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Hello my patient, strange, and wonderful patrons: we're back this week!

I'm tapering us in with a slightly more spaced-out reading schedule to get us going again. Your story instalments will land in your inboxes at 7am EST / 1pm CEST on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday this week and next, and then it's back to each weekday morning until this tale has been spun out in its entirety.

When we left off in late December, I was on day 2 of my week of rehearsal and creation in May 2023 at the Cirque du Soleil International Headquarters in Montréal , Quebec. I was acclimating to the facilities, navigating the slings and arrows of costume fittings, and trying to translate my vacuum tower act to a totally new plexiglas apparatus.

Here's a link for an easy revisit for the last instalment (part 25).

Here we go!
XO essssssssssss




Yay! :D