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Image Compression

You might have noticed that v0.10.1 is around half the file size of v0.10. With so many variant scenes and such, the quantity of images grows quite a lot every version. I looked into various compression options to help lower the file size. I settled on an image compression option that keeps the quality of the images as close to the original as possible. You probably can't tell the difference in the compressed and uncompressed images. I couldn't without extremely zooming in. This also helps with the Newgrounds upload limit, so I'll be able to keep uploading there every 2 versions or so as per usual.

I'll be using this compression process for future images. I still have all of the uncompressed images. If there's any interest in an uncompressed version, let me know. Otherwise, the compressed version is going to become the main version. Last thing to note is that the game can be compressed even further, but I won't be doing that as the quality loss would become too noticeable.

Missions Update

As for v0.11, you can expect to see the addition of missions. These are randomized tasks with various ways to complete them. The rewards are things you would normally get from other areas of the game like player exp. I want there to be an alternate option to things like combat for those that don't care for those things. Starting a mission then failing it will be similar to skipping class, so those events never become locked out.

Missions will be available once you reach General Magic level 4. Your first trip to the GM classroom after level 4 will give you an introduction to missions. Aside from the other rewards, you will be able to get magic class exp for all of the school based magic types. This will be the only way to go from level 4 to 5. I'll try to add as many of the level 5 spells as I can in v0.11. Also, I haven't forgotten summoning. Expect to see more summons soon. (Just not v0.11 soon.)


I don't have any plans to add new scenes in v0.11. Instead, I'm trying to get the pregnant variants rendered for the remaining scenes that are missing them.

New PC news is only a small update. I have ordered some things, but it will likely be upwards of 2 months before game development speed improves. This is due to it being a huge pain to find a GPU at the moment.


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