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Hello, the September Release is ready for download. Please get them from the following links. The pre-supports (Tucker) are already included in the download link. We will add Julies pre-supports as soon as they are ready.

This release (September) will be provided through MyMiniFactory on the 8th October!

New Sets 30 & 31 + Throwback Sets 10 & 11 + Welcome Set 7:

MyAirBridge Mirror - The Month is over and the link deleted. You can get the older models from MyMiniFactory.

Dropbox Mirror - The Month is over and the link deleted. You can get the older models from MyMiniFactory.

Google Drive Mirror (pre-packed zips) - The Month is over and the link deleted. You can get the older models from MyMiniFactory.

HD Render Images of all the sets released so far:

This Months 20% discount code for MyMiniFactory is: *Old Code Deleted

Hope you enjoy our releases so far. We will do our best in the future also! For feedback and questions, you can comment or send me a message. 😃

Thank You!




What is the difference between Tucker and Julies pre-supports ?

Steven Crawford

Tucker makes steak and potatoes supports. Julie makes Fettucine Alfredo with Duck Sauce supports. Tucker's supports work great, most of the time. Julie's supports also work great, nearly all time. Tucker's support removal can be tricky at times. Julie's support removal is usually pretty smooth. Tucker's supports make you believe in the universal truth of 3D Printing. Julie's supports make you believe that a little bit of extra effort can go a long way. Tucker's supports are already here. Julie is fashionably late.


Another beautiful release 😍


Question what is the difference between a outdated file? Some of the stl are v1 outdated and v2


"v" stands for "variation", so there is a slight difference between v1 and v2. "Outdated" stands for models with thin parts that got new versions with thicker parts, thus outdated. It would be easier if you open up the files at the same time and have a look at them yourself.


Awesome thx I noticed the deference in versions just not the out dated. Just down loading the current release. You guys know you average 4 set a month hey ? Like I have to say you guys are the best patreon on here for quality and quantity.

Corrin Mana

Every model I've loaded into Lychee has holes. v1 of the the one piece Hell Gate has 1316 holes, and after repairing it still has 331.


Hello Corrin, those mircro holes (missing a few polygons here and there) won't stop the models from printing. Lychee is to over sensitive with these things. As long as there are no hollow parts, everything will work out.


I've been printing a ton of these minis nonstop for three weeks now, sliced in chitubox. The models are fine.

Nate Crackel

Quick question: so, I've noticed that the file sizes for your minis are waaaay bigger than those I've collected from other sources. Any reason for this? Not a big deal, it's just a drag to download and store. Great work with these though, the quantity and quality of your designs makes being a patron a no-brainer.


Hello Nate, our models are between 50MB and 150MB in file size, depending on the detail and texture the model has. The only exception to this are bigger models like building and ships. The high download sizes result from the amount of models you get. For example lets say you get 80 new models + 80 returning models, you would have 160 models (each 50-150MB). Of course you have to double that again for the pre-supported files. As you can see, the only way to reduce the total file size is to either decimate everything beyond recognition, or give less models. Both is not an option for us.


Anyone else having issues with the pre-supports for the wings on the Flying Dragon with Sword. Printed twice now and failed both times.


I just realized I got the 08/2021 minis in the MMF library (I joined in that 1 week of overlap, where you said something like join now to get both months) so obviously I have access to august and september, in terms of downloading. I was wondering, will/should I also have the september stuff on MMF? Is that something that gets added later, or should t hat not happen at all? Of course it's easier to keep them in that library than downloading everything.


Hello, as mentioned in this post, the September models will be provided on the 8th October on MMF.


Any ETA for Julies supports? I know I'm being lazy, I just like her supports :)


Added Julies pre-supports for sets 30 & 31

Figure Forge

Please can I ask that you stop modelling tiny flimsy fingers. A hand that has the fingers connected would look just as good but be so much more print friendly. There's simply no resin out there that can handle such delicate features. It means I am avoiding otherwise brilliant models.


I havent seemed to have any issues with any of the fingers on the models. I could see that they may be an issue on a printer with a lower resolution, but then the issue is that the printer can handle what's being requested of it. You can trying lowering your layer height, that seems to help capture some of the more fiddly bits, and also resupporting files is sometimes key to locking in the perfect print. The presupports are a great launching pad, but if you truly want immaculate prints, your going to have to put in some work too. I only speak, because the Black Pharaoh model has some tiny fingers, I didn't think they were possible, but after trial and error, I managed to pull off an amazing quality print on my Mighty4k.


hey guys! Quick question on the larger models that are "flying" and are posed to only have contact with a tail, a wing, or a leg (looking at you, Adult Red Dragon). How do you go about printing bases for those? I'd love me a Huge dragon, but I'm baffled as to how to make actually stand up and not break the tail.


Hello Dakeiras, for models like the Flying Red Dragon, I usually recommend some base decoration, especially near the tail so that it "holds" the tail in place. You can also add weights under the base to make everything more stable.

Nate Crackel

Hello! I have a small request that is a simple matter of convenience, that you can take with a grain of salt if you choose: is there any way that you can label the models in your .png images? This would make it so much easier to choose which model I want to print, and then to hunt down the .stl file. I love your work, and I look forward to next month's sets. Thanks!


Hello Nate, instead of writing it on the image, we name the image to the file name. So looking at the image name should be enough to tell you the number and name of the model. 😃