and just as nude as her.

She honestly felt great. She met a hot guy, made love to him, and got married (more or less). Did she mention that he was some kind of a superhuman who shared some of his power with her? Because thanks to him she was slightly superhuman. If that wasn't enough, then it was that he seemed to really like her, too.

Yes, she loved him. She didn't know how or why, but she did! To be loved in return? That really made her happy.

But this felt like a scam.

"There is no way your semen is nutritious."

If he just asked, then she would have sucked him off anyways. She would do that and more.

(Secretly, she wanted him to pin her down and plow her until she couldn't even stand up.)

However, Alan had been honest with her from the get-go, something she couldn't say about most guys from her previous life.

Milly looked at the throbbing dick in front of her and gulped.

It was one thing having that in her vagina. It was another having that in her mouth.

She took a hold of it with both of her hands, and brought it down horizontally to the ground. It was hot. Throbbing and stiff she still couldn't believe that something this thick and long had been inside her.

'I mean, I did experiment a little wlby myself,' she thought. 'But nothing this big…' She hadn't been that adventurous.

She looked up.

Alan met her eyes, and she didn't see anything deceitful in them like she saw often in Lelouch's eyes.

Looking back down on the dick, she cautiously began stroking him.

Surprisingly, neither of them were sweaty or smelly from yesterday night's sexy time, and nothing smelled right now, too!

As she stroked his shaft up and down, she remembered how her more adventurous hanger-ons from earlier academy years talked about how smelly things were after sex.

Milly didn't think they lied, but her experiences so far were much more pleasant.

She hesitated a little when his dick twitched and throbbed harder.

It's already been five minutes, and he still wasn't coming.

Nervously, she wondered if she needed to do something more. Something like… fellatio.

She knew intellectually she would have eventually done it with Alan, but on the second day of her life with him felt pushed.

But she opened her mouth, caring to tuck her teeth behind her lips, and gave the tip of his dick a lick.

She paused when Alan shuddered.

… she could get used to that.

She gave him another lick.



Her tongue ran under and then over.

Around and around.

Lick at the tip.

And then she leaned forward and closed her lips around his shaft. Her tongue ran wild inside, unsure and inexperienced, she knew, but hey, she was trying her best to make her man cu-!

She jolted when his dick throbbed before she felt a sudden gush of his cum in her mouth. She gagged a little at first before remembering his words and swallowed.

She wasn't sure how many times she swallowed because he kept cumming!

Finally, the flow stopped. Alan popped his dick out of her mouth and gave her a kiss while she stared forward in a daze.

"Thanks, honey," he told her, and she smiled a little from hearing him call her that as well as from just how full she was.

She still wasn't sure about his cum being nutritious or not, but she knew at least he could control the volume of his cum.

Because wow… swallowing a cup's worth of cum was not easy and it sat pretty heavily inside her stomach.

"I think you deserve something in return," he said as he kneeled down and pushed her on her back.

"E-eh?" she uttered as he put his head between her legs and-. "O-oh! Oh, God! Oh, that is-!" she squealed as his tongue invaded her.

The morning went by fast, and she left that room only after she had another load in her stomach and another in her womb.

This wasn't the life she imagined when she was in the academy but she really wouldn't trade it for anything else.


Sometime later, we sat side by side on the living room couch of the pocket dimension apartment with two cups of tea, one each in front of us on the low table.

“Man, there are a lot of teenage girls you’re going to perv on, huh?” Milly Ashford, first member of my harem, hummed as she looked over the list of names, descriptions, powers (or lack thereof), histories, and personalities of notable girls, teenagers, and women in this world.

Obviously, I was steering clear of little girls; I may become an enslaved but a pedophile, I was not. The very thought of it made me want to puke. Note to self: unless I stop being human, kill myself if I start being a pedophile.

"You seem to know awfully a lot about this 'Victoria Dallon,' 'Lisa Wilbourn,' and 'Taylor Hebert,'" Milly hummed as she read through the handwritten list.

