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Greedy Cataloger
Chapter 3


The bed creaked as I woke Kayden up with a surprise penetration in her surprisingly wet morning pussy. She nearly jolted away from having her vagina filled up so suddenly, but then relaxed and moaned as my fingers kneaded her ass.

“Fuck, don’t wake me up like that…” she moaned as she moved her hips to pull herself off and then pushed herself against me slowly while rolling her hips. I moaned as the head of my dick scraped along the sides of her walls from one side to the next. I let her take the lead then, and let her do that again as she pulled out. She left just the tip inside herself before she slid me back in, and both of us moaned at the glorious pleasure that came from not just her technique but doing it with someone we liked.

Because I did very much like her.

She picked up the pace and I laid down on the bed. Now in a reverse cowgirl style, she rode me away. She moaned and gasped as her back arched. She bit her lips while her boobs bounced with the rhythm.

Soon, she was pounding away at me, trying her damnedest to get off on my dick.

My raw and protectionless dick.

I watched as a woman begged me for a release not with words but with her body.

Pulling myself up, I pressed my chest against her back and wrapped my arms around her body. One hand rose up and took a handful of her left tit, squeezing her firm meat bun and pinching and rolling her nipple with my fingers. My other hand snaked down to her crotch and rubbed her clit.

She panted, nearly hyperventilating while picking up the pace even more. “A-Alan, gonna cum, gonna cum-!”

She slammed down on top of me and moaned. Her arms latched onto mine and clawed at me as she orgasmed. Her vagina wound up tight and throbbed with each attempt to milk me.

And then I came in her, too.

She let out a shuddering breath as she lost herself in the two sensations of her orgasm and the thick warmth of my cum, and then relaxed.

“Wow. That’s … a great way to wake up,” she said with a light laugh. “If a little smelly.”

I just kissed her. Unfortunately for her, she was the only smelly one here, because my dirty business got taken care of by Sexual Caliberation. Quality of life perks for the win~!

I kissed her on the back of her neck before pulling myself out of her.

“Take a shower, then. I’ll be making dinner.”


Today’s breakfast … was clam chowder with jalapeno bagel!

Normally, eating a lot of salt was bad. The clam chowder was the definition of salty food.

However, my threesome family needed a lot of salt right now because we’ve been fucking every night, day, noon, and afternoon. Milly, in particular, had it worse than Kayden because unlike Kayden, who was a fit woman used to extended strenuous activities (cape fighting), Milly was a perky young teenager with nothing significant under her belt. It also didn’t help that while she did participate in physical education at Ashford Academy (her family’s namesake and run institution), she didn't do much more than that. As it was, she rode on her youth and nothing more.


This salty and delicious clam chowder would be there to provide them the salt they needed after they spent hours every day fucking.

More than that, I wanted to serve them some warm homemade food.

I brought out eggs, high protein flour, sugar, and yeast. Mixed them up and got myself a dough! Soon, I was beating and pounding that thing before stowing it away to rise.

I got out a large stockpot, dropped a thin slice of butter, and chopped up the ingredients as the pot began to warm. I cooked the ingredients directly in the pot before adding some flour. Then I added clam juice, milk, Bay leaf, and vegetable broth and brought it all to a boil. I whisked and whisked until it was thick and creamy. I lowered the heat and turned my attention back to the dough.

In the time it took me to make the clam chowder, the dough had risen. Perfect.

I sectioned them off, punched a hole in eaxh of them, and gave them a honey mixed water bath to coat them.

And into the oven, they went!

I turned around and grinned.

"So, how am I?"

Milly, looking at me with half lidded eyes and a salacious smile, gave me a thumbs up. "Superpowered and decent looking man who can also cook? I love that. And the naked apron."

Indeed, I had done all that in naked apron. For my girls' viewing pleasures, of course.

Kayden looked a little under the weather. "Umm. Yeah. You look great."

I grinned even wider at her blush. "We got twenty minutes before the bagel is done. So… would you like to talk or … have a taste of me?"

Milly squealed and Kayden actually choked with an atomic blush.

I laughed.

"I'd rather talk right now. Please," Kayden pleaded.

This was when we heard Aster cry for her mom.

Kayden's mood changed in an instant. She nearly jumped and ran over to Aster's room, and scooped her out of her crib.

I glanced at the baby over Kayden's shoulder as she lifted her shirt to give her baby her milk, and I couldn't help but feel that this had been a good choice.

It's been a while since Kayden moved in, and Aster had come with her at the end of the first day.

My reasoning for this had been simple: keep Kayden happy, happy led to haply sex, and happy sex was a good sex.

I, however, now had more reason to keep Aster around.

She was a cute baby.

