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Alright, I was TOO EXCITED during that last post to share any actual specific details about the book, so let's dig in to what I'm seeing with this proof copy!

As a refresher, a 'proof copy' is a single sample copy of a book that a printer/publisher will send you to look over to approve before a whole order goes to print. 

Here's what I've noticed so far!

  • The cover quality is great: nice powder-finish feel to the 'Image-Wrap Hardcover', as this printer calls it. The corners are tidy; the dip down to the spine of the book is even and consistent; and the pages glued to the inside are tidily and securely done. 10/10.

  • Clarity: no fuzziness, bleeding, or distortion in the images or text on the cover or any of the interior pages. This image below is the smallest type in the book — only 6pt font. 10/10.

  • NICE THICK PAGES. 10/10. They make a "THUNK" when I run my thumb over them. It's extremely satisfying. It’s like CARDSTOCK.

  • LayFlat Binding is just what I hoped for! When I open the book to any 2-page image spreads, there's no disruption of the image. Nothing gets lost in the 'gutter' (centre crease) of the book

  • Print quality/DPI: I'm gonna rate this an 8/10. If I shove my face up really close to the page, it's not CRISP, CRISP like an HD or 4K image on a screen. To be honest, I'm unsure if this is simply because I'm so used to being saturated in digital media or ... I also know that there WAS 2 levels higher of paper quality that this printer offers that perhaps would make a difference in this regard, but it would make each individual copy of the book cost $158 CAD each (and that's WITH THE VOLUME DISCOUNT). It's simply financially unfeasible, so – this STILL HIGH QUALITY PAPER (it's not by any means their 'discount' or 'economy' paper LOL) is what it is, the images still look gorgeous – I'm just being very picky.
  • This isn't about the physical book itself, but - Customer Service is 10/10 with these guys too. The manager assigned to my large order - Melissa - has been answering emails back and forth with me so regularly and efficiently. It's made all of this so smooth!
  • The only negative I've caught so far (if I can even call it that) is a facet of the reality of this fancy LayFlat binding . I noticed while doing my read-through of the proof copy that if I did what we all absent-mindedly do with big books -- lay the spine flat to the table and pore over the pages -- it causes some distortion in the binding. In order to preserve the integrity of the binding and not create a 2nd accidental crease in, or damage, the page, I have to keep the spine of the book 'supported', as in, keep it tucked up at the 90-degree-angle it maintains to the covers when closed. It's nothing major, but it is a little different than other standard-bound books I've read. Also nothing I could have anticipated, and I still love the lack of centre-crease, so I suppose it just comes with the territory. Something I’ll be aware of and choose to accept or avoid next one, too. I think I'll be sending out a "How to Take Care of Your LayFlat Bound Book" to you guys and all my customers when the time comes to make sure that folks know to be mindful of this! 

Example — not like this ⬇️⬇️⬇️

Yes, like this ⬇️⬇️⬇️

So there we have it! I'm pushing the "Last chance to reserve a copy" thang on my social media platforms until March 1st, and then the drop-shipping list is being locked up tight and the general public will get to fight over the 50 or so backstock copies I'll be ordering to my home in Toronto and putting up on my site in April :) .




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