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He bit down on it, noting the slight chime that came with the act, and to his surprise found the metal entirely bereft of taste. Raising it to eye-level, he gave it another meticulous look, as if staring at it a fifth time would make it spill whatever secrets it had withheld on earlier attempts. The metal remained silent, and he sighed, committing it to his chest pocket before fixing his gaze on the woman before him.

"Yeah, we've got the arms you need, and those with the skills to make more, but all you've brought us are these strange trinkets, lady."

"I would recommend giving those trinkets to someone with the proper know-how."

"All well and good, but we don't deal in obscure metals here, we deal in cash."

A silence fell over the crammed room, the bustling of the bar outside seeping through the door like a distant reminder of the world around them, Bayonetta shifting her weight from one long, shapely leg onto the other.

"That metal is harder than steel."

"And nothing is harder than hard cash, lady."

Again, silence. He sighed, shaking his head - it wasn't the first time someone had come into his bar, looking for similar favours, but she certainly stood out. If anything because she was, what? 8 feet tall? Absolutely ridiculous.

"So we're at an impasse."

He noted the tone in her voice, aloof, seemingly without a care in the world. Conversely, he knew there wasn't anywhere else for her to turn - he'd made sure he was the only one in the business.

"Tell you what..." He murmured, drawing on his cigar with practiced ease, before fixing her shapely form with a gaze.

"We've got some antsy patrons in the bar, come by every night. You provide them with some entertainment, thereby giving my guards some semblance of peace, and I'll be sure to get this stuff to my best smithy for appraisal."

He patted his chest pocket, so as to emphasize, as her gaze met his, and he felt his other hand subconsciously go towards his holster when she, suddenly, let out a low giggle.

"Looking forward to our partnership." She all but moaned, rising almost ceremoniously from the chair before walking off with exaggerated swagger - or as much as the low roof would permit her to. The bar's sounds invaded the room briefly, and then the door shut behind her.

... perhaps he should follow, just to make sure she behaves.

It would be the right thing to do.


Angle 1:

Angle 2:

Angle 3:

Angle 4:

Angle 5:

Angle 6:

Angle 7:

Angle 8:

EDIT (sound, small file size, sony vegas edited)
Compilation (compilation of all EDIT angles into one video file)
RAW (no sound, large file size, raw blender render)


Bayonetta stands as the victor of the first loop of 2024, brought to you all by the alley crew vote. The model is generally a good one, though the pose offered some challenges, so I'm still kind of happy with how it turned out. Been a while since we had a bar stool setup as well as a slightly darker scene, so hope you enjoy it folks :)

Thank you, as always, for your continued support and for all of your kind words! Animations and wallpapers both are now in 1440p, which means a slight increase in file size, but I hope it's manageable for folks and that the increase in resolution does add something to your enjoyment. The cold has struck pretty hard here recently and parts of the country are really struggling to handle it - hope you're doing alright there folks, all things considered.

Take care of yourselves, and each other!




You know, that's just the way King DH does things around here. On that note: a bj? On a stool, godly posed no less...Bayo-fucking-netta? Typical King DH at it once again, take my like you magnificent content creator...as I will begin to thoroughly conduct my research.

Luke the Goon

Nice! Love seeing Bayonetta! Hopefully we’ll be seeing more of her soon!

The Ageless Ascetic

Another BJ scene? Oh what a sweet monday it isssss :o