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As always, thank you to all of my Patreon members! 

Commissioned by Kejmur


What is Happiness
Chapter 4.7


“Should we talk inside?” I asked her, and she acquiesced easily to my request. I knew that sooner or later, the Protectorate would come by to check up on us, even if there was so much more that they had to do than involve themselves in others’ businesses. 

Hell, the police could do the job they were probably being sent right now to do. 

As Parian led me inside, I couldn’t help but wonder if she’ll be as forward with me as Taylor and Lisa were.

To my surprise, Parian pulled her mask off to reveal her mocha skin. She glared furiously at me as if waiting for a response. “You aren’t surprised.”

I shook my head. 

“You knew about me.”

I nodded.

“You mastered me.”

I nodded again. 

She trembled, her eyes glaring at me angrily. “Y-You…” she hissed venomously before she … burst out into tears?

“Your power… It’s like Heartbreaker…”

“Only partly,” I replied as I pulled my hoodie back. She looked surprised by how I looked. Why would she be? Something to ask later. “It affects me, too.” I stepped closer to her. She didn’t back off. 

She blinked while looking up at me with her curious large dark eyes. “... You’re tall.” 

“I’m only six feet,” I shrugged. She pouted, offended by my casual dismal, and one of her giant teddy bears punched me lightly in the face. “Blah,” I stuck my tongue out in discomfort when I felt the grime and pebble on the recently combatant teddy bear’s “paw.” 

“You’re not what I expected from the Butcher.”

I stopped my rather childish posturing and shrugged. “Butcher wasn’t strong enough to influence me, and I’ve had it for months.”

While I wanted to trust Parian because I loved her, I didn’t know her well enough. Was she a talkative drunk? Was she a gossiper? Internet troll? All I knew that, before I came along, she had been a lesbian (though I wasn’t sure the depth and “spectrum” of relationship she and Lily had been in), but considering that she wasn’t having an outwardly identity crisis about her newfound attraction towards me, she could be bisexual.

In which case, I am happy. I do want to make love with her (and more).

And the chance of two of girls going at it with me watching was a oh la la.

She twitched her fingers, and a towel floated out from the back of the shop. She grabbed it and handed it to me. I took it with a smile and scrubbed my face clean. 

… It didn’t feel clean, my face that was.


I stopped. “What?”

“I-I forgot that there’s grease on my bears.”

“So I just scrubbed grease all over my face?”

“Y-Yes…!” she chuckled.

I smiled. A little bit of smudge to make her laugh was all well and good. 

Then the sirens came closer, and I frowned. “The party poopers are here,” I grumbled as I began to walk outside. I suddenly felt my clothes pull back and stopped. I turned to look at Parian, and she pulled my hoodie back over my head. I smiled. “Thanks.” I loved her, but that was because she was mine. 

All mine. No one else would ever have her. She was mine just like Lisa and Taylor were. 

Mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine - !

I calmed myself. This was the bad side of the “Obey” power’s Geas. It made me obsessive over people I mastered. I loved them, but it went beyond just passionate love and became something disgusting. I hadn’t noticed it when I first mastered Taylor, but Then we walked out.



Colin stopped his motorcycle and parked it. On the street were two costumed bodies, though there was no blood to indicate any kind of serious fighting. 

At the same time, parahuman powers came in all varieties of effect. To rule out a non-standard method of attack was to ignore reality.

Especially when the Butcher was involved.

“Battery, Assault. Secure the perimeter,” he said as he walked towards the bodies while four PRT armored vans came to a stop behind his motorcycle. Twelve steps later, he stood over the bodies and checked their pulses. 

Krieg, none.

Rune, none.

Their bodies were also abnormally cold. Strange. The current Butcher was not recorded to possess any temperature-related powers…


Colin’s head snapped up, and to his surprise, he saw the Butcher walk out of Parian’s shop of all places. He frowned as he noted the lack of hostility between the two. ‘What is Parian doing with the Butcher…?’

He stood up quickly and held out his halberd, blade pointed down. “Butcher.”

The Butcher looked at him and nodded once. “Armsmaster. You are here to take the dead Nazis away, yes?” he asked.

“Did you kill them?”

“I did.”

Colin pulled his halberd up. “Then you are admitting to murder.”

The Butcher tilted his head to the side. “A good Nazi is a dead Nazi,” he repeated the popular phrase. “I did the city a service removing superpowered Nazis. Besides, they are - were - villains, no?” he said as if there wasn’t anything wrong with killing. “Besides, this is my territory now.”

Colin frowned underneath his helmet. The fact that the Butcher had changed his stratagem since the most recent Butcher’s takeover had sent the PRT into a conundrum. The current Butcher was speculated to be just below the Triumvirate in power, which made sense considering that the previous Butcher had been powerful by average parahuman standards so the next Butcher had to be someone more powerful or a very (un)lucky person.

The current Butcher did, after all, stop Leviathan’s attacks upon himself multiple times in the span of a single battle, which was more than anyone not Lung or the Triumvirate could really say. 

Colin, as such, hadn’t looked forward to fighting the Butcher…. And the Butcher apparently hadn’t too. 

The current Butcher had gathered two girls in his age group and decided to settle down of all things. What made this Butcher dangerous was that he was very hostile towards any cape who entered his territory without permission.

