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Trick or Treat guys!

I know it's a bit early for some places around the world, but I want to wish everyone a Happy Halloween, or at least for those who celebrate it. Sadly my country is not one of those, but I always loved the spooky nature of this holiday, all those amazing scary movies and cartoons... SIGH! It brings back some fond memories... 

Anyways, I hope everyone will have a good time with family or friends, or just have a relaxing night with a few good movies to enjoy, I sure will, once i'm finished with the next comic update which will be uploaded late night tomorrow. I'm not sure I have everything ready as I wanted for Carnival of Nightmares, thanks to that delay earlier this month, but if not, then I will continue it early next month until it's finished.

So please stay tuned for tomorrow and don't... DON'T even try to think about not giving candy for trick or treaters because who knows... maybe I will will be one of those demons in front of your door :D  




Well, thanks for having the spirit of the tradition anyway. I would love to have one of your demons or witches visit my house. Happy Halloween!

Cole jones

Great to have a love for Halloween I also have fond memories for a bunch of Halloween specials especially Halloween episodes from cartoons I grew up watching good times good times hope you have a happy Halloween too even if they don't celebrate it where you are I hope you are able to have your own little Halloween.

tryhardheavy YouTube 209 club

Fun fact In the Middle Ages, poor people in Ireland and Britain would go “souling" on Hallowmas (November 1). “Souling" consisted of going door to door asking for food in return for saying prayers for the dead on All Souls Day (November 2).


I'll be waiting for your amazing work... but i'm still not giving my candy away XD



Cole jones

Are you referencing the dead meat YouTube channel or that Halloween Micheal Mieres movie?


Oh neither I was just trying to be cheery and friendly lol.

Cole jones

Oh ok sorry I heard this same thing in those two forms of media so I was wondering. Also in case your curious the dead meat channel does horror movie kill counts and that trick or treat line was said in the kill count for the movie trick or treat.


The same to you my Friend to all of your Supporters of course too. Have an amazing Halloween N8 tonight.

Mr. Phoenyxx

Happy Halloween, good buddy! :)


can’t wait

Ovidius Naso

I am very sorry to hear that your country does not celebrate Halloween, as it is my favorite holiday of the year. I hope you had an enjoyable one nonetheless!


Yeah, it's just a different cultural thing, and I mostly worked, but I squeezed in two horror movies to relax :)