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May 6, 2011


A teenage mom. 

That’s what she was going to become. 

Taylor Hebert didn’t know what to feel about that. 

When she went out the first night as a cape, she expected to start a journey that would lead to her being a hero. She believed that she would be beloved by the people for the work of justice she would 

She wouldn’t be the victim of bullies; she would have been a hero.

Yet here she was. Instead of becoming a hero or die trying, she surrendered to the first big bad guy who caught her (admittedly, he was the strongest cape in the city), got herself turned into his sex toy, and then became pregnant with his baby. 

Taylor stared at a family walking out of a family restaurant. As she stared at them for a little more, she couldn’t help but notice how happy they were. They reminded her of her family before her mom’s death.

She looked down at herself and gently caressed her stomach, despite the fact that there was not a single physical evidence of her pregnancy showing up. 

Honestly, she wanted a family. She didn’t want to go back to being uncertain about … things. 

She sighed. 

“What’s wrong?” 

He looked up and saw a blonde girl. It wasn’t Lisa; Alan told her that he wanted to have some extended fun with Lisa, so it couldn’t be her. Besides, Lisa had bits of freckles on the bridge of her nose and this girl didn’t. This girl had curly and wavy hair. It was a little bit on the side of messy and unkempt without being overly so.

She was awfully familiar, though…

“Just… thinking,” she replied. “Complicated things.”

The girl looked over her before shrugging. “Okay. I don’t know what you’re going through, so I can’t help you there.”

“Is helping people your thing?” Talyor asked. 

“I wish it was,” the girl snorted. “So what’s the problem?” she asked as she sat down next to her on the bench.

Taylor looked at her for a second. She wasn’t going to be blurting out anything sensitive, so why not?

“I got myself involved with someone who’s … really big.”

The girl blinked. “Like what?”

“... Stuff.”

The girl sighed, a little aggravated by her lack of an answer. “I guess you don’t want to talk about it to strangers. So the issue is big?”

Taylor nodded.

“Then why not break the problem down to smaller bits and handle it from there?”

She looked up.

“How do I handle pregnancy like that?” she asked, a little bit more bitterly than how she wanted to say it. 

The girl looked surprised. “You don’t look any older than eighteen.”

Taylor didn’t want to talk about it anymore. She stood up to leave.

“You can always start by thinking about whether or not you want the baby,” the girl said just before Taylor took off.


During the entire duration of her trip back to the Lair, Taylor began to question the very answer the strange blonde girl had thrown at her. 

‘Did I want the baby?’ That thought reverberated inside her mind repeatedly. 

As she murmured greetings to the well-disguised Dragonteeth soldiers guarding the perimeter of the warehouses under Alan’s control and then stepped into the elevator that would take her down to the deeper layers of the compound, Taylor really thought about it.

She knew intellectually that a baby was a great deal of work. Was she ready for that? She couldn’t just leave or do things she wanted, because once she gave birth to this baby, then she would be responsible to them.

Distracted by her thoughts, she somehow made her way to her and Alan’s bedroom and opened the doors-.

-and saw Alan’s back as he pounded into Lisa. 

Maybe it was the shock of walking into someone having sex - which was very different from watching it from the start - but whatever thoughts she had just poffed away as she listened to the carnal grunts and moans of pleasure eminating from the two of them.

Lisa’s cries of ecstasy echoed inside Alan’s bedrock bedroom, and Taylor couldn’t help but shiver. 

It wasn’t long after she entered the bedroom, a little shocked about having walked in on Alan fucking Lisa, that Lisa screeched and then slumped down on the bed. 

Thankfully, there weren’t many bugs down here, so she didn’t need to see Alan’s satisfaction as he fucked another woman or Lisa’s resigned bliss in being used.

Taylor felt jealousy as she took in this scene. She didn’t want to share or want Alan to touch another woman, but what could she do? Alan wouldn’t stop just because she asked. He was more likely to go out and collect more women anyway…

So what could she do?

“O-Oh, Taylor.”

Taylor jolted on the spot and looked at Lisa, who’d called out to her. Lisa looked tired with sweat dripping from every inch of her body. There was also more than a few white ejaculates on her face and chest. It was just evience that Alan hadn’t let Lisa rest at all.

Taylor felt bad for Lisa for a moment. 

“C-Can you help me? A-Alan’s a little too horny today…” she tittered out.

Taylor glanced at Alan and saw that he was staring at her intently now. 

Before she could respond, Alan pulled himself out of Lisa and got off of the bed. With his still stiff and throbbing member hanging between his legs and his sweat-covered sleek and shining body turned towards her, Alan walked.

Taylor stiffened as Alan walked up to her, and pushed her softly. She stumbled from the unexpected push and yelped when she found herself backed to the wall next to the door. 

With speed she’d come to expect from Alan, he grabbed her jeans, unzipped her front and pulled them down all the while he pinned her eyes in place with his staring eyes. She whimpered as he pulled her legs up and he placed his dick between them, grinding them against her clit. 

He forced his lips on her lips, and she let out muffled whimpers as his tongue parted her teeth and slithered into her mouth. 

It wasn’t long until she was moaning from his dick, grinding her clit away, and his tongue inside her mouth, leaving sticky saliva behind everywhere. 