I certainly didn't feel love for her, but Aster was still a cute baby, and I had no compunction testing out my parenting skills with her.


At least I'll be there for her unlike her biological father.

Milly walked around the two of us and cooed at the baby.

"So, what did you want to talk about?" I asked Kayden.

"What … do you intend to do?" she asked me. "Villain, hero, or rogue?"

Ah, she wanted to talk about the local sociopolitics! Well, I was way ahead of her, but I also didn't feel like making her feel irrelevant.

"Tell me what you think about each of the options," I hummed as I wrapped my arms around her side and belly while still in only my naked apron.

"I … want to be a hero."

"For her."

"For her."

Milly didn't say anything, letting us talk it out.

"And villain?"

"I don't want Aster to become embroiled in what I did and will do, so I would like to not be a villain. I don't want her to become raw and hateful like I was."

"And rogue?"

"It'll keep us fed at the least," she jokes with a light laugh.

"And you, Milly?"

"I'm fine with whatever you choose, Alan, but I know that you already chose. Right?"


"What did you choose?" Kayden asked me.

"Well, I can't exactly do what I did to you without being a villain…"

She looked downtrodden. "I-I guess so. I feel… great, but I know intellectually that this is Mastering." And mind control would never be legal, publicly at least.

"I very much intend to bring more women in," I hummed. "I can only fuck you so many times before you tap out."

She shivered. "R-right."

"But I'm not going to be someone like Kaiser or Lung. I intend to keep myself low profile. As for money, I can do some villain on villain action to take some ill gotten cash."

She squirmed a little before settling down. "Okay. Just … don't involve me in any raids against the Empire. I would feel guilty about attacking them."

"Former friends and all that?"


"Easily managed."

We returned to the kitchen to eat, and breakfast turned out great!


Kayden left to work and I left Milly at home to research about Earth Bet with the internet. She was going to be in for a culture shock.

As for me, I held true to my words and went out to raid.

Having walked far away from where I had set up the entrance to my pocket dimension, I took a deep breath in in the middle of a crooked alley covered by two red brick walls, and finally let go of Volcanic Shroud I had been holding back.

After having spent a week in confinement, my shroud almost roared as it came Flushing out of my system. Red glowing cracks appeared all over my skin, and then a full body molten armor crackled and grew seemingly out of air to encase me.

And then a cape made out of fire draped itself on my back, providing me with fiery and solid flames at the top of the cape.

I hoped I looked regal, if not threatening.

"Now then," I spoke with a guttural and rumbling baritone. "Let's go find me some trouble."

I flew up, an ability I gained courtesy of the Volcanic Shroud's Deep Weave, and looked over the city in the broad daylight.

How to find trouble…

I snapped my fingers in realization and pulled out the Phone from my armors pockets (armors had pockets?).

I turned on the Company app and scrolled around until I found the Miscellaneous Perks and the Mapper options. I bought the Mapper, Target Tracker, and then the Bounty Tracker.

From there, it was simple.

See, Worm wasn't on the Waifu Catalog, at least in the latest version of it, which meant that I could not look for my targets using it.

No, I downloaded images from PRT'S own bounty office - and from other law enforcement authorities as well as other images of capes floating around the internet - and let the Target Tracker do it for me.

Lo and behold, I had a world map that tracked all capes who have ever had their photo taken, and this took me no more than fifteen minutes to complete.

Of course, I intended to use this to turn in some bounties.

Now, I could go for Jack Slash and the Slaughterhouse Nine, but I wondered if that was a good idea. First off, I didn’t know how well powers interacted between my Shroud and the rest of the parahuman powers. So far, it seemed to have worked if Kayden was any indication, but that was only the branding part of the Shroud.

I needed to test out the levels of the Shroud’s combat effectiveness against the capes, and how better to do that than take the fight to the local trash?

The Map app pinged and showed me roughly where the Merchants were.

If the Shroud had trouble dealing with these guys, then I could forget about fighting the Nine.

I took off towards the … lighthouse. The map showed me that not only was Skidmark there but Mush and Squealer were, too. This was great. I would be stress testing (maybe) my Volcanic Shroud.

And then I flew.

I flew fast, and the wind buffeted against my armor and shroud with a constant roaring. Despite how fast I was going, the fires of my shroud didn’t go out. They flared more like physical objects and flowed despite being so solid.

I saw the abandoned lighthouse in the distance and steeled myself.

‘Alright, first real combat with my shroud,’ I thought to myself as I slowed down. ‘Let’s do this!’

I flew up and then slammed down at the bottom of the stairs leading up to the lighthouse with the three-point hero landing. I stood up just as the front door of the lighthouse banged open. A dozen disparate gangsters, each wielding a weapon different from the next, glared down at me.

Actually, most of them looked nervous as hell.

