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"Honoka likes the new studio, though it's a little drafty."

"Honoka, we're outdoors."

"The film crew is saving money."

"There aren't even any cameras here."

"Warmup is important for the main scene."

Tina suppressed a moan, giving the nearby onlookers a short look and, in spite of herself, a coy smile, before she turned back to her companion. There were some big fellas in line, that was for sure.

"We've been warming up for two nights, now."

"Honoka knows."

"This is less a film shoot and more like... we're just whoring out in some alley."

The monster behind Honoka suddenly reared up, body convulsing as he let out a hoarse, almost eerie whisper of satisfaction, with the woman reacting appropriately to her reward. She whimpered out her approval into the air, hands balling into fists on the ground below with her humongous bosom heaving, shivers making her breath hitch as the creature kept up his delivery.

"Honok-" Tina opened her mouth in a bid to catch her companion in some post-climax clarity, but instead saw the monster pull out before, like it was a routine matter, bumping fists with the next one in queue, who proceed to toss a few dollar bills into a nearby bin before taking his place behind Honoka. Within seconds, the old rut had returned, and Honoka's eyes trailed toward the open sky once more, jaw slacking.

"Honoka, they're even paying-"

Her voice cut off as a sudden surge of seed hit her insides, Tina moaning eagerly into the night as she felt herself filled to the very brim within seconds. Clawed hands gave her rump a rough, eager squeeze as she felt her buttocks pancake against the monster's toned stomach, pleasure running through her very core, pushing her over the edge. She let out a few shaky breaths, mentally berating herself for enjoying the situation in question, but had to admit that she was simply unwilling to get up and walk away.

"Honoka knows..."

There was a heat to her companion's voice this time, and she realized that, in due time, if she but allowed herself, she would also find that fire.

So she stayed. Despite the draftiness.


I have no idea whether Honoka and Tina have interacted much in the games since I haven't played a DoA in many, many years, but this is my headcanon of their relation in my silly universe. Hope you enjoy it folks :)

Thank you, as always, for your continued support and for all of your kind words. My cold has largely withdrawn at this juncture, where I am holding on to hope that I'll be able to return to the gym in the next week or so and won't immediately face my nemesis there again. Regardless, next up is the delayed Lulu loop which I hope to have sorted this week, but might have to push into the next, dependent on time and so on. It will be done though, mark my words.

Hope you're doing alright out there folks, and take care of yourselves, and each other!




Insanely hot ! Very great job ! <3