After our amazing night and morning, I explained to her how I came to this world, my recruitment by the Company, my previous life, and what the Company expected. I didn't have any debt, so I was a free agent, which Milly was happy about. Despite her cheerful personality and ridiculous history, she was a very down to earth person.

Just not when she was planning for events and festivals.

Actually, I needed to ask her.

"So what do you think?" I asked her.

"Hmm, it isn't like you will tire yourself out pleasuring me and future harem members, so I want to say get all of them, but that won't work out," she hummed.

Yesterday night, we found out on the third round that exhaustion wasn't really a thing for me. Oh sure, I could become temporarily incapacitated from running out od energy on the spot, but it took only a minute to get back to full stamina.

I used my Biomorph Heritage to turn my arm into a mess of tendrils and back. Unlike the Shroud of Power, I needed some work getting used to being capable of complete control over biology, mine and others. That and being a psychic. It was odd how I can feel people's minds, which was only Milly at the moment.

"Why not?"

"You did describe Victoria here as being immature and volatile. I don't know about you, Alan, but I do not want to be on the receiving end of someone probably with a long history of collateral damage."

I whistled. "You got that much from what I wrote?"

She leaned into my shoulder and smirked. "I wasn't the student president for nothing, mister."

Wrapping an arm around her shoulders, I hummed. "Taylor and Victoria are protagonists of these worlds, Worm and Ward respectively." I told her that much.

"Oh. Well, we might want to avoid them then."

"I thought you might want to get them in. Why not?"

She smiled sadly. "Watching my friend die on TV for the bigger picture didn't really endear me to the bigger picture, and what are protagonists but victims of the public?"


"Then who else?"

She gave the list another look. She flipped through the packet until she stopped at …

"Emma Barnes?" I asked incredulously. "She's -."

"A broken teenage girl so warped that her only future was a sad death in prison of her making as the world came to an end. I do not like what she is, but you can use your Shroud thing on her and at least make her servile. If she remains so warped and broken, then you can safely sell her to the Company," she explained thoroughly. "She's an easy target, has ties with the local elites if limited in number, and more."

… though it was unexpected, I understood how she so easily came up with her explanation and reasons: I underestimated her Britannian heritage.

“Anyone else?”

“I’m sure you have your own list of women to go after,” she cooed. “No need to get my approval, though I do appreciate it.”

I snorted. “This is my future harem, I’ll have you know.”

“Keep thinking that.”

Huffing, we just enjoyed sitting next to each other.

I wasn’t interested in pushing for a min-max work-life. No, I would take it slowly with lots of fun in between anything stressful.

Still, I did have my own candidates for who would become the next harem member. Generally speaking, I wanted someone who could protect herself as I recruited her, but being able to do so in the future was also fine. That said, anyone who joined my harem would inevitably get a Shroud of Power of their own, and with a lot of training, they will be able to protect themselves at the very least.

But I couldn’t spend a lot of time right now outside of recruiting and gathering to make a formidable enough force that I could leave this pocket dimension and roam as I wished.

Recruiting Emma Barnes the “Broken” was not high on my list of priorities. In fact, I wagered that she caught Milly’s eyes because of just how sad the bitch was. Someone like her was only worth her genes and work, and nothing would change even if Emma suddenly became a man.

No, Emma wouldn’t be so quickly recruited, though it would take me very little to do so. If I had to give myself and Milly a good reason, then it was that we were small timers right now and didn’t have the resource, time or otherwise, to spend on a broken girl.

No, I wanted someone like Laserdream, Citrine, or Parian.

Actually, there was a single target that I would easily be able to snatch up.

“I have a target in mind,” I said as I flipped the list and showed Milly.

She glanced at it and read over the major points, both cons and pros, of this woman.

“... I didn’t know you were into that kind of thing.”


“Big boobs.”

“... I actually don’t know her size?”

“But it’s obvious she has big boobs, though that makes me wonder if my pairs will remain the biggest in your harem,” she cupped her tits and jiggled them.

Naked as we both were, that alone was enough to get me hard.

“Well, I think I know just horny seeing you do that makes me.”


Finding my new target wasn’t hard.

