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Hello, with this update we will enclose the "Dark Swamp" set. The second new May set will be revealed soon! Hope you like our models so far!

Barbarian Champion - An adventurer on its journey to slay the Dragon that butchered his family. You better don't stand in his way!

Fungus Infested Treant - This Treant may seem alive to you, but if you look closer into his eyes, you will find out that its soul already left its body.

Cockatrice - Those aggressive creatures are not easy foes. They would do anything to protect their eggs. If you manage to hatch a cockatrice from an egg, it will be loyal to you for ever.

Revealed 43 of ~80 new May models. More to be shown soon.

Thank You!




is that a saddle on the cockatrice? Will there be a rider? ;)


Hitting it out of the park with this set.


Love it!

Ramiro Carrasco Jr.

I love the miniatures. They look fantastic and it seems to me that they are only getting better! Does the black base mean there will be no base for that mini? I do much prefer them having their own individual custom bases like the Large Cockatrices do.


We would love to make custom bases for every sculpt. Sadly that takes time and I think people prefer new miniature models over new bases. There are so many amazing free bases out there, I am sure you will find something that fits that model. 😃

Ramiro Carrasco Jr.

Also, I really like the look of the Barbarian Champion. Freaking excellent work!


I really enjoy the set so far. Thank you so much for another mount. Really glad you guys are doing mount versions of these larger creatures. Only wish the barbarian was using his shield somewhere.


That Fungus Infested Treant looks great! Can't wait to print him out.

Nigel Bell

The Barbarian is a lovely "Fire & Ice" homage! I remember it well (I'm older than I look... okay, possibly not, but I still enjoy Bakshi and Frazetta's movie). 😊

Micah Raymond Maloney

Not intending to be rude or anything, but I felt I should say how I feel, and hope that some constructive criticism feedback might help for future releases. I'm still backing for May, but definitely not feeling it as much as before. It's the sheer volume that allows for enough to make it worth it for me still, but there seems to be far more I probably won't ever print, or at the very least, not together. Sadly, only interested in the Fungus Infested Treant in this one. Looking back at the other updates so far for May... There are more than enough that I really do want, but far, far more that I'm disinterested in or at least ambivalent about, compared to all previous releases since I first joined up. Usually I'm interested in 70-90%, this month update, more like 30-50% so far. And I love swamp stuff, so it isn't the theme, more just... I don't know, it there seems to be a fair amount that doesn't fit the theme, which is okay, but definitely not anything I would have expected or wanted. Yes, bears do live in swamps, but they're not exactly what you think of when you think of swamps, compared to forests. Usually when I think of lamia, I think of deserts, and the styles don't really scream swamp cultures. I think of more islands for cyclops, or at least mountains, and fields or forests for a green knight, and likewise coast, fields, mountains, or forest for barbarians. It just... feels a lot more loosely connected this time around. That paired with the color change (which at least looks better now than the first preview renders), makes it not as interesting. Sure, some other months had two themes, or a theme and then an off-shoot tangent, but they tended to have the main theme grouped together before the second theme or off-shoot one. I guess I much preferred things as they were before for theming and such.

Benoit Michaux

The cockatrice mount is really cool :)

Sean John

As a merchant, I'm loving this set. Keep up the great work!

Sean John

Can't find the base for the Tarrasque anywhere - can you help?


Yes of course, you can download them here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/sza393jxwplzaa6/Base%2001%20-%20153mm%20-%20Colossal%20-%206%20Inch.stl?dl=0 If you need anything else please let me know. And I think writing messages would be more suited for stuff like this. 😃


Hello Micah, thank you for your feedback. Sometimes we will have sets like this with some filler because we have released thematically more fitting models in earlier sets. For example we would have included a Hydra in the swamp set but we just released a Hydra model in set 19. In set 20 we have "mosquito bats" who would fit in a swamp set too and there are many more. This set is more like a addition to all of the other models we released and it is called "Dark Swamp" because of the Black Dragon and the toad folk models. Our second May set is more thematical. 😃