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This month's update is focused mainly on scenes and classrooms. The golem BJ renders are done. The minotaur BJ images are being rendered right now. I'll be working on the Vivi BJ scene next. After that should be the glory hole BJ. I'm not sure if I'll have enough time to get to the vaginal scenes. The update after this one will be adding pregnancy, so I don't see it as a huge issue if I have to put those on hold for one more update. I aim for quality over quantity anyways.

You might notice that the BJ scenes all end with the same images. I decided that this was the best way to handle the cumshot pictures. I'm already doing 15 renders per image, 1 per hair style/color combo. Making the last few images of the after-cumshot usable for all scenes really cuts down on render time. I plan to use this method for future scenes as well. Just to clarify: every scene will be unique with no silhouettes or reused poses, etc. It's just the end bit after the cumshot where you see your MC's face/ass/etc, where ever the cum ended up. The image with this post is an example of one of the final images you can see after a BJ scene.

As for the classrooms, I'm going to stop them at level 4 for this update. Level 5 has been the planned cap. That won't change. I just want to be able to spend a little more time for level 4-5. I'll come back to it in a future update and make the final level something more interesting than a copy/paste of the lower levels. Right now elemental, illusion, and dark classes are complete, including dark's new teacher that I have plans for. (Can see a preview image of her on discord.) The designs for the other 3 teachers are planned. I just need to prepare and render them.

Summoning is the only class that probably won't see any new levels this update. I want to add two more summons at one of the higher levels and they are not ready yet. One will be a mage and the other a healer. They will get the same level of interactions as the current summons so I plan to add them in a future update where I can add everything at once. (Plus, the current summons are still missing some interactions.)

I'm going to upload a new version shortly that will simply have a bug-fix NPC. It will fix the looping detention bug caused by the ruins if you happened to save after the bug occurred. If your save is screwed up because of this, the NPC will be by the front door to the campus. If you didn't encounter the bug, don't use this NPC. It could end up causing issues. (In fact, don't even bother downloading if you didn't encounter the bug.)

Sorry for posting a novel for you to read. I'm not very good at keeping things short. You might have noticed by now. Anyways, I hope everyone enjoys the holidays. Thanks for reading and your support!



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