I knew both of her names, job description, and general home location. With these three details, finding where Kayden Russel, an interior designer living in Brockton Bay’s more affluent Downtown, lived.

It was even easier to contact her.

“Thank you for meeting with me, Ms. Russel,” I said as I shook hands with the young mother in her office. Dressed in a new suit I bought with the money of a bunch of gangsters I beat up, I smiled as she smiled.

“Your welcome, Mr. Marris. I didn’t know a businessman such as yourself would be moving into the bay, considering what kind of events happen on a weekly basis here.”

I chuckled. My being a businessman was the cover that I used to get in contact with Kayden Russel, or Purity’s civilian identity. It was a lie that I didn’t need to uphold for long. “Well, compared to New York City, I heard that Brockton Bay wasn’t as bad.”

“Really? You would think Legend would keep the villains under control,” Kayden said with a politely surprised look.

“Unfortunately, Legend is one man, and he doesn’t exactly have super hearing or other senses to go with his speed and power. I like the man, but at the end of the day, he is only one man.” This part was true; Legend could only respond to events he gets the dispatch for, sees, or knows in advance.

“I suppose that is true,” she sighed before perking up. It did wonderful things to her tits. Kept tightly locked under her white button-up shirt and dark blue blazer jacket, merely perking up made them jiggle inside their confines.

I, of course, noted this only from the periphery of my vision. I, playing the part of an honest and candid businessman just looking to hire an interior designer, kept my eyes locked up with her gaze. She seemed very happy about my being able to keep my eyes to myself or in my being genuinely interested in her service.

‘If Kaiser wasn’t stupidly manipulative, then he would still have this woman by his side,’ I thought with a smile on my lips now genuine at the thought of this. “I’ve bought myself a small apartment unit,” I spoke up. “But it is a little drab. Not only that, it will be the meeting place for my business and my clients, and I can’t exactly have a bare room to greet them, you understand?”

“Of course,” she agreed easily. "And may I ask what kind of business you are managing at the moment?"

"Asset acquisition and redevelopment."

She gained a look of realization (yet I knew that her realization was so far off the mark) and smiled. "I see. Well, I am glad to see someone try to make something of Brockton Bay."

I exchanged business cards (fake on my part but convincing enough) with her and then left after scheduling an appointment for her to come visit me.


I didn't even let Kayden reach my supposed apartment before I attacked her.

I jumped out of the alley, disguised with my Fire Shroud's fiery armor, and struck her in her civilian identity.

She couldn't even react before my fist slammed into her solar plexus, and a chop to the back of her neck knocked her out.

I grabbed her and tossed her over my shoulder before quickly making a portal to my pocket dimension apartment, and absconded with her.

Closing the portal behind me, I walked around the house and down the corridor until I reached a spare room that had been prepared beforehand.

Setting her down in the middle of the room, I too sat down.

I pulled out the Company phone and took a picture of Kayden's unconscious form.

There was a moment of silence before there was an alert. I read the Company's reply.

"[Kayden Anders(Purity), Tier 5]," I read and then whistled.

Then without any more delay, I sent my shroud forever and enveloped her.


Kayden woke up slowly with pain in her gut.

"Wah…" she muttered as she got up.

She froze when she saw someone in the room with her, and his exotic ember flickering apparel made his parahuman status clear.

She's been kidnapped!

She scrambled backward, but then stopped as she realized who this was.


"Good evening, Kayden."

She shuddered. "What-?!"

"I'm a Master, and I just Master'ed you, Purity."

She stared at him and shook her head. "You broke the Rules," she hissed even as she recognized the niggling sensation in the back of her head telling her to submit to him. "You can't get away with this."

"I really don't want to hear that from someone who used to be part of the Empire."

She stilled. "Now what?"

He grinned lecherously. "Strip."

Kayden tried to resist but it was futile. She felt giddy despite the fact that she should be disgusted when she saw his eyes roaming her clothed body already.

'He must be a strong master,' she thought. Turning her face away from him, she began to undo the buttons and pulled the zipper down. Within a minute, she was standing nude in front of him.

