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Hey guys!

I would like to start this post with a quick reminder to my ongoing poll regarding the possible changes in the monthly payment system. I really appreciate all the feedback and everyone taking the time to vote on their preferred option. But with 370 votes at the moment, it's far from being representative if I think on all the other patrons. So maybe they didn't read it or they just don't mind at all if I make any changes. At any rate, I can't be sure. So I would like to ask everyone again to voice their opinion if possible, so I can make a more objective decision at the middle of the month. Thank you.

Now to this months content predictions.

First of all I want to announce a new short comic that's being in work for the past days. It's coming along nicely and I think I will have somewhere half of it ready this weekend or early next week. 

I say only half because it's once again October, so Halloween is on the corner. With that I want to resume last years Halloween comic, the Carnival of Nightmares. I wish now I had gone with the original shorter comic idea I had in mind, because this comic is in production hell since the beginning. I really want to make some serious progress on this month, meaning to finish the first girls TF and possibly get to the second girl. Maybe even end it if I continue it in November, but that's still just a maybe at the moment.

Anyways, that's it for this little update. I really hope everyone will be excited for what's coming up this month. Thank you for reading it to the end, and please stay tuned.



I think that the new billing system is a Win/Win for Supporter and Creator. The new supporters have more handling options and could plan their pledge - while on the other side the problem with the old double booking is solved (when it counts what Patreon said), while it stay as usual for ongoing supporters. We as Creators on the other hand can see exactly how the support is coming and mark it in our books, what gives planing security. Many new supporters i got canceld their support very fast, because they thought it would be a fraud when they got double charged. I on the other hand could nothing do, because the system runs automatic in the background. I truly hope that now, after I activated the new system this problem should be solved.

Bruce W. Liu

You can pick whichever option you want IMO. I think the new one is better for creators monetary security. But the old way is easier for myself to keep track of the billing.

Nandi Bear

Really it's all about that first double charge compaired to a single "payday", whilst some of us get payed monthly it doesn't seem to affect most people here so it boils down to between new patreons and knowing when you get the money.


Hi Sitri, excuse me, will you release something new this month of "Game Night"?


It would be great if I could, but I can't promise it. But i'm pretty sure I will wrap up round 4 in November.

Count Crusty

I look forward to whatever you have planned. I am curious what your policy is on commissions or ideas?


Sounds great! Thanks for letting us know the plan. Looking forward to seeing the results!


Is One Hell Of An Initiation Test on the radar? That is one of my favs and I am looking forward to the next chapter. :)


Thank, I hope it will be to your liking. About commissions. Well, I do them very rarely due to the lack of free time. I'm booked for a few at the moment and they accepted the fact that it could take me some time to get to it. But I just don't feel it right to take any more at the moment and make you wait for who knows how long.


Yes, it's still on the way, I just ran into some technical issues with the ending that needs to be dealt with first.


Thank you. Well, as far as I know you would not be affected if you don't end your support. For old backers the payment would remain at the same time as it is.


Yeah, i'm really leaning toward this new system myself. Thank you for your insight.


I have been waiting for the girl wearing black in Carnival of nightmares so I'm looking forward to it


I think after the current tf is done, the next one will be the blonde girl, and finally the asian one. But I will try not to drag it out too long.