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It hadn't technically been part of the agreement, but when he strode up to her, all she did was watch him through veiled eyes. Her mouth seemed just a tad bit more eager around one of the bar's customers, and she raised her chin to look at him more intensively - an invitation as clear as any, as far as he was concerned. He would very much have liked to call it a manner of extended partnership, but the moment he entered her he realized that it would be a brief business indeed. A few minutes later, at best, he came to a sudden halt, cursing as he was unable to stop the first few jets of seed from spurting inside of the woman, but managing to pull out for the rest - eventually wiping his swollen, steadily softening member against her shapely inner thigh.

"Pleasure..." He managed to grunt out, and from the look on her face, it had been mutual. Taking up his old seat, he set to watching another patron take his place while giving his beer one, final swig, draining what remained with ease.

"Aaaa- Aaaah fuuuuck..."

Seed gushed from the head of another member she was tending to, spilling over one of her breasts as she deftly milked out what remained. The patron in question shivered, and almost seemed happy to get away from her eager hand once she finally let go - another brave soul immediately taking his place, the woman's fingers digging into the flesh of another thick log soon enough.

He watched the whole thing unfold, and shrugged his shoulders to rid himself of his inner discomfort, eyes glued to the man who had taken his place. Another minute passed before his eyebrows shot up in surprise - the man had clearly made no attempt at pulling out in time, opting to instead push himself down to the root, delivering his seed as deep as could be, seemingly all on purpose. He regained control of his facial muscles and raised his gaze, watching how the sheer amount of customers flocking the woman watched her in turn, utterly enthralled by her form, and after some mental arithmetic, allowed himself to relax somewhat.

After all, with all these morons around, he was unlikely to be the "lucky" one. It was simple math, at the end of the day.


Aftermath for the latest Bayonetta piece! Thanks everyone for voting, and keep your eyes peeled for the next Scenario poll, coming the 11:th this month :)

Character nominations are open still for that poll. If you're curious about model availability, look no further than this handy document that I've made:

Thank you, as always, for your continued support and for all of your kind words. The cold is once more subsiding here, though we're looking at a properly chilly February again. I'm still not used to winter lasting during the actual winter months up here - back when I was young we could have "proper" snow as early as November, so it's kind of strange having joined the international host of people talking about a "white christmas" where the snow gets to stay. Have to roll with the punches at the end of the day - hope you're doing well out there folks, all things considered.

Take care of yourselves, and each other!
