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For those of you not on my general mailing list [I mean, hey, you get all the news first here anyways, so, you're not missing anything ;) ], here is the 62-page "Germany Story", as promised. If this is news to you, this document contains the collected 'Stories From the Road' emails that I sent out to a subsection of that mailing list during my trip to Germany for Das Supertalent in August 2020.

I kept it journal-style with the relevant dates and the original structure that the emails were sent in. It's not a polished piece of work; I'm quite certain there are typos and run-on sentences and general grammatical tragedies within. It is simply a gathering-together of what was essentially an experiment in long-form live-tweeting something (I actually CUT OUT 20 pages of prep/rehearsal material from this document because I thought it was a bit much...).

Even though it's not properly polished/edited/revised writing, it's been a wonderful tool to connect with new people from all the different platforms that I lurk on on the internet and start conversations about ignorance and thinly veiled bigotry with humans from Germany to Finland to Australia to South Africa. The response to this little experiment has also helped share the word about the SLOW CIRCUS: VACUUM project along with it! So that's a nice added bonus.

There's nothing in this document that's new / that you don't know about from the Overview-style posts that I shared with you all from the time that it happened, but nonetheless, you'll find the .pdf below if you'd like the melodrama of re-experiencing it in ''real-time".

Now that I think about it, I might not have mentioned the drunken German breaking into our hotel room the first night we got there ...  

Okay, maybe there's a COUPLE things that I didn't bother sharing here the first time around. ;)





Good grief! What a nightmare. And the judges... ugh. I'm so sorry that happened to you!