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Thank you to my Pat-reons: Kejmur, Alexander S!

Welcome to my new Pat-reon: GWSwift! 

Once this chapter goes up, my Pat-reon will be updated so that the Voting Supporters can vote for the update order for the week of December 8th!


When he woke up, it was to a new bed in a new room with new naked girl on his chest. 

Arthur had half a moment to think about whether or not he wanted to push the new girl off but then he realized that this wasn’t just a new random girl.

This was Claire. 

He looked down and saw her lightly breathing Claire on his chest, moving up and down along with the expansion of his chest as he took a breathe in. 

Taking her virginity had been … quite the experience. It was also, however, too short. Claire tired out too quickly than what he was used to. It took only two rounds for her to be knocked out. He’d been respectful and stopped there instead of using her body like a fuck toy, but it did leave him feeling less than satisfied. 

He was surprised, actually, when Claire entered the bathroom with only a towel over herself, though he understood the reason behind it. One did not become a successful CEO by ignoring the emotions and reasons, motivations, of the people around him. Claire’s motivation had been something carnal than most; he was her crush, and she wanted him. 

He had also known about her affection for him for years. It was hard not to when he saw her many times and she always blushed redder than a tomato the first few times she met him and how she tried to stick to his side after that.

Arthur brushed aside Claire’s sandy blonde hair aside from his forehead, and she mumbled. He thought she looked way too cute for a Nazi.

‘She’s still young,’ he thought to himself as he wrapped his arms around the young woman he intended to keep. ‘I can still change her mind.’

Just as Max pushed negative views about those with differing skin colors onto young impressionable people, Arthur knew he could do the reverse at the same efficiency if not better than what Max could do. 

“Come on, Claire. Time to wake up,” he said as he gently shook her, which only served to push her B-cup boobs against his chest and shake them. She groaned as she tried to stick to him more. “Time for breakfast, Claire.”

She got up.

Funny how food was the universal language for teenagers…


“Y-Yes, yes! Give it to me-!” Claire mewled while he pounded into her from behind while he held her in position with his hold on her wrists.

Somehow, a simple after meal conversation turned into a heated fucking session. At first, they talked about how she was doing, what she wanted to do…

Well, that’s exactly how far they got. When he asked her what she wanted to do for the day, she had smiled coyly, said “I’m going to make you want only me” and tried to fellatio him. The key word here was “Tried” because she ended up staring at his 9 inch long and nearly 2 inches thick dick instead of going for it immediately when the surprise was the greatest. 

She had the courage to take it in her mouth a minute later, but she had never done anything like it before; for all her courage and effort, she only managed to choke herself and had to stop.

Taking pity on her, he stopped her, carried her to his room, and gave her what she wanted.

His dick.

Hanging on the edge of his bed with her feet pushing against the ground, Claire moaned as her body rocked back and forth minutely with the rhythm of his thrusts slamming into her ass. Her ass clapped with each full-length hilting of his dick in her pussy. 

He groaned in ecstasy as he took Claire and pumped her for all she was worth. 

“A-Arthur, more, more, m-more!” she begged.

Completely aware of the fact that Claire might not be ready for high speed action but uncaring of it, he released her wrists, and grabbed her waist. Then he pulled her off of the bed, and let her hang. 

Her feet left the ground as he lifted her up and she yelped, suddenly losing her grip on solid ground. 

Thrusting rapidly into her now, Arthur kept her in the air and Claire screamed as she took it from him.

Then she froze and shrieked before falling forward limply, trembling. At the same time, her pussy walls gripped tightly on him again and again, milking him as best as they could. 

Finally, Arthur climaxed too, and ejaculated directly into her with all of his dick completely impaling her. He moaned as he felt her walls tighten even more. Claire continued to whimper, hanging by his dick and hands only. 

“Was that what you wanted, Claire?” he asked her as he laid her gently back on the bed. “Getting me to cum inside you so thoroughly?” 

She shuddered and slowly turned around. His dick was still inside of her, so her movement made both of them moan in pleasure. 

“Y-You already d-did it inside me yesterday,” she said with a bit of a tremble in her voice. “Not like i-it’s going to make a difference.”

“True, true,” Arthur replied as he leaned down for a kiss. She closed her eyes and parted her lips just a bit, and he kissed her. Her arms wrapped around his neck and back while her legs now wrapped around his waist. 

Seeing an opportunity, he wrapped one of his arms around her back and another around her waist… and got back to thrusting.

She moaned into his mouth, and he used that moment to slip his tongue into her mouth. She yelped only to go back to moaning as his dick thrusted into her wet folds without stopping. Those moans turned to muffled whimpers as his tongue found herself and licked. His tongue expertly wrapped around hers, pushing and pulling. He coated the insides of her mouth with his saliva, and young and inexperienced Claire found herself being claimed at both ends of her body.

He broke the kiss and pushed his face against the side of hers. He whispered into her ear as Claire whimpered. 

“I’m going to fuck you everyday, Claire. I’m going to cum into your womb every year, Claire-!” he hissed as he pulled her hips up by pushing his own hips and placing his knees on the bed. He came down on her pussy, mating-press style. “I’m going to have you lined up with other girls and I’m going to have all of them with my baby!” 

Claire’s only response was to moan and groan, but her legs tightened around his waist even if she didn’t - or couldn’t? - respond to him verbally. 

He licked her earlobes and she whimpered.

The wet smacking sound of their mating - because that’s what this was - filled the atmosphere of the room repeatedly between their grunts and moans. 

Finally, he pressed down and she shrieked in response, pressing and wrapping each other as tightly as possible, as they climaxed. 

