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Your opinion!

  • I prefer the current monthly billing and I don't want any changes. 92
  • I would like the new Anniversary billing. 58
  • It doesn't really matter for me, both is fine by me. 286
  • 2022-09-30
  • 436 votes
{'title': 'Your opinion!', 'choices': [{'text': "I prefer the current monthly billing and I don't want any changes.", 'votes': 92}, {'text': 'I would like the new Anniversary billing.', 'votes': 58}, {'text': "It doesn't really matter for me, both is fine by me.", 'votes': 286}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2022, 9, 30, 18, 4, 54, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 436}


Hey guys!

Before I get to the poll part, I just want to take the chance to reassure everyone who asked me earlier that new comics are in the making. I don't think it will be possible to finish anything before the end of the month, but I will have two fun projects for October. One is a new short 10$ backer comic, and the other one will be the continuation of the Carnival of Nightmares comic.

Okay and now to my question to everyone, and please read this if possible.

A few days ago I received an email from the Patreon staff that there is a new option to change how the billing can be set by the creators.

This is the new Anniversary billing which means that you are billed each month on the date you joined. So if you joined on September 25, right before the end of the month, the next time you would be billed again is on October 25. So no matter when you joined, you get a full month for your money.     

The current method that you use and know is the monthly payment, which is as it says, you pay on the exact same time, at the beginning of the month, regardless when you joined.

Basically nothing will change for the current Patrons, the billing would remain on the beginning of the month just like how you got used to it. The changes will only affect new Patrons how I described above.

I'm really unsure what should I do. At one hand I want to keep things as they are, because it worked out acceptable. When it works, why change it, right? 

But on the other hand I have faced some inconveniences as well with people who sign up and read my comics, then disappear before payment, but thankfully this is just a minority. I know that sometimes I may not be as active or productive as some backers would expect it from me despite my best efforts. This new payment method might be able to close this loophole, but i'm not sure if it's worth it.

So I don't know. What do you think I should do?

Also here is the detailed post from Patreon if somebody wants to read it for themselves.   https://blog.patreon.com/introducing-a-new-patron-billing-option?utm_campaign=subscription-billing-NCUF&utm_content=blog-article&utm_source=iterable&utm_medium=email 



When I join up to Patreon pages I get a notice that I have to pay full price for a short month. I don't know if this would stop the Beboppers because many of them are probably using the get in and out before the charge goes through and will still do that. Some people treat these sites like streaming. Binge a month on everything offered and then come back six months later. Several others that I patron have gone to rotating passwords or two months access for new items and leaving older stuff in a gallery off site that they can lock when they want. Very few good options in this fast paced world.


I can see, for anyone paying in a currency that gets exchanged, that having it all at once might be better but you should do what's best for you, I think


Both options are going to have pros and cons. The pro to the option to pay at the start of the month is a means for your users to know when all of their subs come due. The catch is that this will psychologically limit your new subscribers based on the time of the month. I know this, because I've done the same. If it's halfway past the month, I will opt to wait until the start of the next month to pay. This will lead to either users forgetting or perhaps finding something better to spend their money on. Option two, paying on the anniversary date is beneficial for users in that they will get their whole month's worth of value. The down side, it can be easy for users to forget when their sub renews in case they want to cancel. Option 1 benefits the artist, option 2 benefits the user, but the overlap is limited.