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Hey guys!

Sorry it took me a little longer than anticipated, but I wanted to give this fun story a proper ending, which I really hope you will appreciate.

Oh boy... This project turned out much... MUCH longer than I originally wanted it to be, almost three times longer to be precise. But I have no regrets, I had a lot of fun working on this comic, and I hope you all had a fun time as well reading it, and following Hanna on her journey. But all things must come to an end eventually, so it's time for me as well to jump over for the next comic as well.

Thank you everyone, especially Jaunien for being patient waiting to be finished. Thank you again, and please stay tuned for what's coming up next.  




Just saw this for the first time. I love Hannah-Succubus and would love to see more. She's cute and sexy at the same time!


Thank you so much. I really liked to worked on this comic and Hanna's corruption. I might even get back to her someday :)

Bill Norris

Any chance on a second part down the road?

Marco Ferrari

beautiful story with fun ending! , I have a question, but what are your plans for carnival of nightmares ?


I really like your world building :)


Thanks a lot for liking it! About carnival of nightmares. I want to wrap it up in October if possible since it's been in work for almost a year now.


Oh yes. Beautiful! I like it very well.


Thank you so much for this story ^,^ It's sooo beautiful crafted and well told. Has to be one of my all time favoirtes! I'm looking forward seeing more of you!

Count Crusty

Loved this story. Not a lot of great succubus transformation stories out there.


Such a fun story!! Would love to see how she deals with it in the future at some point


I was kind of hoping she would residual turn the other girls into her super curvy thrills. Maybe even make her roommate a short stack so she feels more superior lol. I liked seeing her fully transformed, the side shots of the others having sex was good for the story but the girls were very unimpressive curves wise compared to her so it was more of "go back to the hott purple chick" lol.


This was a good story. Mistress Hanna is gorgeous.


Absolutly amazing....and that the changes are just temporaly. I wonder what will activate the magic of her left tattoo and turn her into the succubus again...


Thank you very much! Well, since she's not a natural born succubus, her control over these new abilities are more limited and it's working more like an instinct. That means it can be activated by all kinds of different stimulations, like fear, arusal or hunger. It's like a werewolf but it can happen randomly anywhere :D


This is a great story. I hope we see more of her succubus adventures in the future!


Awesome ! I really hope we’ll see more of her succubus adventures, there is so much potential with that !


Gonna chime in that I really wanted to see the other gremlin hottie get her sex act on. I really wanted to see her in the buff. Also, I was really hoping that the girl turned succubus became her pet, of sorts. Her mind corrupted and devout to serving her master while living her daily lives and doing, well, succubus things.


Thanks for liking most of it. I personally think it was a good ending with the new weresuccubus revelation.


the weresuccubus is an awesome thing/idea and I 100% support it don't get me wrong I just was hoping for more of her and less of the hypno flatties