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*For those who only read the attached pages and not the PDF there were missing pages. But now it's corrected, sorry for the mistake.

Hey guys!

Sorry for my silence, but you know how I am when I really get into work. And I really needed to do some serious catch up after that technical issue delay. I cost me a few days but I finally managed to finish the first half of this new short comic.

I may have once again dragged out the opening a bit too much, but hopefully you will like what you see for now. The other half will be most likely finished next month, since now i'm switching to the next update for Carnival of Nightmares. And I really hope to make some serious progress. I might go silent again to finish a larger update before the end of the month, or I have several shorter ones. It's still up for debate.

But enough of me. I really hope you will enjoy what I have ready for now.

This comic was based on the story and ideas of Grant Nordin Thank you so much for your constant support and patience. I really hope you will be pleased with what I have ready for now. 




Da da da Dum, Muuahahahahha... next part could go so many ways. Thank you.


That to be continued always stabs me right in the heart!


"Caveat Emptor", Buyer Beware. This guy's definitely going to get more than he bargained for with this trade. Great to see you back again.


I loved that! Can’t wait to see more!

ben dover

I really like the world building


okay I've noticed this in multiple comics its spelled loser. Looser is when something is less tight


Great start, rooting for our good guy to get a good end here

craig macmillan

Are the page numbers wrong? page 45 goes naturally story-wise to page 51 but 46-50 are missing


Wow, you're right. There was something wrong with the picture upload last night. I will correct it. But the PDF was correct if you want to read that in the meantime.


Thank you for mentioning this. English is not my first language and such things can occur. I will correct it :)


Yes, I agree. But sadly it would take too long to finish such a lenghty and detailed work with one go. And I just don't like it when I can't upload anything for too long.


Thank you. It would gave been ready at least five days earlier if that error did not happen. But in the end i'm pleased with the end result.


Much appreciated. I was worried that people won't like these longer intros.


Those little imp brats..messing with mortal lifes and cause a lot of paperworks for her mighty mother. But in the end some mortal lifes got changed and that is the most important thing...I really like those brats as I like their mum.


Thank a lot for liking them. It's fun to do comics with the little monsters :D


This looks like a promising start to the story! Looking forward to where this goes, and to the next chapter of Carnival! Keep up the great work! :)


I always hate your initial intros Sitri. And to be clear its not because they are bad but because you stop right before anything happens damn it lol. I hate cliff hangers and you bastard made one again lol.


Agree, waiting a month for a post and it's an intro is a huge tease


Glad your problem is solved and can't wait to see the rest of this. So many ways it could go so far.


Sorry to hear it. I thought people might like a little longer world building, but maybe I will go back to some shorter and simpler comics as well. These usually take twice as long to make then the older shorter format.


I was mostly teasing you Sitri so I hope you don't mistaken it for me being genuinely pissed or anything. Overall I really do like an in depth story and build up. Once the project is finished I'll definitely enjoy the premise and the interaction of the characters before the main event; however, from a viewer standpoint its very much a tease to have just the intro thus far lol. I say that to give you a better picture of our mind set or at the very least my mind set. I know the good stuff is coming and depending on how the story pans out I might enjoy it quite a lot so the anticipation when a new post comes out alone is enough to get me excited about it. So when nothing actually happens YET I get disappointed because I'll have to wait. But to be clear this is a temporary disappointment because I'll get to enjoy the finished project from you soon enough. Having only intro or mini interludes like the board game series that you have going currently is like your gf giving you a bj and then before you even get warmed up she stops. But once we get the full product eventually its a completely different story and I'm glad the intro was there or the story in and of itself. TLDR I was throwing a mini tantrum because I was looking forward to new content and it was just the intro. P.s. I would say if you do shorter intros it would entirely depend on the premise. Projects like U.S.A. with the two Asian sisters literally wrote itself but this premise I would agree needs some story before. P.s.s. I really like you involving the demon daughters and mother so please don't feel like you shouldn't involve them because I like them. Maybe not for every story but if they make sense and don't feel like a plug then by all means.


Don't get me wrong, I love the world building. It adds a layer of depth that similar artists fail to create. I do however wish you'd withhold posting a new story until both the introduction and first tf segment is in place. Might be longer between uploads but that's preferable to me. Mostly here for the tf aspects anyways. Waiting a tad longer isn't an issue for me, sometimes feels like a filler episode when theres no tf in a post. Hehe