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An Arcanist in Karakura Town

Chapter 58


I found myself a little surprised when the onmyouji, who have been quiet, came to check up on me. 

Of course, they registered the big ass explosions of spiritual explosions that preceded the dreadful presence of a great old one. 

And well, yeah, that. 

“I didn’t expect you to be the one of the people to come and check up on me,” I commented as I stared at an onmyouji I haven’t seen in a while. 

Hina, the still not yet Elder Six of the local onmyouji sect, glared at me from the other side of the slightly opened warehouse doors. 

“What’s that supposed to mean?” she snapped at me. Despite the thrashing I’ve given her a few times she challenged me, she was still as fresh as ever. “Do you even know what kind of chaos you caused back home? Mikos were sceaming their heads off and the regular onmyoujis were spitting blood to keep themselves under control!” 

“... sorry. I may not have been thinking about how that particular portal would have affected you lot,” I apologized. “In my defense, I’ve been under siege by arrancars and a quincy.”

She blinked. “What’s a quincy?”

I explained to her, and she looked horrified that there were people whose base power was to break souls down into nothing. 

“Wait, why would they attack you?!” 

“Because I live in a town that used to be the main gateway between the three realms,” I replied. 

“... I don’t understand.”

I rolled my eyes. “Ask your grandpa about it. Anyways, I’m essentially too big of a threat to let live as far as the quincies are concerned, never mind the fact that a mere mage dared to copy their base ability and make bombs out of it,” I drawled. “But before you go…”

“... What?”

I grinned happily. “Do you wanna see my babies? Like actual babies. Not even half a year old cute bundles of -.”

“Oh Kami, you turned into a dad.”


It took me a bit of time to get a picture of the interdimensional scene.

And it matched up only a little compared to what the canon was like. 

The Quincies were coming out of their hiding, yes, and they were as strong as they were in canon. However, they were comparatively weaker than before for two reasons: the Espada and still powerful Soul Society.

The Espada’s continued presence along with the three traitor shinigami captains meant that Hueco Mundo was nominally protected and the Quincies could not go out of their way to campture any Arrancars willy-nilly like they did in canon. 

As for Soul Society, the Visoreds may not be a part of their ranks anymore due to the fact that a lack of a war and Aizen Sosuke not showing up in full as the mastermind behind their exile, but they were still allies of the Gotei 13. While this made them no stronger than before on the surface, Kisuke’s band of misfits and the Visoreds being on the surface while still easily reachable by Soul Society gave Gotei 13 a flexible “forward operating base,” so to speak. 

And there was no doubt in my mind that Urahara already reported the quincy siege on my home.

I combined all of this together.

And I got just one answer out of it. 

Those fuckers were still my enemies

If they were truly “guardians” of balance, then they would have come rushing in to defeat the quincies, whose very powers were a danger to the balance of the three worlds. 

If they were truly shinigamis dedicated to their duties, then they would have been here to exorcise the arrancars that the quincies were using to lay siege to my home. 

No one helped. Not Kurosaki Ichigo, not any of his friends, not Urahara and his misfits, not the Visoreds, and certainly not Gotei 13. Only after I solved the problem myself did one of them come to ask what I did, not how I held up. 

All of them were my enemies. They just were keeping themselves in check to not force me to bomb them all. 

… It was what I expected. 

It was a realization that I’ve had months ago and what drove me to focus my research and Tinkering solely on my [Haywire] shard. And the latest tinkering I’ve done showed just how well I’ve done for myself. 

Gotei 13 and others will see just another weapon that might be pointed against them. 

In a way, they were right. If I continued to use it as I did against the besiegers, then it would remain just a weapon. 

But I wasn’t so shortsighted. 

No, I intended to go a step further.

Why play their game when I could flip the board completely?

In a dimensionally and magically isolated part of the warehouse, I activated not a bomb but a full on gateway. 

I watched as crackles of energy and light bled through two different world, mine and another. 

I thought long and hard about what kind of world I would need to connect to. If I went somewhere too weak, then it would be too inconsequential to change anything. If I chose somewhere too chaotic stupid, then I went from being too dangerous to fuck with to too dangerous to let live. 

Ctuhlhu doesn’t count. That thing barely woke up after I tossed the arrancars and one quincy before it went back to sleep. 

I needed a world that would be not too strong as to upset the entire world order but still strong enough to change the entire world. Somewhere that the likes of the Yhwach and Soul King weren’t common but certainly not as important as they were here. 

Cthulhu Mythos was not one of those places. 

But this place could be. 

Now, how was I going to make it so that the people here could come over to Karakura Town so easily that all of Bleach’s spiritual scene had no choice but to hunker down and stop acting like genocidal assholes? 



So it's a universe with god's but not one that can just roll over the Bleach universe. Tricky.

gaouw ganteng

So, Danmachi? I don't think MC gonna go to Faerun. Hmm.. Ravnica? That kinda risk Bolas' attention, tho. Or maybe not?