“Who the fuck are you?!” one of them shouted at me.

I held up a hand and clawed at the air as if it owed me money, and a small fireball crackled and roared to life.

Someone in need of some serious cash,” I replied casually before throwing the fireball at the gangsters like a major league baseball pitcher.

The fireball left nary a trail behind before it slammed into the centermost gangster and exploded.

I watched in amazement as all twelve gangsters caught on fire, and the smart ones immediately jumped into the dirty bay water to put it out. When the screaming dumb ones didn’t do the same, I walked up the stairs, grabbed them by their shirts, and tossed them into the ocean.

It was at this point that someone else came out.

Made more out of garbage than flesh, Mush was a sore sight.

He also had a lot of flammable trash on him, which wasn’t exactly smart for a guy living in the same city as, you know, Lung.

“Who the fuc-?”

I punched him and set him on fire on the spot.

He screamed as the fire grew to ridiculous size abruptly and consumed him whole.

I also threw him into the ocean.

There was a rush of feet above me. I looked up and saw Skidmark stopping just as he had enough room to glare down at me.

All around me at this ground floor of the lighthouse was a tinker’s lab. Tools and scrap metal decorated the floor and in mounds. A giant and ugly scrap bus-tank of some kind hovered at the center of the lab.


“You piece of shit, who the fuck do you-?!”

I ignored Skidmark and looked more closely at the device in front of me.

Despite its ramshackle appearance, it didn’t look weak. In fact, its large barrels sticking out of its top like a turret alarmed me, because those looked like they could fire artillery shells.

I summoned the flames again, but this time, I reached below the surface level that I have been using prior to this, and pulled out something more.

A fireball grew in size in front of me, and then changed.

Instead of being composed of high volume, low mass plasma, it became a thick viscous lava.

I could tell from how the cracked concrete floor was glowing that this lava was much hotter than regular lava should be.

“DON’T YOU DARE YOU PIECE OF MAGGOT SNIFFING-!” I heard a shrill voice from where Skidmark was above, but I ignored that voice, too.

Then I slammed the globular goop of lava as big as myself and slammed it into the bus-tank.

The thing melted almost instantly, and though I felt some sort of resistance for a moment, it gave away and burned.

I turned around and glared up at the two capes.

Your turn.”

“Oh, hell no, you don’t-!” Skidmark shouted as he layered the stairs with his power. One of the steps glowed, and it was too close to the ceiling for me to squeeze in through the side. “Try coming up here, dick-cheese licking whore!”

I didn’t bother walking up the stairs.

I laid a hand on the wall and willed the temperature of the entire structure to increase.

No more than a minute afterwards, the two began to scream.


“Fucking piece of shit, I’m going to shoot you up-!”

The Volcanic Shroud was, to my surprise, a very flexible, versatile, and powerful ability. This was great. More than great.

It made me powerful, and I loved it.

I closed my eyes and stopped myself.

I was getting ahead of myself and needed to stop before I went crazy.

‘Shit, megalomania happens for a reason,’ I thought to myself as I nearly just melted the entire lighthouse on a whim because I could.

I can either cook you two inside that windowless second floor, or you can come down and get cuffed willingly,” I offered loudly.

“Fuck off!”

I tried.

Instead of melting the entire lighthouse, I just reached out to the first floor’s ceiling and melted it.

The two screamed as the floor melted away from under them, and they found themselves away from the staircases and standing with back to the walls on a sliver of the untouched floor.

I made a globe of lava and sent it hurtling towards them.

It impacted them but didn’t burn them, because I willed the temperature to not rise (but I couldn’t will it to cool itself, which made sense as I wasn’t using ice element, only fire).

It splashed and spread out, wrapping around them and thinning. It cooled down quickly from how much surface area it had, and soon, I didn’t even need to bother keeping the temperature in check.

I pulled out the Company phone and called the PRT, whose number was public and everywhere on the internet. I pondered for a moment on what I should call myself as the tone rang. I didn't want to be too edgy, too sexual, too dull, or anything extreme. I wanted to come off as someone balanced, if only to get the respect a balanced person received instead of caution and dismissal given to a crazy person.

Someone answered the phone just as I decided on a name. "This is Mary Jamieton with Parahuman Response Team brain East-North-East. How may I help you?"

“My name is Tephra,” I declared, naming myself after volcanic bombs and the type of rock they come from because my current power was based mostly around my Volcanic Shroud. “I have just apprehended Skidmark and Squealer and am on my way to apprehend Mush as well. I am at the only lighthouse in Brockton Bay. May I request pick-ups for the villains and a bounty payout?”


Tom smith

Awww I was hoping for some hella edgelord name like fire lord of the blazing fist. No one ever does names like that :(