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Just wanted to do something silly as a little break. What not to love about Vaders new little apprentices, right? :D

I'm a huge Star Wars fan ever since I was a little kid, and while I don't appreciate the direction Disney has taken the franchise, I still love what came before. So, I wish everyone a happy 4th of May. 

May you be a fan of the old, the new, or both. The force will be with us... always!



Brett downs

Those two would make great sith


May the fourth be with you Sitri!!!!


I am a dark Lord of the Sith, my name is Darth Ziegenbart! (because I am wearing a Goatee beard) and the force is strong in us all. Come and join the dark side, we clearly have the best cookies and Girls ;)


I'm not a big fan of Star Wars but this work definitely made me happy) It looks so cute. These two beauties makes a wonderful tandem


Oh, thank you for your amazing art and I wish you a happy May 4th as well)I love Star Wars, so let's celebrate this day in honor of Star Wars!