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The duo continued deeper into the woods in pursuit of their quarry. What was unbeknownst to Kurdan it seemed Hark'zin had other plans on what exactly was being hunted....The young orc smirked as he slipped out of his trousers, the clothing crumpling into the forest floor. Hark'zin idly stroked his already hard length, always enjoying the sensation of that first touch of his finger tips in his flesh.

"Boy, you smell that?" Kurdan turned to look at the younger orc and did something he had not done in years. He blushed. Hark'zin had a grin across his face as he tauntingly wagged his cock at the older orc. Kurdan felt his own pants tighten as his own green monster stirred.  "Seems this hunter walked right into a trap..." Hark'zin let out a laugh as he walked over to the orc  had idolized since he was just a babe. Kurdan had helped teach the boy about hunting alongside Zor. The trio spent many an hour teaching Hark how to Fletcher an arrow, find flint and tinder, skin game and how to generally survive in the wilderness. He had a crush on the green orc for years and now he finally had him alone. Now he was going to show his elder orc that he was worthy of Kurdan's affection.


English translation by "Makn'i & Zor"




Omg yrsssssss I love it mmmm


Omg I hope not I'm doing Norti things over these pics hahahah


There needs to be cinematics for this!!!!!!!


Where is the video? If u are done working on it and it a 5$ pledge work there where is the 5$ pledge contents?!


Hello. This picture is not a video. Making a video takes time because I do not just make a cyclic animation of 10 seconds. I work on several videos and they will come out once ready. Moreover the videos already produced are available for each patreons in 1080p, and those in development will be available but once finished. There will be months with videos and months without videos, Everything will depend on their state of advancement. If you think that it does not have to happen like this, it is that the details of every tiers patreon I create ($ 1 / $ 3 / $ 5 / $ 8) are not well explained. I am therefore open to criticism if it is justified and constructive. Thank you.