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Hey guys!

Wow, I didn't realize that it was so long since the end of the second round, time really flies by fast. It was so good to work on this series again, and sorry for taking me this long to finish. It also became a bit longer than originally planned, and I begin to think that I lost the ability to make things shorter and more compact.

Anyways, I really hope you will like how Amanda's penalty turned out, if you can even call it a penalty. In my opinion it was a real improvement... hehe 

I hope everyone will have a good time reading it, 

Also, iI'm not sure when will be the next part out, but i'm certain it will be a double chapter and I planned something special. So please stay tuned.



Cory Hummel

I love it so far. Thank you for posting the update


Oke oke that explains that


I don't remember Amandas penalty. What was it?


Great work! Looking forward to see what Rachel lands on. Looks like no matter what, she won’t be acting the same after the next issue


I'm not sure. DILF is for man, right ?


Very good job. Great chapter :😎


Always excited for this can’t wait for next round!!


Hope for purple!!!


Great chapter. On the topic of releases getting longer I personally prefer longer chapters that give you time to balance the story with the transformations.


Another awesome chapter. Now, because of Rachel's situation, I'm even more invested in this story. Can't wait to see how it goes on from here. Hopefully, Amanda will start liking life in her daughter's body.


I hope soon someone land in joker square 😈👹👺


Loving the longer chapters. Would have liked to see her plump upper body as well.


Thank you for thinking this. The truth is, I don't mind longer updates either, it just extends work time significantly and does not leave much time for other projects to work on. And it just stretches the wait time for comics in progress. And I hate to let you guys wait.


Thanks a lot! Yeah, poor Rachel has some personal hardships to overcome, and this makes her decision more relatable. Also, if you noticed, the mother daughter duo already begin to show some signs of change. Maybe it's the hormones or the bodies deep slumbering inherited memories, but bit by bit they act more like their counterpart. And I doubt this process will stop :D


Yeah, it's really strange that nobody got on one since the beginning. But that's just how luck works I guess.


Thank you. Well, not much happened on the upper body since this was a lower body change. She just got a small belly with the extra weight she put on.


Quick question you said in the info that you're planning something special. Does ist relate to the remaining updates from The Game Night round 3 or another comic that will be released soon?


It's related to the The Game Night round 3. The next update will be a double chapter with some nice things that I planned.


Amazing chapter Sitri. Her transformation was excellent placed and shown.


Hell Yes


Amazing chapter I can't wait to see the next one! I would so much like to snap my fingers and have it now but we trust you make us love it!


I like it, I can't wait so see that thicc goth pussy though


Thank you. Maybe we'll see it in the next round if someone has such a penalty idea.

Cory Hummel

I'm excited for the next changes for Jessica and Rachel. I know they will be great.


They won't be that flashy, but I will try to bring the most out of them as possible ;)


new update?


Now that i'm done with the other comic I will start working on this one. It should be up before the end of the month.


Hi Sitri, excuse, Will we see something of this history this month ?


Yes, i'm currently working on it and it will be a big one. I'm definitely release the majority of it before the end of the month. But I might have to push a few pages back to early next month if I can't finish editing the whole thing in time. But it will only take a few days.


Thanks for answer me :)