They laid there, Arthur on top of Claire on his bed, and reveled in each other’s warmth. 

“D-Do I have to share? Am I not enough?” she asked meekly, weakly pushing her boobs against his chest in a vain effort to appeal to him with femininity to get him to go with her words. 

Arthur chuckled, nowhere near as tired as Claire was, as he pulled away. Their mixed sweats dribbled down their chests and abdomen, or chiseled abs in his case. 

“How about this?” he said as he lifted her up again and carried her to the center of the bed. “If you can last as long as I can, then I’ll agree,” he said as he laid her down.

She looked nervous. “W-Wait, you’re not t-tired…?!” she asked incredulously.

He flexed his dick inside of her, and she yipped when his hard dick widened her pussy for a second.

He waggled his eyebrows. “I have stamina to spare.” Of course, stamina had nothing to do with how long a dick could stay up, but Arthur just had that kind of body. 

Arthur flipped her around, putting her on her face and knees, and pistoned her pussy.

Claire gave up even before he finished.

He didn’t stop using her pussy for another five rounds.

Three hours later, he asked himself this: was it too much?

Arthur looked over his shoulder and saw Claire, still laying down on the sweat soaked bedsheets with her ass held up to the air. His cum dribbled out of her pussy and asshole, which he also claimed the virginity of, and Claire laid there like that, moaning.

Seeing how much he had dominated her and completely satisfied in the knowledge that Claire would soon be pregnant with his baby, he didn’t think it was too much.

He, on the other hand, was fully dressed and ready to get to a meeting Jessica had set up for him.

Speaking of whom, he wondered what his pseudo-sister was doing…


“You want to … buy Claire?” Max asked with a raised eyebrow in the privacy of his office. 

“Both of us know that she’s Rune, so let’s not talk around in circles,” Arthur replied, sitting on the other side of Max’s desk. “I want her.”

“... She’s too much a strategic asset for me to just ‘release’ to you,” his older brother replied dismissively. 

“Even if I were to secure ten percent of the shares for Medhall?” 

That stopped Max.

Despite the fact that Arthur had been the one to be ousted from the family, the richest member of the Anders Clan was Arthur, not Max; Max’s total asset wasn’t even half of Arthur’s. This was because although Max was the CEO and the largest shareholder of the Medhall Pharmaceutical, he owned only a third of the shares with his Board of Directors allies holding another thirty percent between them. 

In essence, Max’s hold over his own company was unstable.

“You already sold your share, and that was only five percent,” Max replied, intrigued. 

“I did. I just have .. favors I can call in from a lot of current shareholders. It won’t take much for them to exchange their shares in Medhall at my request.”

Max thought about it. “You … intend to give them your share of your company?”

If there was one thing Arthur knew he did well, then it was the fact that he kept over 90% of his company shares. His company was also worth far more than Medhall’s with how rapidly he was expanding. Medhall, on the other hand, was competing with bigger rivals with deeper pockets. 

Max knew what Arthur intended to do.

“Exchanging their share in Medhall for yours, huh?”

“Equal exchange of shares, of course.”

Max raised an eyebrow, and Arthur knew why. Arthur’s corporation was worth the same, per share, as Medhall. But it was also a corporation experiencing a growth boom. 

“... I want fifteen percent.”

Arthur chuckled. “Greedy, aren't you brother?” he asked. “I can always ask Claire to simply walk away from this life, and as she is right now, she will do whatever I ask. I’m being nice about this.”

Max glared at him. “And you would make me your enemy with that move,” he replied. 

Arthur raised his hands up. “I know, that’s why I’m offering you far more than what she’s worth, both objectively and subjectively.”

The CEO of Medhall and the leader of Empire Eighty-Eight tapped his finger irritably. 

“How about this?” Arthur spoke up again. “You know how I always appreciated Nessa and Jessica?” He was referring to Fenja and Menja, the new recruits Kaiser had been touting for the past two months, not his pseudo-sister and secretary Jessica. “Hand them over to me along with Claire, and I’ll give you thirty percent.”

Max’s eyes widened. If he got thirty percent, then he would have sixty percent overall shares of Medhall. Arthur knew that it was too big of a bait for him. After all, E88 may be the legacy of the family, but Max had always been the pragmatic one. He valued Medhall more than he valued E88.

“Losing three capes in one-go may be … too much,” Max said. “The girls will also not appreciate being sold off like property.”

Arthur waved his hand. “Claire is already in my camp. I’m sure I can bring Nessa and Jessica to my side as well,” he replied. “How about this? If they don’t want to be with me and go back to being your bodyguards and soldiers, then I’ll still get you twenty percent.”

Max grumbled. “You never ever come to the negotiation table without an overwhelming offer, do you?”

Arthur grinned triumphantly. “It’s how I do business,” he chuckled. “For me, life is a positive sum game, not a net neutral like so many think life to be. That kind of thinking is so old style.”

“Fine. I’ll tell Nessa and Jessica that they are being assigned to you.”

“Great,” he replied. “Always a pleasure doing business with you, brother.” ‘Not.’

“Sure, sure. You’re not the one who has to tell two women that they’re being sold.”

“You can just say they are being reassigned.”

“You and I both know that they aren’t stupid, despite their Playboy proportions.” A pause. “I expect all of the shares you promised me by next week.”

Arthur snorted. “Oh please, you and I both know that it takes longer than that. How about three weeks?” 

Max glared. 

“... If you let me take a shot at your ex, then I’ll make it two weeks.”

Max looked disgusted. “You’re a fucking dog, you know that?”

Arthur grinned carelessly. “And I love it.”

“Get out of my office.”


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