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For a top-secret, military grade vessel, the Normandy suffered surprisingly frequent incursions from various pests. Whether it was scale-itch, vorcha sneaking aboard the shuttles, or the regular old flu, there was almost always something for the ship's crew to deal with that distracted them from their everyday duties. With the Reaper threat dealt with however, those remnant forces, direly in need of rehabilitation into ordinary society, became another aspect to consider. Husks in particular had a peculiar ability to suddenly pop out of ventilation shafts, with little warning, and in their now very human-driven if instinctual endeavors, distract the female crew to such degrees that the Alliance had issued high-powered tasers as standard equipment on all ships.

A fine enough plan in theory, but for it to work in practice, the women would also have to willingly pull the trigger on their eager, and very much sought-after lovers. With the way the Reapers had chosen to equip the Husks, making them rival Krogan in their capacity for love-making, the tasers had really only gotten to prove their capacity in gathering dust.

As such, when Shepard finally made her way back to her cabin, after getting her fill, she only vaguely remembered Liara rushing off, announcing over the coms that she would "secure the area" in question.

The sight that greeted her was, on the whole, fully to be expected.


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Monday Loop! Slowly getting back into the swing of animating things, and of course had to make things difficult for myself with an unconventional pose. I think it turned out pretty well though, so hope you enjoy it :)

As always, thank you so much for your continued support, and for all of your kind words! With what appears to be a small, residual cold hovering over my shoulder from my earlier ordeal, I should none the less be in a state where I can perform adequately after work, meaning regular scheduling should resume from today onward. Hope you're faring well, all things considered, and that we might just see the sun peek out amidst, what is meant to be, the first month of spring :)

Take care of yourselves, and each other!




Good position!


Liara looks lovely as ever <3


The teaser pic you posted in the last progress report made me hopeful that this'd feature Miranda or Femshep. :(


Femshep has a Scenario coming up featuring her. It'll replace one of the Monday Loops in the coming weeks.


The teaser pic with the Final Fantasy project and Jessie's fat fucking ass is what I'm looking most forward to.


Brilliant. This is exactly the sort of quality content that I pledged for. Keep up the great work! :)