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A Lewd Cultivator in Brockton Bay
Chapter 39


You’d think that the three of us - Vicky, Amy, and I - would be young and hot. You’d think that we would indulge in sex constantly, even with the scrutiny of the rest of New Wave.

Well, we did, initially. After Brandish Trouble ended, there was a lull seen in our first threesome, but it lasted only a week before we were making love all over the house. For a month, we lived the highlight of our youth.

And then, while the appeal of sex didn’t disappear, other things needed to be done. Vicky had her studies, Amy had her hospital runs, and I had patrols. There was only so much time we could spent having sex when we also had everything inbetween those stated needs.

So yeah, we had sex, but it wasn’t like the first month where we spent literally all day and night rutting, fucking, and cumming.

No, we just limited our sex to nights, instead. It didn’t interfere with our daily activities that way.

So … it’s quite easy to understand my irritation if I got a phone call right before I was about to reach climax, right?

And wouldn’t stop ringing?

Hmm, seriously?

The thing about being a hero meant that there was no such thing as a “silence” mode. Heroes needed to respond quickly, and having one’s phone on mute went against that. Even a Protectorate hero was not exempt from this. In fact, because their job was being a hero, they had less of an excuse to not take a phone call, especially when part of their pay was the bitch shift and the hazard pay of having to deal with temperamental villains.

Vicky moaned as she rolled onto her back, which only my eyes wander towards her firm and jiggling tits as they bounced lightly on her chest. “Oh, come on. Who did what now?” she grumbled as if she didn’t just cum twice in the last thirty minutes.She curled up until she was sitting up and curled her back as she bunched up her hair in her hands.

She saw me looking and raised an eyebrow. “Can you answer the phone already, Alan? It’s annoying now,” she grunted before whirling to Amy when my equally nude “first wife” slapped her adopted sister’s ass. “Hey!”

“Okay, okay,” I grinned as I answered the phone. “Rabbit speaking.”

It was a cape name that I was stuck with much to my dislike.

“{Ah, Mister Rabbit. It’s a pleasure to speak with you again. This is Hannover from the Elite. We’ve met.}”

“Uh huh, we did,” I grunted as I vaguely remembered a deer masked guy flanked by two bombshells-. Wait, that sounded familiar. Like Kaiser and his two valkyries. Just a coincidence? Probably. “How can I help you?” Even as I asked, I couldn’t quite keep the annoyance out of my voice.

“{... Ah. I must have caught you at a bad time.}”

“You did.”

“{Then I will make this quick. I wish to meet you to give you information on several villains that are looking to move into the city. As you told me, this is your city, and they are not my friends.}”

I hummed before nodding to myself. “Alright. What time are you available?”

“{Would tomorrow at noon suffice?}”

“Sure. Where?”

“{I need to inform the Protectorate and the PRT as well, so why not at the PRT Headquarters in Downtown?}”

“Works for me. See you then.”

And then I hung up.


I turned around.

Vicky usually wasn’t one for obnoxiously loud orgasms, so I was curious as to why she was screaming her head off.

Amy had Vicky’s head on her leg and her hands on either side of the head, and Vicky looked like she was having some … unique experience.

Amy looked up and grinned. “Vicky wanted to know what it’s like to relieve the peak of orgasm for the same duration as the post-coital high. I think we both know why humans don’t have that level of stimulation.”

“You’re going to reset her nerves after, right?”

“Of course! Vicky agreed to it, too. Otherwise, she’ll never enjoy sex again.”

I scoffed. “Like you’ll ever let that happen. You like watching her get railed way too much.”

She shrugged silently but the playful grin told me all I needed to know about how she felt about the subject.

“Come here,” I grinned as I crawled over our ten foot family bed to her before picking her up and setting her down on my laps. Then I started fingering her, using all methods of stimulations I could muster with my nimble and quite readily vibrator-replacable fingers.

Amy didn’t go to sleep until she got her three orgasms.


Hannover pressed his hands against his vested chest and slid down and off as if to brush off the dust that might have been there.

Being a member of the Elite required each member to portray themselves in the best representation of their responsible branches. The likes of the Bastard Son did that by being crude and rude while others like Hannover himself set up meetings and communicated like good business partners and good neighbors did.

Bastard Son would be that one guy who blasted their music at 3 am while he would be the man who invited his whole neighborhood, if only to have the excuse that if some of them didn’t come to the party, then at least they knew it was going on.

Being nice mattered, especially when violence might crop up whenever for whatever reason.

“May I have your attention, please?”

Everyone in the meeting room turned to look at him, and Hannover suddenly felt a little on the spot.

Maria always did say that he wasn’t a great public speaker because of the stage fright he never got over. What he could do, however, was fake it til he made it, and then have a breakdown in the car.

In this meeting room, all of the movers and shakers - not the cape classification but the term for powerbrokers - of Brockton Bay sat quietly but the tension weighed heavily, because on one side of the table were the heroes but on the other side were the villains.

“This meeting is not about us but rather who is trying to enter our city, and they are a people none of us want.”

That caught their attention.

“The Elite and the PRT have been fighting them for a long time. Some of you might not think high of them, but their tenacity matches that of cockroaches while spewing filth. I talk of the Fallen, and they aim to move into Brockton Bay.”

The PRT officers and heroes looked cautious while the villains grumbled.

“The Fallen are composed of more than three main groups,” Armsmaster recited word for word from the PRT’s own warnings about said group. “Do you know which of them are coming this way?”

“The Crowleys.”

The Elite had no shortage of all kinds of capes to keep the Fallen at bay. If there was none in the immediate area, then a quick negotiation with nearby branches ensured at least the ability to fight back.

Brockton Bay did not have that system. In fact, the Elite was keenly aware of the lack of supply and manpower the PRT ENE struggled with ever since its inception.

Add to that, there was not a single Thinker nor Stranger that could detect and counter the Crowleys, whose cape members were half Strangers and all Shakers.

“Crowleys? They are the Leviathan worshippers, right?” Vacaneer asked.

The fearsome cape that led the coalition against Kaiser and his Empire Eighty-Eight, which led to said organization’s fall, had stayed in Brockton Bay. He was, however, not a problem for Hannover simply because he knew how to supply the man his … needs.

“Indeed,” he replied.

“Anything specific about them?”

Hannover turned towards the latest speaker. “Yes. Crowleys are known for … kidnapping young ladies. I need not tell you what they do to them.”

And the point of this meeting was to specifically tell Rabbit this. While he was not one hundred percent certain, Hannover was relatively sure that Rabbit would be the one to react the worst to this piece of news.

And considering that he had a tendency to aggressively strike out against gangs, why should he act so differently against the Fallen?

Then the tension in the room changed. It warped. It burned.

Suddenly, the entire room felt like it was under multiple G’s. Hannover struggled to breath and saw the others in same shape. And then it was gone.

He glanced at Rabbit…

The man sat in his seat, quiet, but his fingers slowly drummed on the table. Each tap sounded like a dull thud of a crashing ship and the concerned look on his face came across more as a snarling lion’s sneer.

He “looked” calm on the outside, but everyone here just felt what the man truly felt.

This was his victory.

Now, all he needed to do was use an intermediary to warn the Fallen about a reckless hero who might be coming their way...


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