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Hello everyone and welcome to a brief update on my well-being or rather lack thereof. Remember when I mentioned in that progress report that I'd possibly be taking a week off sometime in March owing to exhaustion?

Early this morning I woke up from a coughing fit, with a sore throat and a fever, and as the day went on I didn't improve to a point where I could animate effectively. So, I figured that now if anything is a time to rest properly for a bit.

I'll be taking the first week of March off in order to recuperate from my illness and perhaps get a bit of a battery recharge while I'm at it, hoping particularly to be able to do the latter as work has been so brutal as of late. Regular updates will resume from the 8:th and forward, so I apologize in advance for the slight radio silence that will follow in the coming week, but I have realized that I direly need this in order to be able to continue doing what I'm doing here.

Thank you for understanding, for your kindness, and for supporting me and my work. I hope you're doing well in the tumultuous world out there - I'll be sure to check in daily on my discord and private messages, whether here or on twitter, so if there's anything you're wondering I should be able to respond fairly quickly.

I really doubt this is Covid, more striking me as a regular, if heavy cold, though if it drags on I will of course get tested.

Until next time, take care of yourselves, and each other!



You deserve time off so much. The amount of content you crank out on a weekly basis is bonkers. Enjoy it!

hans erhard

Get well soon! Did you ever think about taking Vitamin D as a suplement ? I did not have a cold since 2 years, its insane. The less direct sun you get the more important it is. I testet my Vitamin D score at my local doctor and it was way to low.


Take it easy !


No harm no foul! Considering how dedicated you are to this craft, you deserve as much rest as you want.


Have a good break, get yourself some well-deserved rest!


Have a restful break!

Elmer Fudd

Get well soon! Hope it is just a regular bug! Don't sweat the break, you have a great track record of updating regularly and deserve it!


Rest well man


Rest well, man!


Rest dude. Your health should always be a priority.


you are right, rest and come back stronger thank you for the news