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Magnetic Attraction

Arc 2: Brockton Battles

Interlude A: PRT 1


In a meeting with all of the leadership of PRT and Protectorate ENE involved, the situation for the city showed clearly on a projected simple map on the wall.

The Downtown - or as some were calling it, the Bombed Town - and some bits of both the Docks and the Downtown Coast were firmly under the control of the PRT and its heroic affiliates like New Wave. Unfortunately due to prior incidents that left a tenth of this town uninhabitable with ruined and damaged infrastructure, the control was effectively split into two groups: the PRT and Protectorate protected north and New Wave patrolled south. Only fliers and speedsters like Dauntless, Velocity, and one-half of New Wave could cross the Downtown Crater to help the other side in any timely fashion.

The Docks was controlled by the ABB, and remained perhaps the second most stable area.

The Downtown South and the western suburbs, on the other hand, became a battleground for a dozen new gangs, formerly all part of the Empire Eighty-Eight, as they fought to become supreme because their capes were in disagreement with one another.

Jamie just knew that that place would become a source of headaches, especially since they have been getting reports of the Teeth encroaching on that area.

Finally, the most stable area was the Inner Downtown Coast, controlled unofficially by the rogue group led by Eisenfeld.

It said a lot, however, when known members of his group were suspected former members of E88.

She knew that the director remained wary of them, even though Eisenfeld played a big part in keeping Leviathan occupied during the Endbringer battle.

“If the Teeth moves into the city, then we can kiss the future of this city goodbye,” Director Emily Piggot of PRT ENE snarled with a nasty glare set on her face. “Even if we have to use every single containment foam and flashbang in our armory to wrap up the Butcher and toss him to a solitary jail, I want them gone.”

Easier said than done. The Butcher’s Teeth were one of the longest surviving cape criminal organizations. Hell, there were rumors that it may even predate the PRT.

But best to keep that rumor to herself.

“We have no one on our team who can contain the Butcher even momentarily for any of our attacks to foam her face so she can’t teleport,” Armsmaster stated factually. “Aside from Assault-” her husband cracked a grin. “- we don’t have anyone who can engage the Butcher for long periods of time.”

“Among the Teeth is Animos, who has power nullifying screams, which might even mean that Assault won’t be safe,” one of the PRT Department 24, Boston, liaison spoke up. The migration of the Teeth from Boston to Brockton Bay was concerning for the neighboring city, and so, they had sent their own PRT and Protectorate heroes to coordinate with PRT ENE. “We have reports that he is currently in Brockton Bay.”

A power nullifier and a body snatcher.

“What about the rest of the Teeth’s cape members in New England?”

The Teeth was, technically, a multi-regional organization, stretching as far west as Ohio and as far south as Tampa, but it was New England that was their most populous stronghold.

“Hemorrhagia and Vex are gone from New York City.”

PHO liked to call that pair the “Blood and Bones” of the Teeth.

“So we have four more capes on par with Hookwolf to deal with. Wonderful,” Deputy Director Renick sighed. “I think we should consider attacking them first.”

Everyone turned to look at him.

“Capes and cape organizations tend to want to prove themselves by attacking others first. Very rarely do we get someone like Eisenfeld, who is more reactive than proactive.”

Jamie agreed with the old man on that.

“Right now, the Teeth are still organizing, or whatever passes for organizing to them. If we strike now, then we will be doing so when they are still raw from moving manpower and assets from multiple locations. It’s very likely that they may not even have a safehouse at the ready.”

“The idea has merit,” Armsmaster agreed with a grunt.

“... Is it possible for us to get help from New Wave, independent heroes, and Eisenfeld?”

Despite harboring suspected E88 capes, Eisenfeld had so far shown himself to be somewhat heroic. Oh, his assassination of Thomas Calvert, rumored to be Coil now, was outright villainous and unheeding of the Unwritten Rules, Eisenfeld claimed that Coil had broken the rules first.

The explosion in Downtown was attributed to Coil, too.

On top of that, Eisenfeld showed himself to be the Triumvirate’s equal in power despite having a power that wasn’t that different from many of the normal capes.

Having him to help them out would ensure a greater success rate.

Unfortunately, it would also mean allying with a murderer and Neo-Nazi protector, though the man had stated time and time again since the death of Kaiser that he despised the Empire and its ideals.

Everyone was afraid, and why wouldn’t they be? This was the Butcher, who would take over them if they made a mistake and killed the fucker.

“We strike alone.”

Jamie snapped her head towards the director, who's previously glaring eyes had set into a hardened stare.

“We need this without help from others.”

“I don’t think we can do it without help, director,” Renick objected subtly. “Someone will die.”

“We’re all here knowing that we might die on the line,” she retorted. “Renick, I need to talk with you in private after this. Everyone else, dismissed.”

Two hours after that meeting, Jamie received the most shocking news: the director went to meet with Panacea to get healed and physically fit and that she was joining them for the fight.

Five hours after the meeting, she watched helplessly from the ground as the director put a bullet to the incapacitated Butcher’s head, and quickly turned herself over to the authorities while she was still in control over herself.

As the Fifteenth Butcher.


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