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12 tranquilizer darts.

Finally, he had slowly fallen into slumber.

Finally, it was her turn to have some fun.


Quick wallpaper before I head out to work! Sheva's model here is great, but it is ridiculously demanding on the rig, meaning she's lagging down entire sessions and thus turn them into something of a pain to work with, which is why she hasn't really made an appearance until now. Still, hope you like her :)

As always, thank you for your continued support, and for all of your kind words, especially in these tough times! I hope you're holding up well out there, and that the winter will bring new tidings for all of us, no matter where we live.

Take care of yourselves, and each other!




Dominant Sheva! I like the idea


Always wondered why there wasn't any Sheva. But that explains it. Thank you for this amazing piece. Still hoping to see more of her and also in animations.

hans erhard

I would still like a scene with her to spice the Modell selection up. she looks very high res.