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Hello Patrons!

If you have submitted (or are planning to submit) an audition for Game Knights please read the following:

1) Reminder: the deadline to submit is almost here. You must have your video to us by 12pm PST on Sunday, March 31st .

2) We have received hundreds of audition videos so it will take us some amount of time to go through them all. Right now, we don’t have an official date for when we’ll be able to announce the winner but I would estimate that it will be sometime in early May. As we get closer to narrowing it down, we will let you know.

3) Because the audition videos are being submitted via YouTube, we will be using an app to download them directly, which will make it easier for us to organize and handle on our end. This process often means that the view count on the video will not reflect that we have seen it. Basically, last time some of you accused us of not having watched your audition because the view count was still at zero. We promise this is not the case. We will watch them all. We just directly download them using the URL so that’s why the views don’t change.

Ok that’s it. I’ll try to answer any further questions you have in the comments but remember to check https://collected.company/audition/ first because it will have most of the information you need.

Good luck to all!




Would it make it easier for us to give you a dropbox link to the video file as opposed to YT?


Excited! I’ve been working on mine for awhile!


No. Any deviations from the posted instructions (<a href="https://collected.company/audition/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://collected.company/audition/</a> ) simply makes our life harder and may disqualify you.


are we allowed to use any background music if credit is given?


You can do what you want. But I warn that anything other than just you talking to the camera (including adding music) will lessen your chances of being chosen rather than improve it. -JLK


Will you guys be doing this again?


I will be having my first child in a month... So I won't be able to be involved in this contest this year... Will you guys be doing another go around of this? That last go with Jacob was amazing :D


Wasn't a Patron at the time of the first one so I'm hoping I get lucky this time!


I can't 100% guarantee it because we don't have official plans yet, but I would say there's a very good chance. -JLK


this time i not going to participate, but if you doing this again i really want to do it.


Are we allowed to audition more than once? I have a couple decks in mind that I feel would be fun and friendly.


What is a "Patreon Username ID"? Is that my name in Patreon? My Patreon web address?


It’s just the name that shows up when you post etc (yours is “Michael Musto”).


Nope. Just one audition is necessary. Remember, the deck you talk about doesn’t matter. Talking about it is just a way for us to judge who will be the right fit for the show as far as camera presence, etc. -JLK


I’m so excited to try! Even if I’m not selected, I became a patron because I love the show and love what you guys bring to the Commander Community.


Same! Hope I get picked or I hope they keep doing guest auditions! Either way happy to support!


Darn, my laziness cost me everything, EVERYTHING I SAY. Good luck to all entrants; I'll catch the (possible) next one.


Is there any confirmation for you guys receiving the audition?


We’re receiving hundreds of submissions so we won’t be able to respond to each one. As long as you followed the instructions, I promise we will watch and consider your audition. Good luck! -JLK


I'm really hoping I at least warrant a spot in your guys head. I think I was really nervous and I don't think I conveyed how I 100% am when playing commander. But Good luck to everyone because we are an amazing community and I know we are going to have another great Guest video coming out of this!


I was going to do the audition video today, but I had forgot that the deadline was yesterday. I was busy and had no time to do it. I will try next time when I have time.