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Hello, here is the  first preview for Decembers Set "Sons of Midnight". Yes, this doesn't look very Lovecraftian, but Lovecraft is not all about the big tentacle monsters you know. The characters that explore ancient mysteries and their slow journey into madness is what makes the stories so good. 

We are of course including many entities from the Lovecraft universe in this set. I don't like the idea of just focusing on them though. I will reveal some of them in the coming updates. Until then I hope you will enjoy the following. 😃

Excerpts from Phillip Jones' diary:

November 12, 1920 - City of Nirvana

I have finally obtained it! The map showing me the  location of the fabled ruins of Carcosa! I already arranged a trip there. The local people were hesitant but I could find a young lizard rider who was willing to guide me there.

November 14, 1920

Today is the day of our departure. Saeed, my travel companion and guide for the next couple of weeks, ensured me that his riding lizards are one of the best trained ones I could find in the Yellow Wastelands. And they don't need water! With them we can travel relatively lightweight. The journey to the ruins should not take longer than two weeks.

November 21, 1920 - Yellow Wastelands

Its been a week since we started our journey through the dunes of this wasteland. Nothing but the scorching sun and sand until now. Saeed gets more talkative as we travel. He talks for hours about how he is proud of his three children and that he wants to give them a better life than he had. It looks like he needed this job.

November 23, 1920,

As I talked about our destination with Saeed, he made a remark on why it was so hard to find a guide there. Apparently the ruins are rumored to be cursed and that a great evil lies there. The only thing there is, is an artifact of great power. But of course, I haven't told Saeed that. He thinks that I am an archaeologist that is looking for traces of lost civilizations.

November 28, 1920 - Somewhere

Today we should be at the ruins... Well, nothing but sand to be seen. Saeed looks irritated and feels more unease as the days pass. He told me that we should be at the location marked on the map. Either the map is wrong or Saeed has led us astray. Or Carcosa doesn't exist... We decided to travel further into the desert.

December 1, 1920

"We are almost at the point of no return!" Saeed told me panicked. "We have to turn back" he shouted at me. AT ME! It is not my fault he calculated our water supplies so scarce! I insisted on continuing on half rations and that he otherwise wouldn't get his payment. At least a few more days. Carcosa SHOULD be here... It has to... Sonia... It has to be real!

December 4, 1920

Carcosa is nowhere in sight. Saeed told me he would return to Nirvana in two days. With or without me. It looks like he doesn't care about his payment anymore. If only I had more water... If only Saeed would leave without taking his share... If only...

December 6, 1920

Saeed sleeps. He will not continue this journey with me. I can't let him take the water with him. I can't... I am sorry Saeed. I will make sure you won't suffer... I am sorry... I have to... for Sonia...

December 14, 1920

It is been a month since I entered this damn desert. Even without Saeed, my water won't last long. I am sorry Saeed...

December 21, 1920

My water is all depleted. I will die here... At least I will see you soon my dear Sonia...

December 22, 1920

Thirst... I envy my lizard who is as cheerful as in the day of our departure. I need some rest...

December 23, 1920

I FOUND SOMETHING! It looks like an entrance that leads to the underground, but to thin to take my lizard with me. It is time to say farewell my cheerful friend. I will either find what I am looking for or this will be my grave.

December 24, 1920 - Ruins of Carcosa

I am there! Those ruins only can be Carcosa. Who would have thought it would be buried underground? And there is WATER down here! Fresh, tasty water. I will rest for today and start looking for the "Yellow Sign" tomorrow. Sonia I am at Carcosa!

December 26, 1920

The ruins are all empty. My last hope is the big temple ruin. I just need to find a way in.

December 27, 1920 - The Golden Temple

I am in and it is breathtakingly beautiful. Gold everywhere! They worshipped a sorcerer called "The King in Yellow" here. His pendant with his sign is said to do the impossible and overcome the limits of time and space. Sonia I will see you soon.

December 28, 1920

I found the pendant! There are weird, encrypted words written on the podium. I was prepared for this though.

December 29, 1920

It looks like the old Carcosian Language is very similar to the Nirvanian Language. After translating the sentence on the podium, I got the following: "What is always behind of you and can’t be changed?" A riddle?!

December 30, 1920

"THE PAST"! That is the solution to that ancient riddle. The past can't be changed, eh? We will see that. How do I use this damn pendant?

December 31, 1920

After shouting "the past" in the Nirvanian language a few times, the pendant started to shake and opened a portal in front of me! I DID IT! I am coming Sonia, I will save you this time. Wait for me...

To be continued?




are gonna be a big breasted tomb raider ?


Good story! And I have been wanting an explorer like that!


😍😍 I am so ready.


Good riddance - Lovecraft really is not all about Ktulhu! Are we to wait for some classy man in suits or longcoats?


No "man in suits" this time. I made it on purpose so that the setting is more "medieval" and somewhere in a D&D like universe with dwarves, elves and so on. 😃

Scott M.

Well, you have my attention. Can't wait for more!


Vary indiana jones looking you should make an arc of the covenant just as a joke.