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Mothers Day comic voting!

  • 1. 271
  • 2. 400
  • 2023-04-30
  • —2023-05-09
  • 671 votes
{'title': 'Mothers Day comic voting!', 'choices': [{'text': '1.', 'votes': 271}, {'text': '2.', 'votes': 400}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 5, 9, 21, 33, 28, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 4, 30, 23, 32, 28, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 671}


Hey guys!

The poll to decide the Mothers Day comic for May has ended with 725 votes in total. I want to thank for everyones participation and it was so nice to see such a big interest. But sadly the result were... well, let's say inconclusive.

The amount of votes the two most liked ideas got was so equal that even today there was a time where it was 30% 30% it's crazy. I don't think such an outcome ever happened before on my Patreon.

But I don't feel comfortable to decide by myself which to choose, so the best possible option is to do a second turn, to keep everything fair.

This voting will be active for a single week till next Sunday midnight. So I want to ask everyone to vote a second time, if possible. And this will be final.

Thank you.

1. Boyfriend buys girlfriend lingerie from Sitri's  store not realizing it was a magical set of maternity lingerie. The bra  causes massive boob  growth and lactation, the panties cause child  bearing hips, big butt, and max fertility. The subsequent intercourse  causes her to be  pregnant.

2. A young nerdy librarian girl is bored with her job  on mothers day. A (Gyaru) ish Bimbo approach the librarian and asks if  the library has a  copy of the “Kama Sutra”. The two talk for a bit,  bimbo decides to pass  on her gift and make a “new daughter”. Bimbo  kisses the librarian the  transformation begins. The librarian turny  into a Bimbo, the Bimbo to Bimbo MILF. The new mother and daughter go  out for mother’s day….



It’s still so close… lmao


I guess I'll choose the 2nd. To be honest, I'm surprised these were the final 2...


perhaps the voting tally should remain blind to us, meaning we don't see the percentages so people actually vote for what they like and not "what is winning" because even though that one will win if it wasn't also one they liked then did that individual really vote?


or at least vote what they wanted

Petr Pražák

I think both should be done as both are awesome. Lets do the winner now for mothers day and the second one as a next mid-sized comic.


It might not be the one they like the most, but the point is that they like it more than the other one that is winning. If they vote for the one they like second-least for this reason, and its competitor was the one they liked least of all, then yes I would still call that a meaningful vote. If a person doesn't like that, then they always have the option of not voting at all, which will have the same result as if they'd voted for their actual favorite (which is too far behind to win). If they can see the votes, then they at least have the *option* of voting for their preferred one of the actual contenders.

John Doe 777

Wow, already 500 votes I wonder if it is gonna get more votes than the original voting because there is less options.


I agree with you. They were not my first picks either, but people seems to like these the most.


I think this was one of the reasons why my other Game Night voting had such a low interest. People could not see the results immediately. At least that's what I think.


It would be not a bad idea to be honest. But i'm just afraid that I would shelf the other one indefinitely due to my tight schedule. So I rather not promise something that I can't make in a reasonable time.


Bummer… loved the first 1