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"Wake me. When you need me."

While the ship had an ample power supply, the routing of it towards defensive hardpoints was entirely cut off, never mind the engines, leaving the ship to drift in space with its precious cargo very much open to intruders.

Cortana, thankfully, was very resourceful. Projecting a physical body was only part of what she'd learned in a bid to stem off boredom and the threat of going a little crazy from the isolation, and while she had to admit she'd perhaps gone a little overboard with her.... proportions, she'd none the less looked forward to Chief's reaction once it was finally time for him to awaken.

Thanks to a steady stream of covenant survey and scouting ships though, that would be quite a while yet. If anything, they served as a benchmark for what she hoped to accomplish down the line with the Spartan himself, though Cortana had to admit that they were very much sufficient in their ability to distract from her everyday existence on the ship.

After all, what was another year or two in space, if there was so much to still experience?


Angle 1:

Angle 2:

Angle 3:

Angle 4:

Angle 5:

Angle 6:

Angle 7:

Angle 8:

EDIT (sound, small file size, sony vegas edited)
Compilation (compilation of all EDIT angles into one video file)
RAW (no sound, large files size, raw render)


Cortana gets an introduction thanks to the Less Popular Ladies vote over on the Discord tiers. Re-uploaded as Sony Vegas had, for some mysterious reason, decided to delete the entire plap and squish audio tracks prior to rendering, and I was too stressed to catch that when double-checking the files. Vegas no doubt decided that it was simply too lewd and had to be toned down a bit. Truly prudish times we live in.

Thank you, as always, for your continued support and for all of your kind words. Lulu's loop will be resolved either this or next week, probably over the course of both, as I now rush off to scramble to clean up my apartment after both me and my wife having been sick for a good week and the plumber showing up sometime this week, starting tomorrow, in a bid to finally bless us with hot water again. Hope you're doing well out there folks, and that Monday has treated you as kindly as it can.

Take care of yourselves, and each other!




Thx for the quick fix and for the amazing work! Hope this won’t be the last we see of her !


Great work ! Thank you ! <3