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An update video just for Patrons!

We're talking about our awesome new series of tokens and how they relate to merchandise rewards through patreon.

We're also giving out all the information on the next round of Game Knights auditions. Find out how you can be a guest on the show!

And finally, we're discussing an exciting job opportunity here at The Command Zone channel. If you have motion graphics and/or video editing experience and dream of making Magic content for a living, stay tuned to the very end of the video!


For further information - please follow the links below:

Order a set of exclusive GAME KNIGHTS THEMED TOKENS (Available for a limited time):




Want to JOIN THE COMMAND ZONE TEAM? Find out more here:




Patreon Update Video l Game Knights Auditions & Merchandise Rewards l March 2019

An update video just for Patrons! We're talking about our awesome new series of tokens and how they relate to merchandise rewards through patreon. We're also giving out all the information on the next round of Game Knights auditions. Find out how you can be a guest on the show! And finally, we're discussing an exciting job opportunity here at The Command Zone channel. If you have motion graphics and/or video editing experience and dream of making Magic content for a living, stay tuned to the very end of the video! ---------- Order a set of exclusive GAME KNIGHTS THEMED TOKENS (Available for a limited time): https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1171224254/game-knights-limited-edition-tokens GAME KNIGHTS AUDITION INFORMATION: collected.company/audition Want to JOIN THE COMMAND ZONE TEAM? Find out more here: https://collected.company/apply/ ----------


David Phillips

When will the deadline be for entry


Only links I see are the one for the tokens and the job


I didn’t expect I had to type it out somewhere I thought it would be clickable


It's clickable in the show notes right above the comments here. I just clicked it. -JLK


I didn't find the information, how shall the entry be provided? On ie. google drive as a video file, or on youtube as private link?


Another backer from accross the pond ;) #foil


Apologies - we've now added this info to the audition page. It reads: Post your audition video to YouTube (it can be set to public or unlisted) and then email us the link plus your legal name, Patreon username ID, age, and where you’re from to commandzonecast@gmail.com with the subject heading “GUEST AUDITION FOR GAME KNIGHTS”


wish i could enter #toyoung


I’m totally Auditioning! ^_^


Im excited to audition :)


Well that took forever but I'm sending my audition now! Hope you like Walls!


Jimmy & Josh; just so I understand right, you'll post about which patrons are eligible for the tokens based on how much they have contributed to the patreon? Will it be like some of the other merchandise releases where there's a chance to make extra contributions if you are close to the required level? Love the merch, thanks for all the work on it.


We'll be tallying where the Patrons are at at the beginning of April. So, if you're worried you're gonna be under the required amount (which is $80 contributed since the last time you received merch) then you can up it for the remainder of this month to cross the threshold. -JLK


Just sent my audition and I am so excited to just even be considered. I love your show and your podcast so much!


Jimmy is the man I would love to meet I hope my audition is good enough


Jimmy/Josh, sorry if this seems broken record. In response to your reply a few comments up. I'm a new diamond patron(like a week in) so I would need to purchase a set correct it's not part of the rewards teir this new in?


Yes most likely. The requirement to receive free merchandise currently is that you need to have contributed $80 to our Patreon since the last time you received free merch. Meaning, if you just joined, you just need to be at $80 total. But, having just joined, you're probably not going to hit that number in time (We'll be tallying the patrons at the beginning of April when Patreon charges all the accounts for the previous month) so if you want the tokens you'll need to order them through the kickstarter. I hope that all made sense...If not, I'm always happy to clarify. Best -JLK


Thanks for the update video!


Also where do we get the conformation for the merch? Although I will also be purchasing some merch regardless ;P


Is there an age limit of who is allowed to be in a Game Knights episode?


Yes. You must be 18 years of age or older to be eligible. You can find all the details about the the audition here: collected.company/audition


Looking at your lifetime contribution, you will definitely be receiving a foil set of the tokens for free as a patreon reward. Thanks for all of your support! -JLK


sent my audition, pretty excited!


Cant wait to send in my audition! Goodluck to everyone


I am under 18. Is there any way I can still enter? Is it for a legal reason?


Regarding merch, does one need to accept something, or do we get an email, how does the whole process of getting the stuff work with conformation, shipping etc.


Good luck everyone


We'll be walking everyone through it when the time comes (which won't be until early April).


Hello Josh Lee Kwai. In one Game Nights episode Jimmy said you never double sleeve your decks. I wonder, have you ever damage your cards by shuffling, or single sleeve is enough to protect it ? And do not consider accidents like if some card fall into hot sauce =) , just damages form shuffling. Love your content cant wait for next Game night episode


Hello how will I know if my game knights audition was received


Is there any way to tell how much I've pledged since the last playmat? I'm not sure what the start date for what counts for the tokens would be. If I'm looking at it right and its from last August onward, I think I'm short around $30 ish from the needed amount.


Can I audition if my mom comes with me, since I am under 18?


Matt, you're good. I'm showing your lifetime contribution is very high. You will get a free set of the foil tokens. Thanks for being such a staunch Command Zone supporter. You rock! -JLK


Hi Andrew - Unfortunately, we cannot make the auditions available to those under the age of 18 for a number of reasons that are mostly legal in nature. It's not our choice. It's just the way that giveaways and such work within the constraints of the law in the US. -JLK


We are receiving so many auditions that we will not be able to respond to each one. As long as you followed the instructions on the audition webpage, then it will have been received. -JLK


Sending in my audition now!


My hope is that if I just keep auditioning, I'll eventually get picked. Maybe try to figure out how to spice up the videos as I go. Here's hoping!


Video sent today! Thanks for doing this again!


Of course my internet was slow when uploading the video. Hope the email wasn't delayed. Good luck to everyone!


So if I'm not mistaken if youre eligible for the new tokens you didn't have to do anything to recieve them?


How do I know whether I was eligible or not? Did I miss an update regarding this, or was there an update for only the patrons that eligible? I feel like there should've been something, as the campaign ended over a month ago..