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Commissioned by Definitely Not Dio

Chaotic Clusterfuck

Chapter 27 (NSFW)


Scouting out Boston was important because it was where the auction was most likely going to be held. 

New York City was the heart of the Protectorate in the East Island. Legend lived there, and holding an auction there was just begging the federal government to perform a raid in their own stronghold. 

Boston, on the other hand, was a stable city with a Protectorate branch that had an uneasy understanding with the local villains. As long as nothing got too out of hand and overt, some of the crimes were overlooked. 

Which made holding an auction there more feasible.

However, Uppercrust wanted to discuss holding the auction with Accord, the most powerful villain in charge of the Ambassadors, the man’s personal villain team. As Boston was Accord’s city, Uppercrust didn’t want to step on any toes, so to speak.

I told him I was fine with that. 

But just because Uppercrust wanted to talk with Accord didn’t mean that I wasn’t going to do any scouting myself. 

So while the vast majority of my clones and myself remained home in Brockton Bay, five of my clones in varying appearances and levels of disguise, all traveling independently, went about entering the city at different intervals with their ajins. 

Now, I didn’t expect to find anything in the first week or so of scouting. Hell, Uppercrust’s negotiation with Accord might even finish before then. It might not have started. 

The scouting was more for my curiosity’s sake than any actually important intelligence acquisition. 

What was more important was that I needed to be vigilant against Brockton Bay’s own players. 

But it was nice to have the civilian side on my side. 

The mayor was apopletic with the PRT and the Protectorate, mostly because he knew who would be hurting if I got arrested or decided to leave the city. 

No one else could provide the level of protection and services without the governmental or criminal oversight and demands, and even if they did find someone to replace my services - ranging from water treatment to a surprisingly effective anti-air defense - the transition would be painful at best and catastrophic to the city at worst.

Where did that leave me?


It’s been a week since the PRT’s lone lawyer came to serve a lawsuit, only to realize the level of deception that had been played on her. Even if it was not her job to decide whether or not to pull back the lawsuit including the legalities of a lawyer doing so against the will of the organization she was presenting, her decision probably saved the PRT a lot of face. 

I could just imagine the kind of shit the PRT would get if the news of the lawsuit was released after my video of Battery’s assault went viral. That would be a legal and political shitstorm that would go straight up to Congress. 

But those were now what-ifs. 

I needed to focus on the here and now. 

Like the headjob I was getting. 


I watched while seated as Zoe bobbed her head up and down my shaft slowly while looking up and meeting my gaze. 

I brushed her hair out of her face before taking a hold of her hair. 

She frowned a bit and lightly slapped at my hand, and I chuckled as I pulled back.

She closed her eyes and went back to sucking my dick, and I let out a groan as she used her smooth tongue to run all around the head of my dick. 

Then Zoe froze and trembled a little as she stopped sucking. Raising an eyebrow, I looked up from her and at the clone that had been on his hands and knees to lick her pussy. The clone, whose perspective I could see, continued to lick away at her. I didn’t even realize that she came from that. 

After a moment, she opened her again to look up at me with a half-smouldering and half-glaring gaze. She grabbed the insides and tops of my thigh.

And then she went on the attack.

I gripped the couch as she started pumping away at my dick with her mouth. 

I decided that it wasn’t fair if only she got to attack like that, and had my clone take up position behind her. 

And in time with her ramming my dick down her throat, I pushed my clone’s dick into her pussy. 

She let out a muffled gasp before glaring up at me. 

I just smirked. 

All’s fair in love and war, hon.

She moaned when my clone started slowly pumping her, though moving mostly himself only, and she went right back to blowing me. She made long, fast strokes up and down my dick, and her tongue ran roughshod with my sensitive head. 

I took a deep breath in and let it out as I tried to keep myself from just cumming all over her as she sucked me dry…! 


While I was having fun at home, my clones were elsewhere doing work. 

Now, a lot of people was focused on me because I made the news as a civilian who got his hands on a very large quantity of eezo, they didn’t forget that two criminal elements of Brockton Bay had also gotten their hands on it.

Empire Eighty-Eight and the Four Musketeers. 

Since the Four Musketeers’ base of operation was unknown to everyone but me, people’s focus naturally turned toward E88. 

And the E88 felt cornered. Between the Protectorate/PRT and the Four Musketeers, their capes were inferior. Between my “civilian”-hired capes and the Ghosts, they were outmanned. And then there was Lung. 

Lung who decided that attacking the E88 to secure those element zeros right now was the best action he could take. 

My clones and I watched through the former’s eyes as fire broke out above the Brockton Bay’s suburban skyline before steel spears shrieked up just above the same skyline before coming back down toward where the fire originated them.

And then a stream of fire broke above the skyline.

The clones watching the ABB and the E88 fighting over what was supposed to be a secure safehouse holding E88’s salvaged eezo were the Four Musketeers, their ajins, and a dozen more ajins from various clones loitering around the outskirts of the area. 

Their job?

Secure E88’s eezo.

Alric, Black Sebastian, Seekowl, and Terapin all looked at each other. 

“The plan is simple,” Seekowl spoke up. “We Four Musketeers will go in and act as a distraction. We will primarily engage E88 and try to keep Lung away from the safehouse. The ajins will act as the asset acquisition from the E88’s rear, cutting down anyone who doesn’t get out of the path. This includes capes. Any questions?” 

The clones may be connected but their method of communication could get clogged up if too many clones “thought” at the same time. Or rather the noise of those thoughts drowned out the details. As such, planning it out like this beforehand was useful. They didn’t have to, of course. They could plan using the gestalt consciousness’s network, but all of the clones were developing, let’s say, individuality. This kind of spoken planning made them feel like they were individuals and not a cog in the network. 

I personally didn’t care about it as long as they continued to be “my” clones. 

Who’s taking care of the Grimm? 

The clones glanced over to the outskirts of the city. 

While this was something we hadn’t noticed before because there was no previous need to come over here (we actually never came over to Brockton Bay’s westside before), there was a wall that kept the city separated from the wilderness outside of it. 

Because that’s where the Grimm roamed. 

They were one of the changes my choices had wrought to this version of Earth Bet, and they were a constant threat like they were in their native world of Remnant. Unlike Remnant, however, there were far more people with far more power here along with much more well developed weapons technology that allowed the common man to have a better chance at taking out individual Grimms. 

This was America. 

You can own artillery here, so the bar for what a common man could take care of was pretty high. 

The wall made protecting the city easier, still, so it went up.

And where we were was right at the edge of the suburbs meeting the wall, and the fighting inside of it was slowly drawing more and more Grimm along the edge of the forest half a mile away from the walls. 

Ajins not taking part in the operation will take care of them, I ordered from my mansion.

As one, some one hundred ajins moved toward the wall and over it as their clones also moved closer to the walls to give their ajins the range they needed to take the fight to the Grimm, who couldn’t even see them. 

If everything is set … then begin the mission.”

“Go,” Alric grunted and the Four Musketeers, along with their ajins, jumped from the roof of the gas station they have been watching the raid from and raced toward the center of the fight. 

It wasn’t long before they heard police sirens, though.

This just became a four-way fight.