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Hark'zin was not officially a man just yet. No, the young man still had to prove him strength and skill the same as his fathers and grandfathers before him had done so: through the hunt.

Family was not allowed to participate with this coming of age ceremony, so Mak'ni had to find help from somewhere else. Hark'zin questioned why his fathers best friend Zor did not lead him during this crucial time. It wasn't like they were related...

Mak'ni and Zor had entrusted this task to one of their closest friends and confidants...and occasional lover, Kurdan. His skin was green and he might of had a little chub but to the couple he was not only beautiful but well skilled in the art of the hunt. After some "negotiations" Kurdan accepted his charge. The three spent the evening together to catch up and reminisce. And maybe enjoy the comforts only orc men could bring.

In the morning Kurdan managed to crawl out from the dog pile of limbs and orc flesh and checked in on his young ward. The parents of the boy had a reason to be a sleep. Why such a young energetic paragon of the orc race was snoring away while the sun was up perplexed Kurdan. "What a lazy piglet...cute though. Got Zor's face..."

It didn't take much time for the pair to catch up on the trail of their quarry. It was large and left such easy to read tracks that a child could follow it. Regardless of this Hark'Zin was beyond excited. He was finally going to become a man in the eyes of his father and Zor. An equal. All that adrenaline and testosterone coursing through the young orc's body seemed to cause his own malehood to thicken with blood and want as it strained Hark'zin's pants. Kurdan couldn't help but blush as he wondered what else the boy had inherited from those randy orcs they had left back at camp.

Kurdan smacks his face to regain some composure. Whatever they were out stalking might be a bumbling behemoth but it was also a wild animal... or worse. 


English translation by "Makn'i and Zor".




Omg yesssssss


Ohhhhhhhhhhhh can't wait