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Hey guys!

On this post you can add your ideas how Erika should be changed. When you write your ideas please take in account that this is to determine what position she should take. The changes will be much quicker and the series will end in about 5 rounds. You will have time till Wednesday afternoon to submit your ideas

So how will the changes go? You can play with her written stats as much as you want, like change her species to fantasy creatures if you want or give her some unnatural features. She could become almost everything if I have the right morphs to make it, if I don't I will tell you to change it to something else. She could end up as a thick cow girl serving milkshakes in the bar, or a French goblin maid cleaning the rooms in the theatres hotel. Maybe a little imp like Sitri serving drinks? A clown or an anime girl? A bimbo stripper with 4 breasts and a cat tail dancing on the VIP clubs stage, a shy fairy escort girl entertaining guests in the bar? Or she will be the next exotic masseur in the spa? Or she could be something ordianry, it will be all up to you to decide.

  • The first change could be species, race or gender if you want to change it at all.
  • The scond on could be a change to race or age or height.
  • The third change would affect her body type or breast and butt size, natural or artificial.
  • The fourh could be her mindset or hair color or style
  • And lastly maybe a change to the clothes

But this is just an example, the order of things can be different or multiple things can happen in one turn, like getting shorter thicker and hip/thigh expansion or her hair color, style and eye color changes. The only thing you should take in account that once some major stat was changed, there is no going back or changing it with a different one.

There are a few rules that everyone should follow when submitting ideas.

  • Don't ask for gore.  I really don't like to make them.
  • Underaged (The characters can get much younger, but then no mature content)
  • No racist jokes. But racial TF is still ok.
  • Please, no political or religious things. I know everybody has an opinion, but I don't want to hurt anybody.
  • No torture or rape, but a little humiliation is fine.
  • No violence towards the character (beat up the character for fun)
  • Please don't ask to kill the character.
  • Please no pregnancy this time, I don't think it would fit the story.
  • And most importantly. You can't undo someone elses previous changes.
  • Please, no novel sized transformation sequence.

This list might change in the future. And if you have any question before submitting your idea, please feel free to do so :)



Third times the charm. I think she should become a fairy.


Her clothing changes to a sexy farm girl outfit. Tiny denim shorts, cowboy boots, and a tied off plaid shirt.

A Big Guy

She becomes naturally curvier, getting larger breasts and a huge ass.


Her clothing changes to where she is wearing a push up bra, thong, stockings and high heels.


I think we should mess with her confidence a little. How about we make her into a naturally big breasted shy girl?


She should gain some kind of claws that end up ruining her guitar.


That idea would work well for this character since her new body would be in direct contrast to her personality.


Afroamerican race change she also changes the music she sings from rock to rap.


She goes from stick figure to all natural lovely big curves, big breasts and a decent butt but mostly in the breasts since she wants to be the "star" of the show she needs some assets to entice.

Grant Nordin

I think a race change to Japanese would be good cause I’d hopefully want her to end up as a J-pop girl.


So you mean a little plus size for her? Not fat, just a bit bigger than average?


The idea is not bad, but it would be a waste to spend the entite round on just a nail growth. Would you add anything else that would be in sinc with that?


So how much weight would she gain to become curvier? She would be a plus size? Or just average with a bigger chest and butt?


I thought it over for a moment about what could go along with that....How about her hair grows long and becomes like a porcupine's quills? Either her hair becomes like that or they also grow out along on her back as well.


How about changing her hair to long and red, then follow it up with a less punkish makeup style?


Oh, well sadly I don't know how could I achive what you described. Any other idea?


I can do that. Do you have a more slutty makeup in mind? Also, about her hair, I don't mind red, but the previous girl had also a change to red color.


I am going to get some hate for this how about turning her into a vampire kinda of like Marceline form adventure time ahe also plays a guitar😅


Oooo... I have a nice pale vampire skin that I never used before. And maybe black hair and red eyes?


Something bright and sparkly perhaps? And let's go with something just as bright for the hair: pink or purple or something out there.


Okay. So scratch the whole nails and hair thing. So...the first thing that popped into my mind after that is.....how about her arms and legs become freakishly long?


Not sure if I have such a makeup, but I will try to find one. The hair is not a problem :)


That's a bit weird, but I think it's possible if that's what you really want.


I'm just mentioning what I'm able to think for something unique. It's probably not going to get votes anyway. Hahaha

A Big Guy

Was thinking average or slightly above average weight along with the larger chest and butt


Thought - contract was for a new bouncer at the club, so she's going to become a big tall (maybe futa) Amazon. So maybe becomes a futa ... ummm bison girl? Bisons are *big*.... or Futa and more ... punkish? Tall Muscular Punkish bouncer amazon. not sure what the first change would be for that... *sweat drops*


Actually the contract was for another musician girl, but she stole the invitation from her. But so I understand you clearly. Only the tall muscular amazon. And no futa. Right?


Actually... yeah keep the Futa bit. Turn the wanna be rock star into a tall muscular amazon futa. My follow up ideas would have us turn her into the type of rockstar that drink, plays a show then has an orgy in her room. Just a complete hedonist that no one fucks with because she's a big tall aggressive amazon.


No not fat at all, I'm talking nice substantially bigger natural tits and a definite increase to the butt but no pudge, maybe some softness on the stomach and thicker thighs but in no way would she be fat.


Well okay, but it seems like that her outfit will be the first thing to change.