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Commissioned by Kejmur


A blonde head popped out of a tent in the middle of the dim night. It looked left and right, tossing its twin tails side to side. Then she moved out of the tent as silently as possible and out of the camping ground. 

From behind a tree, a mop of white hair popped out.

“Are they asleep?” Kakashi asked.

Uzumaki Naruko nodded sheepishly. “They’re snuggling,” she replied while not looking at him with hands behind her back. 

Kakashi didn’t say anything as he got close to her, and wrapped his arms around her. The sixteen year old genin shivered, eagerly looking forward to this … taboo. After pulling his face mask down, he leaned down, and she closed her eyes and puckered her lips up towards him.

He chuckled at her, and she pouted, waiting.

They kissed under the tree, away from their teammates and friends. 

When they broke the kiss, Naruko giggled. 

She knew that a Teacher-Student relationship wasn’t a taboo so much as it was frowned upon, but she’d known Kakashi-nii growing up. 

He zipped his vest’s zipper down and pulled the vest off, and she slowly did the same with her jumper. 

As she pulled her jumper off, Kaka-nii wrapped his hands around her waist and then slid them under her shirt. She squeaked as he pulled her shirt off in an instant, leaving her bare and naked. 

He pulled the jumper off soon afterward, and Naruko was soon moaning into his mouth in a kiss as he pinned her to the tree and ravaged her. His hand groped her, caressed her, and held her while he pumped her vagina with his dick almost violently. 

She whimpered as she held onto him, a hand on his arm and another around her shoulder, while he fucked her. 

And she loved how rough he was.

It didn’t take long before she climaxed, and as her vagina gripped down tightly around his member, he climaxed and cummed into her too. She enjoyed the sensation of his hot seeds dribbling down her vagina and down her legs while her vagina molded itself into the shape of his dick.

They stood there, getting their breath back from their nightly session. 

They kissed again, passionately and intimately. It felt so good…

Then Kaka-nii moved again.

“Eek-! Eek-!” she whimpered away into the night, ravaged and loved by her lover.


Zabuza’s S.Adventures
Chapter 2


Considering that he’d been hired by a sleazy businessman, he should have known that this was how the situation would play. Of course, there was no fucking way that a job would end up easy or reasonable. 

“So,” Zabuza grunted as he stared at one of the more infamous shinobi from Konohagakure. “For what reason is Hatake Kakashi the Copycat doing here?” 

The Copycat ninja stared up at him from the ground with what looked like a genin team (if the lack of uniform was any indication). 

But then again, he was technically on Konohagakure’s land. It was expected to run into one of their patrols, if not one of their mission teams. But to run into Hatake Kakashi? That was just bad fucking luck; he was known for sticking heavily to the borders of Land of Fire and Land of Lightning, not the border of Land of Fire and Land of Wind. 

Oh well. 

“I didn’t expect you here either, Momochi Zabuza of the Mist’s Seven Swordsmen.”

Zabuza shrugged. “Shit happens.”

It was time to earn his pay, he supposed.

He struck first, opening up with water ninjutsu, clones, and kirigakure no jutsu. If it wasn’t for the copycat, then he would have killed all of his brats in under five seconds.

But the copycat wasn’t infamous for no reason. 

The battle almost ended with him dead… had it not been for Haku throwing her senbons to make it look like he died. 

Yes, that’s how he met Team 7 of Konohagakure, but it wouldn’t be the last time they met…


“... You should have just killed him, master,” Haku commented as they watched Gato leave their temporary compound, which had been hijacked from a local crime lord by the duo. Haku remained standing until they saw Gato and his other mercenaries leave the compound’s outer limits while Zabuza remained sitting on his bed with his left arm in a bandage cast. 

Zabuza hummed. “Too much work,” he replied. “We can take it after I’m healed and they try to break the contract.” Because there was no way that the idiotic wannabe crime lord wouldn’t break the contract. Greedy dumbasses, whether they were from Land of Water, Wind, or wherever, always thought the same. 

“So what do you think about them?” 

Haku turned to look at him. “The Konoha team?”

“Who else?”

“Hmm. They did try to kill our pet.”

Zabuza snorted. “Your pet, you mean. I don’t get why you have a pet rabbit of all things.”

“She’s cute!” Haku objected, pouting in a rare moment of casualness they shared. 

“Not cute enough to be saved from being my dinner, you mean,” he chuckled. “It’s gotten quite fat.”

Haku gasped. “Y-You wouldn’t…!”

He shrugged. “I might.” She chuckled, knowing that he wouldn’t; he didn’t even like rabbit meat. 

She sat down next to him on the bed and leaned on his unwounded shoulder. 

Not content to just have her lean on him, Zabuza used his wound-free arm to grab her and place her on his lap. She stared up at him, and he leaned down. He kissed her, and she obediently opened her mouth to let him taste her however he wished. 

His tongue pushed, pulled, and slithered around her tongue. It was a dance of flesh without a need to undress. He watched her closed eyes gather into a pleased concentration, relaxed enjoyment, and more while her dainty hands gripped the front of his shirt. 

With his free hand, he reached down and gripped her ass cheek, earning a whimpering moan from his woman. 

Today wasn’t a safe day, and sex would aggrevate his wound, so he held himself back. Didn’t make not ravaging his woman any less hard.

When they broke the kiss for a much needed breath, a trail of saliva bridged their lips, and Haku stared up at him with glazed eyes and that vulnerable eager and subservient expression. 

‘Must not stick my dick in her.’

It wasn’t a safe day for her. He knew that. He had no desire to take care of a baby right now, not when the two of them were constantly on the move. 

… But he could use her ass.

‘No, don’t aggravate the wound,’ his training kicked in harshly, and he gave up. 

Instead, he looked at her.

“Service me.”

She smiled happily. “Yes, master.”

Less than ten minutes later, Haku laid on the bed with her face splatter with his seed from a blowjob and a boobjob while he pumped her with his right hand. She squealed delightfully while trying in vain to cover her face. 

He made her cum once. 

Then twice.

And finally, knocked her out from pleasure from the third. 

Zabuza stared down at Haku before he decided that her mouth was free for him to use. 

Haku was not happy when she woke up.



So you have aged up genin class? Makes sense, as otherwise you would miss up some people to get lewded. I don't really care about this generation, but I also told you to have fun with this AU, and be creative, so yeah, no complaints ;).