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"Everything alright, coach?"

"No need to get out of the showers... look, I know you girls are crowd pleasers, but we've got goblins and the likes on the loose in the backstage corridors, so keep this door shut."

"Please, coach, we've got standards."

"Honoka's standards are very hard."

"Very good Honoka. I'll leave you ladies to your usual shenanigans."

"Very hard."

"... right, I'll come back when we've deemed that it's clear of rabid fans out here."

The door closed and locked with an audible click, and the girls all let out a collective breath. Honoka allowed a singular moan to roll over her lips, which their hidden friends took as a sign that noise was allowed again - resulting in the showers immediately being overtaken by a cacophony of pleasure. Men of various races spilled from the confines of the three shower booths like they were clown cars, almost tripping over each other in their eagerness to line up, once more.

It's be a while yet before someone made the rounds back over to the changing rooms.


It was time for some of the DoA ladies who don't get much spotlight to, well, get some spotlight. Took a good long while to pose this, and the GPU was really stretched to its limit, but somehow it pushed on through. Blender 4.0 seems to have put some work towards optimization, so render times are a little slimmer than usual, which is always welcome for those in my line of work. Hope you enjoy it folks :)

Thank you, as always, for your continued support and for all of your kind words. Snow is coming down hard over here, finally winning the fight against a stubborn ground, so it's a great excuse to sit inside with something hot to drink while working away at this stuff. Hope you're doing well out there folks.

Take care of yourselves, and each other!




This wallpaper proves, once and for all, that life can be good sometimes ^_^ Thank you, DH !