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Show Notes:

We’ve all been there. It’s crucial point in the game, and you’re faced with a critical decision. You have numerous cards you could play, multiple threats you could target, and different opponents you could attack. You weigh your options and make a play.

And it turns out to be wrong. It costs you the game.

Today, we’re talking about the biggest gameplay mistakes that players make. And how you can avoid them.


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What we talked about on THE END STEP:

Apex Legends:




Biggest Gameplay Mistakes (That Cost You Wins) l The Command Zone #257 l Magic: the Gathering EDH

Want to AUDITION TO BE A GUEST ON GAME KNIGHTS? Find out more info by joining our patreon: http://www.patreon.com/CommandZone ---------- Show Notes: We’ve all been there. It’s crucial point in the game, and you’re faced with a critical decision. You have numerous cards you could play, multiple threats you could target, and different opponents you could attack. You weigh your options and make a play. And it turns out to be wrong. It costs you the game. Today, we’re talking about the biggest gameplay mistakes that players make. And how you can avoid them. --------- Order a set of exclusive GAME KNIGHTS THEMED TOKENS (Available for a limited time): https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1171224254/game-knights-limited-edition-tokens ---------- The Command Zone podcast is brought to you by Card Kingdom! Make sure to use our affiliate link the next time you purchase Magic cards or products: http://www.cardkingdom.com/commandzone Huge thanks to UltraPro (http://www.ultrapro.com - @UltraProIntl) for sponsoring this episode and providing awesome prizes for our giveaways! Find UltraPro on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/UltraProInternational/ Purchase a Game Knights t-shirt (available for a limited time): http://bit.ly/GKShirt ---------- What we talked about on THE END STEP: Apex Legends: https://www.ea.com/games/apex-legends ---------- Follow us on Twitter! @commandcast @JoshLeeKwai @jfwong Email us: commandzonecast@gmail.com ---------- Huge thanks to Geoffrey Palmer for providing some of his amazing Living Cards animations for our videos. Follow him here: https://twitter.com/livingcardsmtg https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIuqWt79_d0hUK-dRhzFtAQ Check out our sister podcast - The Masters of Modern: http://collected.company/category/the-masters-of-modern/ Commander/EDH Official Rules, Banlist, Forums, and more: http://mtgcommander.net/rules.php



What a callback (intentional or no). You guys sang the same song you used the last time on "Top 10 Biggest Mistakes Commander Players Make" Which is funny because you also talk about the last time there was a guest appearance on that podcast too ':D.


Hi everyone, Do you know how I can get the code to unlock the Lifelinker app? Thanks.


GPLA? how did I miss this


One thing I know that I'm guilty of is improper sequencing. Most of the time, I think I have an idea of how I should play my cards and in what order, but it always seems as if I miss a key point, also I tend to rush as well, which may contribute to playing cards out of sequence. Another aspect of gameplay is that I have to improve my threat assessment, in the sense that I focus on the immediate threat and not on the long game. I believe either Jimmy or Josh mentioned that, sometimes you can ignore or allow certain things to slide such in the planar bridge/ Hydra scenario. Good episode.


Tokens look awesome. Speaking of signing....I just got my Game Knights mat signed by most of you at MagicFest LA. SOOOOOO cool to meet everyone -- Ash, Cassius, Kyle, DJ, The Professor. But I didn't get DJ to sign because I didn't have my mat with me. And he's the one who loves the bling so much! Ouch. Next time!!! Thanks to the rest of you. Made my son and I VERY happy as we're big fans.


You can follow this link to find out how to access all of your patreon rewards: <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/command-zone-7412301">https://www.patreon.com/posts/command-zone-7412301</a>


Actually a really great apisode, thank you i really notice i do at least the 75% of all the thigns say in the episode, thats really help me, thank you so much for that amazing episode