‘I’m getting r-really wet,’ she thought as everything began to grow hot. For some reason, he hadn’t completely stripped her like he usually did, and she began to sweat in her long-sleeve shirt. 

It was here that she had an epiphany while remembering that strange girl’s advice. ‘Why not break the problem down to smaller bits and handle it from there?’

And right here and now, there weren’t any thoughts about whether she wanted a baby or how jealous she felt about her man impregnating another woman.

All she wanted here and now was for Alan to fuck her until she couldn’t walk on her own two legs. Then she wanted him to fuck her some more so that she drowned in the pleasure their sex. 

“A-Alan,” she called out when he broke the kiss. “In me. F-fuck me!” 

He didn’t verbally respond. Instead, he slammed his dick into her without any warning, and Taylor moaned like a whore as she finally felt his dick penetrate her.

“Y-Yes, m-more! G-Give me m-more, f-fast-!” she begged before breaking out into mewls and gasps as Alan picked up speed. Five minutes in, she climaxed but he didn’t. He kept her pinned to the wall and drilled her. Ten minutes in, she climaxed for the second time and her body loosened against her will. Only thing keeping her pinned was Alan, and Alan was still going at it. 

Fifteen minutes later, Alan finally climaxed, ejaculating into her, and she murmured incoherently as she climaxed again.

They remained there with her still pinned to the wall with his dick inside of her, and him keeping her pinned with his chest pushed against hers.

After a minute or two, he picked her up and walked to the bed where Lisa was now sleeping.

He set her down next to Lisa and went at it again.


She woke up to something shaking her, and Lisa looked.

She deadpanned when she saw Taylor screaming in ecstasy as she took her fucking from Alan right next to her. 

“Really?” she demanded as the bed continued to shake from Alan’s pounding of Taylor’s pussy. She looked at Taylor’s face and let her power loose. [Is in no condition to respond. Alan is using minute electricity to stimulate her nerves around her clitorus and vagina.] She looked at Alan. [Is in the zone. Unless disturbed significantly, he’ll continue to pound away at Taylor until she’s unconscious. Unaware that his own use of minute quantity of electricity on Taylor is also affecting him.]

“Argh!” she growled as she gave up and crawled out of the bed. She walked over to the bathroom on her shaky legs. 


May 8, 2011

Despite the fact that I wanted to fuck both of them more, I restrained myself. Thankfully, this let Lisa to actually talk to me about what she could do to help instead of running her throat hoarse from sex.

“You want to use your power to screen my people and future recruits?” I repeated and Lisa nodded. She sat in front of me with only a bathrobe covering her, a cup of coffee in one hand, and a laptop on the desk. Just appearing like that in front of me was setting me off, but she knew that I knew that I couldn’t be just fucking her every minute, every hour, and everyday; I had shit to do. So she was here in her bathrobe, looking her sexy and ready to be mated more just to mess with me.

Her smirk told me as much.

“Yes and yes.”

One answer to my verbal question and one answer to my unasked question. 

Bitch. My bitch, but still a bitch.

Her smirk only got wider.

“Yeah, go ahead,” I told her. “If it’s small stuff like spies for smaller gangs, then just kick them out. If they’re spies from big gangs, then kill them and be done with it.” She looked upset at my desire to kill people off. “Hey, we shouldn’t let spies live to learn from their mistakes. That’s bad.”

“You said something sensible,” she grumbled. “You’re not supposed to say something sensible.”

I raised an eyebrow. “Where did you get that idea from?” I asked incredulously. 

“From your nonsensical repeat sex marathon. And the fact that you thought destabilizing the entire city by blowing up a base was a good idea.”

“It did you good, didn’t it?” 

“And put everyone’s attention on you.”

“You make it sound like people weren’t paying attention to me before this.”

“Their attention then was just wary,” she grunted back. “Now, they’re arming themselves for a clash because they don’t know what will set you off.”

“... Really?”

She rolled her eyes and turned her laptop around. It was a website I was unfamiliar with.

“This place is the criminal’s version of PHO.”

“Criminal Capes Online.”

It was … ridiculous.

“You get people like the Merchants, ABB, and E88 all floating around here but also Accord’s lesser associates, and even some Teeth gang members trying to find a good target for their next mass murder spree.”

“And?” I asked.

“Look at this thread.”

I pulled the laptop to myself, only half a foot drag across the table, and read the thread she was on. “‘Coalition Against Wyrm.’” I read through it, and by the end of it, I had a list of names who were part of the coalition, which promised to back the others up when Wyrm attacked one of them. 

“Huh,” I muttered. 

“... You really thought that just killing Coil and being done with it was the end of it, didn’t you?” she asked.

“Kind of?”

She facepalmed.

I thought about this coalition. Composed of ninety seven members most of whom did not live in Brockton Bay, this coalition was made because they didn’t think that I was strong enough.

I went toe to toe with the Simurgh and they thought I wasn’t strong enough.

‘Well then, I suppose I’ll have to show up for whichever Endbringer fight comes next just to remind them what I am,’ I thought to myself. 


Exactly two weeks later, Leviathan came crashing into Boston. 


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