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Hey guys!

So, first of all, this comic was not meant as an insult against coffee shop employees. I just had a really bad experience not so long ago when I went to such a place for the first time and I had zero clue what was what, and it didn't help that everything had a stupid name. There was this girl with that bored arrogant face telling me on this annoying voice that they were out of everything that I asked for. Then I just left the store.

Okay, now the bad news. As you probably noticed from the title, this was supposed to be my Valentine's day comic but is only the first half of it. Sadly I could not finish it in time, but I will have it ready for this weekend for sure. 

I know it's not much, but I really hope you will like what I have ready thus far, and it will make a good apetizer for the finished story for this weekend.




Awww, just when it got to the good part . . . CliffHanger


Revenge for everyone who doesn't get there coffee themed drink at "such a place". Sitri the social justice warrior.


Ugh! Freakin' Millenials. And why are they always worse in a coffee shop? I'm actually looking forward to seeing her attitude get adjusted.


Yeah, sorry. I believe it was better to cut here than in the middle of her TF.


You are a SJW for me. You are a hero. :3


so much tease sir


mega sad face lol

Bal tha mele

I can't wait to see more. Excellent work!


No offense intended, I was trying to make a joke.


Can't wait for part two! This was a very exciting teaser!


Oh, Becca. Poor, dumb, verbose Becca. Your mouth just bought you one *hell* of a time...


I'm sure someone will not need to buy milk never in her life


Why do your cliff hangers have to be so on point always!?!?

Mr. Phoenyxx

Bad coffee shop employees can be very frustrating!