So him calling Parian’s shop, which sat in the middle of the Boardwalk, his territory? That was bad news. 

“... I cannot allow you to take territory here.”

“I don’t give a shit, compensator. Get out of my territory before I decide to ruin all of your work in a single battle,” he drawled. 

Assault and Battery came to his side, ready to fight. 

And it was to all of their surprise that Parian was the one to stop the Butcher.

“I can move the shop.”

The Butcher looked down at her, and Colin’s social interaction reading software came up with an odd observation. 

His software declared that the two cared for each other when there hadn’t been any known interaction between the two before today. 

And Colin knew that the Butcher had no civilian identity; the man didn’t exist in any social security, state registration, or birth certificate. 

‘...Master!’ he thought alarmingly. 

“We’ll back off,” he said out loud. Logic dictated that he needed to fall back with his team to prevent anyone from being Mastered. 

The Butcher looked back at him in surprise before shooing him away. “Then go. You got off lucky today because of Parian.”

Colin recalled everyone on site back to the PRT ENE headquarters.

The Butcher just became even more dangerous.




They walked back into her shop, a shop that she’d publicly given up so that her new love wouldn’t get into a fight with the Protectorate.

“S-So what should I call you?” she asked the Butcher. 

“Call me Alan,” he said as he pulled his hoodie again, smiling down at her as he approached her. He took her hand and kissed its back. She felt warm feeling his lips on her hand. 

“Eek-!” she squeaked when she felt herself float up and onto her counter. With a flicker of his wrist and fingers, the blinds on her shop closed and the lights turned on. “W-what are you-?!” she hissed at the much taller man, only for her mask to be pulled off and found his lips crashing against hers. She struggled briefly, confused and lost, before she gave into the sensation as she realized that her new love was kissing her.

And it felt great to feel him.

She moaned into his lips before stiffening when she felt his hands unbutton her dress from the back. Then she squeaked when she felt his tongue push between her lips and into her mouth… where she reluctantly allowed him in by parting her teeth. 

Their tongues met, and she tried in vain to … to … 

She didn’t know what the hell she was doing, but Butc- Alan certainly did. His tongue wrapped around hers all the while he stripped her piece by piece. She was amazed at how easily he undid her costume, as if he knew how it was put together. 

Then shivered as he peeled off the top half of her costume, exposing her bras and breasts. He broke the kiss in that instance, and he leered at her. 

“W-What?” she demanded. She knew that she wasn’t the best shap-

“You’re beautiful,” he said huskily. “And you’re mine.”

Instead of pulling her costume off, he hiked her skirt up. 

She would have been embarrassed if they had to undo everything to … to …

Ugh, why was she so bad at this?!

She used her powers and pull her costume off of her as quickly as possible. She took no more than four seconds, and at the end of it, she remained nearly nude on her counter with Alan hovering over her. 

She flushed as she realized what she just did…

And she liked how he was looking at her. 

With a practiced unclipping of her bras, he pulled them off, leaving her breasts bare. She imagined he was going to d-do things to her… But he didn’t. 

Instead of focusing on her barely B-cup breasts, he went back to kissing her. 

But then she felt his hand by her crotch, and she squeaked. 

“Don’t worry. I’ll be gentle,” he said as he pulled her panty to the side and unzipped himself. She saw from the corner of her the banana-like t-thing pop off from his pants, and her breath hitched. He broke the kiss and saw her looking down. He eyed himself and then back up at her, grinning.

“U-Uh, that’s supposed to fit … in me?” she asked faintly. 

He smirked.

“It is.”

“I… don’t think it’ll fit.”

“That’s what everyone thought,” he said as he continued to touch her, rubbing her. Her lips trembled as she felt .... good. It felt good to have Alan touch her. 

Damn it, that sounded so perverted…! 

“Hnn!” she moaned as his hands began to rub her faster and faster and-!

He stopped.


And then she felt it. The tip of his dick against her entrance.

She gulped as he slowly slid in, and moaned as she felt herself stretch. O-Oh, that felt …. She didn’t know how to describe it.

She gasped and nearly hyperventilated as he kept on sliding in… and then felt herself completely filled up. Then he pulled out, scrubbing his dick through creases and crevices she didn’t know she had. He pushed back in… and out … and in.

“You’re so beautiful,” he whispered into her ear, and she whimpered as her body grew hotter. 

“W-Wait, wait-” she tried to get him to give her some space, but she couldn’t say no for some reason. 

“I’m going to pick up speed, Sabah.”

She didn’t say anything, just … enjoyed the pleasures of being a woman as Alan pumped her faster before. And faster.

And faster.

“O-Oh oh-!” she moaned before climaxing. Her vision whited out for a moment before she felt something hot spray into her. 

And just like that, it was over. 

She remained on her counter with Alan on top of her. Gulping, she tried to move… only to squeal as Alan moved inside of her again.

“Let me enjoy you in full, Sabah. Let me love you to heaven.”


A/N: Writing two similar Boardwalk chapters made writing this not only confusing but also tedious. 



It was supposed to be a lewd chapter? Man, I wanted 2 lewd chapters as we talked about. Oh well.