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I've debated the options and finally settled on 3 possibilities. I'm willing to go with any of the 3, and I value your feedback. So.. Pick one!

First option is to have several customization options for the MC, but those customizations will not appear in scenes. It would take way too long to render all of the possible combinations for every single scene. With this option, you can expect to see things like hair color, hair style, skin, etc. in terms of customization. Those customizations would only show up in the MC's picture that is shown during conversation. Scenes and some other images would not have said customizations. They would use the default MC with red hair.

Second option is to only have a few hair styles for customization. All scenes and images involving the MC would be rendered again with the various hair styles. This would take the longest amount of time to add to the game. Updates with new hair options would be slow and far in between. The hairs themselves would also be color locked. For example, there might be a blonde ponytail hair option. That ponytail would only be available in blonde. It would take far too long otherwise, or there would only be 1 hair style with a few color options. Last thing to note is that I won't add very many. Maybe a maximum of 5 including the default red hair.

Third option is to scrap the character customization completely, aside from outfits. There's not much else to explain about this one aside from the fact that GnB would be completed much sooner. That would mean SC's development would resume much sooner as well.

Since I originally intended to include character customization, and maybe that's why some of you are still following the game, I don't want to just jump to a decision without your input. Like I mentioned, I'm willing to do any of the 3 options. I think I have given fair compromise for all 3. It's just not logical in any way to try and have tons of customizations and then re-render every single image and animation again with every single combination of customizations. Maybe in future games that will become more of a possibility, but not for now. Sorry if that disappoints you. GnB does have to come to an end some time before the next millennium. ;)

I'm opening this poll for everyone. I wouldn't normally do this. Instead I prefer locking the polls to Patrons only. This time, however, I want as much feedback as possible. I also want to give both former Patrons and long time followers the option to vote this time around. These are my reasons for opening this poll to everyone.

I'll let this run for a few months while I finish up the romance character quests and cyborg scenes.


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