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Good morning everyone! It’s 4:55am where I am, and I just wrapped on another long chilly night shoot BUT — I wanted to share this little teaser with you because THINGS ARE HAPPENING on the book front!

I picked up my special, extra-fast early shipment of 200 of the limited edition hardcover Slow Circus: Barbette books a couple days ago from my printer. I’ve been marshalling my shipping materials in my spare, zombified waking moments to get ready to prepare these shipments to go out to pre-order supporters.

(That’s a lot of you guys! I want pre-order supporters to have it as SOON as possible!)

(If it’s *not* you [if you weren’t part of the pre-order, I mean] and you have FOMO, there’s more books coming, don’t worry! The rest of them will arrive in May, hitting mailboxes in June).

To keep your eyes and brains busy and fizzy with excitement while I slowly into swing into action with my living room shipping department, I cut together this teaser of my first look at the proof copy of the book that arrived in February —

YES, February—! We were mid-Tournelle du Soleil and I didn’t want to interrupt the ~flow~ of things, so I’ve been saving this 😉

On Friday, I’ve got a full cheeky sneak-peek at the book’s interior (a flip-through!) for your eyes — stayed tuned for that!

Time to haul my exhausted carcass into bed and try to sleep for a few hours.

More from me soon —

XO s.




Kerensa Woodring

WOOT WOOT! If you’re happy with it, we are gonna love it! 😊😉