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Hey guys!

I think I have some bad news for everyone who follows me on Deviantart. I just wanted to check on some messages and there was something odd when I logged in. I had a bunch of notifications and all of them came from DA admins. I know immediately it can't mean anyting good and I was right. It seems like my account was deactivated indefinitely.

Five years of work, over 1500 pictures uploaded... gone

The worst thing is that they refer to a bunch of policy violations that was not in the pictures, in fact almost all of them were censored by me. I didn't get even a warning to delete problematic pictures.

I have written a mail to them to reconsider their decision, because I did not have any issues with them in the past and at least they shouls suspend me. I'm not sure if I can achive anything with this. 

Did anybody have a similar experience with DA? Should I keep my hopes up to reconsider their decision?



I'd move to pixiv or somewhere similar in this case.


Why? I see no reason myself. I will continue to support you no matter what.


I wonder when I'll get it, or if I'm just small fry...

Jack the Monkey

Ummm... I don't know. But that scares me. I noticed that you're still visible on my watch list and your pictures are viewable for me (so if you don't have backups for some stuff, you might be able to still grab what's on there). But yes, your account and home page are deactivated. Oh, man. Is this a sign? I seemed to remember I was suspended once and I wrote them a letter and they brought it back. But they said it was a mistake. Looking at your pictures, I did find a couple that they might deem "infringement", but you generally seem pretty good with censoring. I hope they at least listen to you and let you take down what they have a problem with. I don't know about you, but I need DA to fuel my work and not having it would be a BIG issue financially. Ultimately though, I think I'll be looking for another place to socialize and post mature art. Just in case this is a pattern. Let me know if you find a place that's nice. Good luck! I'm around if you need any help.


Your site is still up. Could it be a scam?


My pictures are still up, but I lost all control over my account. I think you can't see the opening page to my account. It say deactivated account.


When I try to go to your DA homepage, it says "Deactivated Account", but if I click on links for individual pics in my browser history, that page comes right up. The pic is downloadable, and any old comments are still there, but new comments are "disabled". Do you think it would be any help if your fans contacted DA in support of you?


I have written to the admins to try to alleviate their decision. If they don't listen to my reasoning then I doubt they will listen to anybody else. But I really appreciate yor offer. If the worst happens I will need to restart my account from zero.


I was thinking about the same thing. But I would miss DA. Despite its flaws I really like the community.


I really hope that day never comes for you. But I might have screwed up when I uploaded my last full comic. I think I uploaded the uncensored version by accident. I really hope the admins have a little sanity and don't axe my account for a dumb mistake.

Jack the Monkey

Yeah, I saw that post when checking out your site just now. You've been good other than that. I hope they can see that. 😢


Hey, thank you for the kind words. I'm in the same boat as you, DA is very important to my work so I would rather not loose it. I might have screved up with my last comic upload. I think I uploaded the uncensored version by accident. Both versions vere next to each other and I might have picked the wrong one. I hope the admins listen to reason and only suspend my account. If not, I need to start from zero to build up another one.


Well, that really is BS from DA's side. I heard that they tend to do such things, but its the first time I actually see it. I am actually considering to move away from DA too. So, if you decite to move, let me know where to, I'll be there! :3


DA has been breathing down Heroforpain's neck the past few weeks too. He hasn't been too public about the details but he also got nuked from HF. IDK what's going on lately.


Well, I can say I've been a follower of your work for years now. I've always been happy just to wait for the public release though. I guess I just have further motivation to support in substantial way now.


Oh, man. I am so sorry to hear that. I've been a follower of yours for a long time now, and this isn't just heartbreaking, it's insulting. I mean, it's not like you had anything on there that was so offensive that they just wrest your account from you, and this has been happening to a lot of people lately. Well, if they won't treat you with any kind of decency, maybe you should move your work to a different site.

Bal tha mele

This is awful Sitri!!


I'm pretty sure amaz2k12 got banned for something similar a while back before he had retired because of his accident


Hey, thanks a lot for your support. I really hope I can convince DA admins to reconsider. But if that's not going to happen I probably restart a new account on DA. I just don't know other platforms with a similar reach and great community.


I would like to know as well. But most likely the spread of PC culture and deeming everything problematic. And what's problematic must be purged.


Thank you very much, your support means a lot. I hope I can convince DA to restore my account or at least mitigate the punisment. If not, I still plan to return to DA.


Thank you very much my friend. Yes you're right, it's heartbreaking that five years of hard work just gets destroyed. I also agree with you about leaving DA but I just couldn't find a similar site with as many great people like you.


Yes, he had a break because his accident and later because his career. But he's about to return with renewed energy.


hope it gets resolved soon

Mr. Phoenyxx

I haven't run into this with DA and I've never tried to contact their support. I hope you get this resolved.


That's rough - that is how I found you. Hopefully it gets resolved. Will you stick with DA after this? or have you looked at other places to use?


I only contacted their support once in my five years, but this time it takes too long to their response. I hope it means that they actually looking into my case.


Yes, I think most of my patrons found me there originally, that's why it would be such a big issue if they deleted it permanently. I most likely return to DA since I don't have a better alternative for my work, but i'm still looking into my options.