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As most of you know, we just launched a Kickstarter for our "Epic Play" playmat (with amazing artwork by Jesper Esjing). We're super happy with how the image turned out. If you haven't seen it yet, please click the link and watch the video for a more in-depth look.

As with our merchandise in the past, patrons who qualify will be eligible to receive this playmat for free! We will be tallying that list of names and contacting those people before the Kickstarter ends but after patreon process payments in early September. That way, if you're not qualified, you will have the opportunity to still order the playmat through the Kickstarter, if you so choose.

If you have any questions please reply to this post and we'll do our best to answer them.


Jimmy & Josh

Edit: Oh yes, and the Patron playmats will be the signed version  :-)


"Epic Play" - LIMITED Edition Game Knights Playmat

Jimmy Wong and Josh Lee Kwai is raising funds for "Epic Play" - LIMITED Edition Game Knights Playmat on Kickstarter! "Epic Play" is a limited edition playmat from the popular Game Knights series with art by Jesper Ejsing. Only available until Sep 27th!



What happens if already pledged? Because I REAAALLY wanted that playmat 😂


How do we know if we qualify? Because if I don't, I'd like to buy one. Thanks guys!


I was wondering the exact same. Would love to get an answer for this


Think I ll back it anyway and if two turn up sweet 😁


Will us uk Patreons need to ping you for extra for the shipping?


How do we know if we qualify for this? I’m not sure if I’m gonna be short one. Also, will these be signed like in the past for us? Thanks!


How can we know if we are in this list? For Patreons in France or other country how this work ?


Patrons will need to provide for their own shipping according to where they live, yes. But no need to ping us, we'll be reaching out once the Kickstarter has ended. -JLK


Just to be clear (and I hope I'm not just reiterating the exact same questions already being asked) do you need to have pledged 80 dollars (I think that's the amount) at the $10 tier, or is it if you've pledged 80 dollars at any tier since the last time there was merch? Also, does it need to be consecutive pledges? Because I had to cancel my pledge for a few months earlier this year and I don't know if that affects anything. Thanks for clearing it up for those of us who are uncertain, btw.


(Goes through previous payments to see if I qualify) For those of us overseas (greetings from New Zealand) Whats the process sorting out shipping?


Patrons will need to provide for their own shipping according to where they live. This will be sorted out when we contact you after the Kickstarter has ended. -JLK


supporting the BEST podcast EVER 😁😁😁😁


How will I know if I qualified?

Keith Rupp

Pretty sure I'm qualified but I always like to check. ;)


Looking forward to receiving my first Merchandise 😄


I just checked my payments and I'm at $83, I imagine that would qualify. I know you all are super busy but I would think that patron members would like to know before the kickstarter ends so that they can grab a playmat if they don't already qualify. I can't wait to get this! This would get me one more step closer to getting all my favorite content creators playmats. I have Command Quarters and Jumbo Commander atm. I need a Tolarian Acadamy and this one.


It would be good to know who's eligible before the kickstarter expires, right?


Yeah sorry - bad wording in the original post. I just amended it. We'll be tallying the list of qualified patrons BEFORE the campaign ends (but after payments process on Sept 1) so people will have the opportunity to still order one through Kickstarter if they don't qualify. -JLK


We'll be tallying the list of qualified patrons and letting people know BEFORE the campaign ends (but after patreon payments process on Sept 1) so people will have the opportunity to still order through Kickstarter if they don't qualify. -JLK


We'll be tallying the list of qualified patrons and letting people know BEFORE the campaign ends (but after patreon payments process on Sept 1) so people will have the opportunity to still order through Kickstarter if they don't qualify. -JLK


We'll be tallying the list of qualified patrons and letting people know BEFORE the campaign ends (but after patreon payments process on Sept 1) so people will have the opportunity to still order through Kickstarter if they don't qualify. And yes - the patron version will be signed -) -JLK


Gave an extra $5 for a signed mat. Well worth it!


Will I qualify? How do I check?


Do you ship to Germany?


Yes. Patrons will need to provide for their own shipping according to where they live though. This will be sorted out when we contact you after we've tallied who is qualified. -JLK


DM us after the September patreon payment has been processed and we'll be able to check at that point. -JLK


What if you missed like a for a month, like the you didn’t pay on the first of the month but like latter in the week when you get paid and Patreon goes through is that gonna affect the qualifications?


I saw at the top of the kickstarter it said #blacklivesmatter. is this kickstarter supporting y'all or the black lives movement or both?


Have you contacted folks who qualify yet? I haven’t been contacted, but I’ve qualified to get past kickstarters so I’m not sure if I missed something?


Just checked and the kickstarter has 5 days to go. I think I would qualify but haven't been contacted yet. I don't want to miss this but also don't need 2 of the same playmat.


Address Needed: DONE!


Hey Command Zone, I joined this on kickstarter and never received my play mat. Is there any reason for this?