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Miranda, to be perfectly honest, enjoyed every aspect of her love life. Being free of any reins and with the funding of Cerberus at her back, she'd been allowed to live out her dreams to such an extent that anyone else, with an even slightly lower sex drive, would have been satisfied long ago. For Miranda though, the pleasure was not purely physical in nature - the woes of her father, her distant tyrant, was ever present in her mind, at every turn. The act itself, having a vorcha, batarian or any other given alien between her shapely thighs, was exhilarating enough, not to mention the risk of pregnancy from the act's finality - an inevitability, where ample seed shooting inside her was a rule rather than an exception, if anything owing to her refusal to use protection, but mostly because, for all their bravado about painting her face, the aliens had an incredibly weak pullout game when the decision finally needed to be made.

Incidentally, what Miranda had found particular pleasure in over the years was the loaded, pregnant if you will, feeling of anticipation, prior to the act itself. It mattered not if it was her apartment, a hotel room, their own house (as their spouse was away), or the alley outside some store or bar. The air itself was like electricity, her biotic senses reaching out and noting the tiniest shift, those awaiting her words of enthusiastic consent existing as a form of background radiation - her sultry walk allowing her to wade through the waves of their barely suppressed urges.

"Hello boys."

With her perfect shapes slowly revealed through the unraveling of her clothes, her spine arching and her shapely bottom settling after a jiggle, she'd get into whatever favorable position there was, her visitors' numbers considered. Then, as she set to pleasing whatever alien lowlife she had invited that night, Miranda smiled - knowing that, for all her father's investment and work, this was, truly, the only fruits of his labor. His perfect daughter, serving the community with an eagerness that easily put Asari dancers to shame.

Just as he had haunted her life, she would also haunt his.

Putting all this on the extranet, if anything, made sure his colleagues wouldn't let him live it down.


Wednesday wallpaper! Getting back into the swing of things naturally requires some Miranda as well, even if I am still careful with her content. Hope you enjoy! Considering a public variant of this one at a lower resolution and watermarked since I am pretty happy with how it turned out :)

As always, thank you so much for your continued support, and for all of your kind words! Having worked on this since I got home from my night shift, I shall now crash immediately into bed. Make sure you get ample of sleep folks - deprivation is seriously bad for your health.

Take care of yourselves, and each other!




I love Miri! Out of curiosity who is Miranda's spouse? From what I see she is in bed with a Vorcha right? The idea of her getting pregnant by an alien scum drives me crazy with excitement😍


omg that's fabulous


Me too. It would be nice to be a cuck of a girl like her. I would choose Ashley Williams for that.

Jessie Rasbitch

Yes! We need armies of perfect human women turned into alien and husk breeders ❤️


I am yet to settle on a spousal relation for Miranda in my little writings, but yes, that is a vorcha in the image. Liara, I believe, is the only one where I've written references to a husband of sorts, and that one's fluctuated between being the old train dude human and the shadow broker yahg :)


I would like Miri's boyfriend to be a disgusting Vorcha. She likes dirty

Jessie Rasbitch

Oh yes please, filthy vorcha that shares her with his friends and loves doing dirty things with her ;)