"Oh, you are sexy," he crooned as his own clothes disappeared in a light swirl of fire.

She unconsciously reached for her brown hair and played with it. "You Master'ed me. You don't have to lie."

"But you are."

Then he turned her face towards him and kissed her. She closed her eyes as she shivered.

It felt so good…!

When he broke the kiss, she looked up to him. He was tall.

"Turn around."

She did and realized she was facing the wall.

And then yelped as she felt his hand snake around her waist and reach for her pussy.

She braced herself against the wall as his fingers brushed against her clit and then played with it. "O-oh fuck…!" She whimpered as he began to rub her.

And then she felt his other hand caress her butt cheeks before sliding between them and push into her fold.


"It's Alan, Kayden. Say my name," he whispered into her ear as he pushed his fingers deep into her.

"Alan!" she moaned as he began to pump her vagina and grind her clit with his fingers. She panted as her climax built up quickly.

"I'm going to make you cum with only my finger," he growled as his pace quickened.

She bucked her hips to his pumping dangers, and bit her lips as her pleasure mounted.

And then she orgasmed.

Her legs trembled and breathing shuddered.

Her breaths hitched when she felt him grip her waist and push his dick - a dick thicker and longer than Max's - between her folds.

"Alan!" she screamed when he slammed all the way into her in one stroke. Her mind blanked as he pushed deep into her core and pushed against her cervix. "Fuck, you're -!"

Her words turned into ecstatic screams as he pumped her already wet pussy mercilessly.

"You're going to bring your baby to my home. You're going to live here with me," he growled louder.

"Y-yes…!" she yelped as he slapped her ass.

"I'm going to fuck you every day, Kayden. Can you feel this dick pumping you?" Then he grabbed one of her boobs. "I'm going to fuck a baby in you, Kayden!"

She bit her lips and screamed as her mind whited out.

She lost strength and almost fell to the floor, but somewhere between the pounding and dirty talk, she'd been pushed up against the wall.

"You knew that he fucked those blonde bimbos while he was still married to you, right?"

Her heart wrenched.

"He lied to you."

She gritted her teeth.

"I won't, Kayden. I want your body, Kayden. I want your beautiful face drooling and begging me to impregnate you."

She shuddered and then mewled as he moved again, one agonizingly slow stroke at a time.

"I don't just master people. I can also keep them young. That's what you'll be with me. Forever young," he hissed towards the end and caressed her boob. "Forever fertile." That hand drifted down to her stomach. "Forever ready to bear me children."

He kissed the back of her neck. "Are you ready for a life of pleasure, Kayden?"

Could she say anything else? Was she even capable of it under this mastering?

What's the point? She stripped even when she didn't for Max right up until they married. There was no way she would have for a stranger like Alan.

But here she was, fully enjoying the way his long and thick dick tore her vagina apart and grated all of her insides.

"Yeah…" she gasped as she felt another orgasm build up. "Just … just keep fucking me…"

Was this what all of those Heartbreaker's women felt?

She could understand how they couldn't just leave.

"Good," he crooned before sliding deep into her and jizzed.

The hot seed splashing into her was enough of a trigger, and she shuddered as she came together with him.

"Bring Aster to your new home, Kayden. Then we'll work on giving her a lot of younger sisters and brothers."

Her vagina squeezed around his dick at those words.

Alan kissed her on the cheeks before he pulled out of her, and helped her up.

"But let's get you cleaned up first."


Okay, so.

The mind control and loyalty imprinting component of the Shroud was not only strong but utterly complete.


I looked down at the phone that had magically appeared in my hands after I closed the door behind me to let Kayden wash in peace.

I read the alert on the screen.

[+12 added to your account for the Capture of Purity(T5). The Company thanks you for the copy!]

"So that's how it is," I mumbled to myself.


I looked up and smiled. "Hi, Milly."

She pouted. "Boo. No reaction?" She didn't continue that line of conversation. "You know, you two were pretty loud. It made me horny."

She grabbed my hands. "In my room?"

I chuckled as I allowed myself to be dragged by her.


Tom smith

Ahh yea the glowing artillery milf. Nice.